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Alcoholics Anonymous

336,174 Views | 1259 Replies | Last: 13 days ago by P.U.T.U
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Thank you both.
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Been away from this thread for a bit. It's interesting that with my life now, I have no idea how I found the time that I dedicated to drinking, which believe me was substantial. I celebrated 8 years on January 24. It is truly a blessing and a miracle.

To Ag_Sgt: My personal experience was the first few days were a little tough. It was hard to sleep, and I had strange dreams, sweats and auditory hallucinations (which were bizarre). It was not fun. However, once my body got adjusted to not having alcohol, I now sleep better than I have ever slept in my life.

To AgLaw01: Every profession has it's social aspects, not just the law. Hell, I'm in sales, and there's a happy hour or "networking opportunity" nearly every night if I sought it out. I know many successful attorneys in the program. There is a passage that says "He couldn't imagine life with or without alcohol" and I identified 100% with that once my brain cleared and I understood it. Not sure east in East Dallas you are looking, but before all the Covid shutdowns, I attended a meeting at Lakewood United Methodist Church on Abrams. It just started back up in person meetings last week. It meets MWF at 7:30pm. I could probably arrange to meet you over there if you wanted.

To HouAg05: Some people already chimed in, but I will throw in my 2 cents. "Normal drinkers" don't have to even think about controlling drinking. This was very hard for me to accept, because I had always believed that because I had some success and wasn't living under a bridge with a brown paper bag, I was controlling it. And as someone else said, the only thing you can do is speak with your wife. I would hope she would welcome your efforts.

Good night all. Hope to make the Zoom meeting some and be around the thread a little more.
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Listen to this learned man, he knows of what he speaks.

Congrats on the 8 years, hope to see you Thursday.
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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Thank you. Have a meeting with someone to just focus on my drinking one on one to start this for real this Thursday. Life without alcohol doesn't sound like much fun to me right now but I am sure that view will change if I can get through this stage.
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So many things I associate being more enjoyable with alcohol. I have always been an anxious person so it calms me and I honestly am more enjoyable to be around until it goes to far. I often enjoy and play better golf with some beers, Mexican food with a beer I highly put together, socializing with friends, bowling, even listening to music and pushing my child with special needs on the swing for hours I associate with alcohol.
Working out is one of my only hobbies that I don't and I can't do that every single day. My body is getting older and needs more rest. Vent over
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HouAg05 said:

So many things I associate being more enjoyable with alcohol. I have always been an anxious person so it calms me and I honestly am more enjoyable to be around until it goes to far. I often enjoy and play better golf with some beers, Mexican food with a beer I highly put together, socializing with friends, bowling, even listening to music and pushing my child with special needs on the swing for hours I associate with alcohol.
Working out is one of my only hobbies that I don't and I can't do that every single day. My body is getting older and needs more rest. Vent over
Oh man do I know this feeling. For me it was boating, yard work, hanging out in a social environment. I was a home brewer, beer collector etc... It all revolved around alcohol.

One of the incredible things about sobriety for me was discovering that some of the things I thought I enjoyed I really didnt, I just enjoyed getting drunk. Some things I enjoyed while drinking I really enjoyed sober and realized that these were my passions, the things I wanted to work on carving out time to enjoy.

Also, regarding the anxiety. Totally relate. I have a different path than many other folks here. I did not use AA but I think AA is an incredible path to sobriety. I did a few years of work with a therapist that specialized in addiction and anxiety, focus on cognitive behavioral therapy and got down to the crux of my issues which really revolved around a lack of mature coping mechanisms and generally high anxiety. For me this was a game changer.

I always recommend AA as THE tried and true path. You can incorporate other methods of self healing / discovery like I did. If you are in the Dallas area I have a wonderful lady to recommend should you like to speak with her.

