Let me explain further. My understanding, having heard from people who know, is that the 6.8, when originally designed, was specified as necessarily having m4 feed ramps due to the different angle and size of the round.
Even if the round feeds, it can hit so hard that it gets jammed back in its case, or otherwise deformed, and that is going to cause inaccuracy at best.
Sorry if I have been rude.
[note: I am not an expert. I apologize if I have been cross or curt in my replies]
It is my OPINION that you should get M4 feed ramps in your 6.8. Ideally the manufacturer put them in. Otherwise, cut them yourself, or get a gunsmith to cut them.
[This message has been edited by shiftyandquick (edited 4/21/2009 3:29p).]
[This message has been edited by shiftyandquick (edited 4/21/2009 3:30p).]