quote:Last time I was on, they were set to neutral - it's possible somebody changed them. We've also had a number of other members flying over our base with argents - it's possible one of them grabbed Jerry and dropped him in the ocean/killed him.quote:Were they set on passive?quote:A few days ago i ran into the base to a frenzy of 3 or 4 megalodons attacking our two (who were acting like nothing was happening). I tried to shot the attackers but couldn't even kill one before they devoured ours. Then had to log off cause txag2k was updating the sever.quote:I wondered the same thing. They have been gone a couple days. Funk and I were talking about it last night. We are also down a raptor.
Soooo anyone know what happened to our two megalodons and two of our ichthyosaurus?
Don't know about the ichtyosaurus.
I planned to finally get on last night after my long sabbatical, but the game spent so long updating I never made it on. Maybe this weekend.
On a lighter note - this happened last night