lol **** you can have that for free lol
cadetjay02 said:
ABML is doing a reverse 15-1 split this morning. I'm pretty sure this scam might last forever, still holding my shares though just in case.
Um, no. Check your balance once it clears. You will be happy.wcb said:
Well crud. My balance went to 3x my original investment. I was about to cash out. I'm guessing price has been adjusted but shares have not.
Monday wins again.
FalseIslandAg76 said:
Didn't they do about a thousand to one or something like that, reverse split a year or so ago?
What am I missing? Price and shares both now adjusted and I'm back to my 82% loss position.HoustonAggie37713 said:Um, no. Check your balance once it clears. You will be happy.wcb said:
Well crud. My balance went to 3x my original investment. I was about to cash out. I'm guessing price has been adjusted but shares have not.
Monday wins again.
Seeing a gain of 3x my investment made me very happy.HoustonAggie37713 said:
You should have had gains over yesterday. That doesn't remake you happy?
cadetjay02 said:
What exactly is false, I've been in and still hold this stock for a long time and all of this is pretty accurate. They have produced nothing except press releases. I hope that changes sooner rather than later.
IslandAg76 said:
Well.......if Joe Biden says it's good.......