HoustonAggie37713 said:
bmks270 said:
HoustonAggie37713 said:
Tibbers said:
Very nice!
Yes. Fully ready commercial plant to start selling the product with the 1st (of many) recycling plants days away from completion. Revenue will start very soon.
They were supposed to be making 180 million by the end of 2022 or something? A year ago the plant was a year away.
They do seem to be actually hiring now, but the stock pushing on this forum is a pump and dump. The tech may be great but business isn't, they have a DOE grant. They don't have revenues and won't for years. This is more like an early stage VC backed company than one that should be public.
I refer you to my original post on the thread (where I was asked to comment) as well as the fact that all I've done is accumulate for 3 years now. I am literally doing the opposite of pump and dump. I told people do not chase if it runs up.
Do you ever participate in critical thinking? The stock ran up to nearly $5. If it was a pump and dump wouldn't you think people would have posted their realized gains? Yet not one person did. Interesting.
As far as your first point, yes, there have been construction delays due to covid and inflation. Kinda like everyone else.
I like how you dismiss $57.5 million in grants from the US government as trivial. Cute.
They will start making revenue this year, perhaps you haven't paid attention to the past 3 weeks of announcements.
I've been in for 3 years and I'm staying in.
I've worked for multiple start ups at various stages. Many burn money for YEARs while insinuating that revenue is just around the corner. Not that they are trying to mislead, but they do give best case scenario outlooks. Hardware development such as this always take longer as something causes delays in testing and learning, but investors don't want to hear those realities. My entire career has been in hardware R&D. I've worked on projects funded by the DOE as well. It doesn't mean revenue is close or that the technology is anywhere close to being commercially viable. And DOE projects can go on for years. I'd say a project like this takes 2-3 years minimum, and could easily take longer if it's truly novel. Scaling things like this isn't trivial.
The track record of the leadership team, and the changing of the company name multiple times over the years tells me the leadership has no real clue what they should be focusing on or what the market needs. They're just fishing for the latest buzzwords trying to find something that sticks. I've seen floundering companies follow this exact same playbook before. Their promises of building a plant in a year and projecting 180 million in revenue is extremely dubious and leaves me with doubts about their honesty.
If their technology was so good they wouldn't be a desperate penny stock with the only news being their own press releases. They'd be able to find a buyer to take the company private or to buy and license the IP to. Unless their IP isn't that locked down or unique and other companies are just developing their own. Patents may give them a lane to operate in, but it doesn't mean they are capable of executing on it nor does it mean it's the only route and will block competitors.
I would advise that investment be limited to an amount the investor is okay losing.
There are tons of red flags that you ignore with sunshine and rainbows which is why you're accused of being a dishonest stock pumper. Your takes lack honest insights or due diligence.
If they do prove they can scale their technology and their market hypothesis is correct, then great. But that's a long long way off.