three questions
1) what do you guys think of the short quad rail gas block?
i am thinking about getting this as to mount a front iron sight. is it worth it if i would like the option to remove the front sight or if i want a back up iron sight should i just mount it on a quad rail?
2) what is the biggest difference between mid-length and tactical length if both still have the 16" barrel? i know it is the difference is the shorter gas return tube (technical term?), but what are the pro/con of each? easier to clean? only weight difference?
3) bud's is having a sale on s&w base rifle they manufacture all their parts to mil spec or do they have propriatary parts? the reason is that with the option i am looking at, it might be cheaper to get the above then start with RRAs or DPMSs equivilant. plus they are running a rebate.
anyone have problems or issues with the s&w's?
thanks guys(and gals).
(edited, spelling)
[This message has been edited by 35chililights (edited 6/23/2008 8:05a).]