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Thanks Rick I really appreciate it. I don't like putting myself out here on a message board so will take a lot for me to work up to being that public in AA haha. I am in Houston but always up for good therapist recommendations.
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HouAg05 said:

Thanks Rick I really appreciate it. I don't like putting myself out here on a message board so will take a lot for me to work up to being that public in AA haha. I am in Houston but always up for good therapist recommendations.
I am in Houston / Clear Lake area as well. My therapist moved her practice up to Dallas unfortunately. I wish I could help ya out but she was the only person I worked with and can personally vouch for.
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All good. Will see how my appointment goes on Thursday. Half the time nobody picks up the phone or calls back so at least I got this far.
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Aggie, please don't overlook the obvious. We're all here for you. Me. Rick, PTOT. Clubs, KBo, Coach, Tanya, and the rest of us. Reach out, we're here to help.
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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Food for thought. Anyone who reads this thread should get the message that alcohol is dangerous and destructive to many. If you do not drink or if you quit and are tempted thinking, "I think I can handle it," consider this: You do not know! There is only one way to find out. There is only one way to never know. ___I would not take one drink if offered $1 million. Up the offer to $2 million; my answer would be, "No, end of conversation." I saw caution lights many decades ago. When 40 years ago at a business colleagues home, the colleague's wife, whom I had not met before, " said, "You've been known to take a drink, what will you have?" She was only being gracious, but what she said registered big-time. I said, "Jenny" do you have a diet coke?" That was it...end if story.
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To Ag_Sgt: My personal experience was the first few days were a little tough. It was hard to sleep, and I had strange dreams, sweats and auditory hallucinations (which were bizarre). It was not fun. However, once my body got adjusted to not having alcohol, I now sleep better than I have ever slept in my life.
Thanks for the response. Got in to see the doctor Monday and that was helpful because the part I was most worried about was going cold turkey and the implications that would have on me physically. Yesterday I didn't have drink and got on her short term prescription regimen. Didn't sleep for crap last night but that was to be expected. Today still felt fine just a little tired because of last night. Figured I'd replicate my Army days initially and wear myself out physically, an hour doing cardio, another hour doing weight circuit training and finished with 30 minutes on a cool down ride on the Peloton. I'm hoping for at least a little sleep but it's going to take more than one day to fix a problem I spent years building. I'm not big on the Zoom thing but a buddy of mine on post said I'm welcome to go,with him to AA if I need it
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
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I'm glad to read this, keep up the good work!

The exercise definitely helped me in early sobriety and still does today. On the sleep aspect, it was a big struggle for me early on - trouble going to sleep, bad dreams, waking up, etc - but it will get better. Much much better. There are lots of articles out there that support the why of that if you are interested in the science behind it.

If there is anything that we can do, please post up. Other than that, truly well done and stay strong.
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That is awesome. I have had the same type of experience and don't want to be known as the guy who drinks a lot. I quit last time for 6 months after that. Now starting that sobriety again.
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Ag5. I've also concluded that if a person does something that makes a person's head hurt and makes the person smell bad, it's probably a bad idea. And let me add: Drinking not only can be destructive to health, the cost over time is enormous. Invest reasonably well the $'s that would be spent on alcohol and over time it will easily grow to $1-$2 million or more. I guarantee it! All in this post goes for smoking. Want lung cancer, emphysema or a weak heart? If so, smoke! I smoked three packs of Winstons the day that I quit 48 years ago. I quit before I knew it...something clicked and it was over. Offer me $1million to take one puff. I would not think about it one second; my instant answer would be "No, end of conversation!"
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Happy AA birthday to ptot ........ 4 years.
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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Thank you, Jim!

Given what today is, I spent 12 miles this morning reflecting on a lot of things when it comes to recovery and my experience in recovery. There is probably a small book in all the thoughts that occurred during that time, but I'll leave most of it on the cutting room floor in my head. Being said, I want to share one thought - or maybe a stream of thoughts.

There have been so many people who have been over-the-top encouraging to me and supportive of me in my journey. Family, friends, AA's, counselors, and colleagues, present virtual company included, so many people have contributed to getting me sober four years ago and then being present in my sober life thereafter. I am thankful that I have learned to soften my very stubborn, do-it-myself attitude over the years to allow those folks to support me and believe in me - even when I maybe didn't believe in myself. I am beyond indebted to so many.

