I used incorrect terminology. I am now able to assign the Afflictions. They are open to use but the game play didn't change, ie sucks behind.
Here is my take on this recent phenomena...
The scoring lag resulting from kills, hit markers, heal, capturing OBJ, et al is due to the code for the Afflictions. If anyone has read about this Afflictions BS, this code deducts from game play (minus points for this, minus points for that, etc). The game is based upon increases and Dice essentially coded their own worm that is affecting frame rates.
Few individuals are spared and many with higher end machines - PCs with better processors, PS4 Pros, and XB1 - are not effected as much due to ability to handle frame rate...distortion...
I read a LOT of gnashing and wailing on the intrawebs last night.
Until DICE fixes this offal idea, I am playing For Honor.