Oh Lex, you are going to be so disappointed. ML posted that pic on AR15.com to say that he was discontinuing production of the zoom flippers because he was unaware that another company was manufacturing one very similar to it. Here is the post, it is about halfway down the page.
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=3&f=118&t=391925&page=22Post pics from your competition...
Horatius, the article specifically talked about dr optics above ACOGs. You have to completely break your cheek weld to get that high and in a combat situation expose your head that much more to the enemy. After re-reading my post above I should have said "cant mounted optics are better" according to the article.
[This message has been edited by Centerpole90 (edited 10/4/2008 10:08p).]