Also, I killed Rev... 
Wait, what? We need a story.
Well, the story isn't too exciting but I'll try to entertain...
I decided to go work on the F.O.O.D.D by building a walkway off our current ramp. I grabbed Rev and loaded her up with ceilings, walls and such. I started working on the walkway and had to be on the ground to place some pillars. I noticed a level 10 Alpha Raptor (yeah, you can see where this is going) just south of the ramp and getting a little too close for comfort. I figure "Hey, I've got Uber-Rev and that's just a lowly little alpha..."
I'll give you a moment to facepalm.
So I take Rev and start swooping attacks which are pretty much useless. Then I land on a nearby rock to start popping arrows into it. Well, the Clever Girl starts roaming around the rock and finds a low spot, I then get too close to the edge and drop down to a lower part of the rock within bite range of the red devil. What happens next is a bit of a blur. After what I assume was a scream like a 13 year old girl at a Justin Beiber concert exited my mouth, I ran for the swamp base. Rev was on follow mode and set to Neutral, so being the good little girl she follows me and starts attacking the raptor as well. I decide to run back toward Rev and try to mount her to fly to safety. In the ensuing blur of maroon feathers and red glowing death, I die.
After respawning at the swamp base (why does it take so long to wake up? And why do we keep looking at the fraking artifact in our arms???) I head back out to find Rev. I see the raging battle near the Cliffs of Insanity. I start whistling like a construction worker in the red light district hoping to get her passive and to follow me. It doesn't work, she's raptor food. After mourning for a couple of seconds it dawns on me that she was fully loaded with walls, pillars and ceilings and her backpack was being guarded by the alpha. I go back to base and grab Arthur (nope didn't learn my lesson) and fly back to the area. Thankfully the raptor is distracted by some other poor piece of raptor food and I'm able to land and slowly transfer 500 weight of materials over before being attacked again.
So, yeah... Don't attack alphas solo unless you can rain pointy death down upon them from atop the Cliffs of Insanity. And nothing has still gotten done on that stupid F.O.O.D.D.