Yes. That is what I'm saying.
Granted, I'm personally not in favor of this and wouldn't do it myself. I can separate the art from the artist with most things, and can both appreciate writing, characters, plot, etc, while still not appreciating a particular agenda. As I've mentioned before, everyone has their limit to what they are willing to put up with. I'm more willing to put up with things I disagree with if the overall show or movie is actually good.
This is why I let my Disney+ sub lapse and didn't renew it during She-Hulk, but have not even come close to even considering to do the same with HBO Max. Though, I do have to admit I did not appreciate reading the comments from the production crew talking about "tricking" the audience into watching it.
I think a point to bring up is there are definitely people who will inflate the rankings because of the message, just like there are those who will try to tank it. The hyperbole from some in the media claiming this was one of the best things to ever happen to TV (this being the last episode) are going to make up for the rating bombs. Now, one can argue to what extent that is.