ramblin_ag02 said:
Got a few ideas for ya Patrick
Your characters could travel the narrow, tree shrouded paths of the Weighting Forest of Aurlives to reach the mountains. From there they must traverse Deadlines Pass and then Expectations Descent. When they reach the city of Stillnothing they must head to the Writer's Block of the Arts District and finally stop at Patience's End.
At that point they'll stop questing altogther, spend all of their time at conventions, and complain about how they couldnt possibly quest while King Convenient Excuse is being a big meanie
I love the timeline of this thread :
"When's the new one out?!?!"
"F it, what are other good books?
"Rothfuss should just give up and let someone else write it. He's a jerk"
"Crap I thought this post was news on a new book"