Ok. So, I caught a lot of flak yesterday for kinda dismissing Funk's castle as unbuildable (even though I think it looks badass) and suggesting a sky scraper instead. This idea was met with little to no enthusiasm due to love of the castle, so I accept defeat. However, I do still think that we would never manage to build the castle as is, so I have set about making a design that will incorporate the main features, yet still be reasonably possible to construct. Below you will see a picture of the first level foundation. It does not look like much, yet, but I promise you there is more to come. Let me know your initial thoughts.
(If anyone is interested, I am using a free program called TinkerCAD to make this. It comes as a web based interface or an app on Windows 10.)

You're definintely right. We'd need 30+ active members playing at least 3 nights a week to build the original design in a decent timeframe. I'd rather it not take as long to build as an actual house. I like the castle because the stone texture is the best looking in the game and it fits better with a castle design. Though a modern metal skyscraper would be pretty great too.
I really just took the front of that castle picture and copied it 4 times. I really doubt the actual castle is 4 sided like that. I like the idea of divide and conqor. Build one side in a reasonable amount of time and if we want to or get more members, expand later. As long as we build that possibility into the plans we can figure it out later. We may end up with a similar 4 sided base or something different, but at least we'll be in the new place soon.
The giant platform was one of the biggest problems because it would take so long, but I do think we need to keep a fraction of that in the design. Rather than use fence foundations for the outer wall, use ceilings and pillars. The walls can snap in place at the same level and when we do expand, we have something level to start with and can easily connect it to the first part of the build. I also like the idea of a 1 or 2 ceiling tile thick fence with walls on both sides and a ceiling/floor to walk on. Think Great Wall rather than suburb picket fence. We'd have the ability to run on top of the fence all the way around the base for Alpha farming and it would create a convienient corridor connecting the towers and different potential buildings around the base.