At some point along the way, my recovery became about others more than it was just about me. Let's be real that I am far from cured of all my defects of character, so I can think about just me more than I would maybe like to. But, I do have a strong desire to make recovery about something bigger than myself and strive to act that out as much as I can. As a small token of that, the following quote kept coming up in my thoughts this morning:

"I / we / you didn't come this far only to come this far."

I share that with the desire that others may read it and relate to it. In regards to recovery, if someone has one day, 100 days, ten years, or 100 years, then that someone has come that far and that matters. Ten days never happens without day one, and ten years never happens without year one. So keep going. Find structure and a support group (be it AA, friends, family, or whatever it is) that will stand by you, in front of you, or behind you - whatever is needed - through the process. Keep leaning on that, and keep going. Recovery can be scary, hard, and daunting, but it is also so fulfilling and rewarding at the same time. It is worth it - damn, it is worth it.

This may be a bit more preachy than I really intended, but I am typing more with my gut and heart more than anything else. In the grand scheme of things, today is different because it marks an anniversary, but it's also not different because it is one more day of sobriety that I am very grateful for.
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Congrats buddy
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If you quit, this is how much fun you will miss: None! This is how much fun those around you will miss: None!
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The best part for me has been waking up every morning and not having to try and piece together the night before and wonder what I need to apologize for. Absolutely worth it!
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Will be a week tomorrow. I am pretty bored and sleeping a lot more when I can. Worked in my yard planting new stuff. Definitely don't do that when I drink. Now when playing with the kids back there I am looking for stuff to fix haha. Really wanted to today. Not going to lie about that. Still going though.
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Anyone aware of an inpatient rehab facility that will accommodate time to work? WiFi, conference calls, etc? I can't take 30 days away from the law practice.
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Are you set on inpatient? It was more than I needed but Lion Rock does an online program for detox and the follow up. They work around your schedule and have 8 hours of group a week plus one hour a week one on one with a counselor. Everything is in the evening.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
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Law: I get it. I own my own business.
However, the world WILL go on without you.
I've had (or been lucky enough) to do it twice. Thirty days is a blip on the radar of life.
For me, outpatient lasted 4 days and 0 days respectively. And I'm sure like most, I was 100% sure I could quit with just a little help (outpatient). Not so much....
I don't recommend it.
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HouAg05 Really wanted to today. Not going to lie about that. Still going though. [/quote said:

HA05: nothing wrong with acknowledging those cravings. They are real and we understand. Fortunately, for most they will go away. It took about 90 days for me. Long time then, seems SO worth it now.
You may have this disease. If so, it will not just "quit or give up" after you have feed it X years of your life. As the Book says, "alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful."
Acknowledging it and talking to others about it is part of the process and road to recovery.
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Thanks. Had a good day today. Went to a family member's birthday party at a restaurant with good beer and didn't even have a craving. Right now it's the anxiety and thinking about this work week and trying to feel better and deal with some depression and fatigue. Feel less beat down then last week so it's progress. Thanks everyone for the feedback. Nice to check in occasionally.
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I've been surprised that 11 days in I haven't been craving a drink but the more and more I think about it, I don't think it was the drink I craved before but the ability to "sleep" that the drink provided. The first three sleepless nights sucked, but then I slowly started to be able to sleep with the meds provided by the doc. And as an added benefit, my doctor had to take me off my blood pressure medication because it had dropped so much after going dry. For years I'd been taking medication and even with it, my BP still ran high. Took only 11 days to fix a problem the doctors had tried to fix with medications for at least the last 8 years. I was worried about the anxiety but the combination of vitamins and meds has seemed to stopped them, haven't had an issue since the 3 day. Next goal is to quit the meds
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
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I can't quote it off the top of my head, but today's Daily Reflection talks about the fact that we never stop learning in AA. It hit home as I attended a meeting today in Hamilton Ohio. and I learned something . They go through the numbers, preamble, How It Works, traditions, and promises. I was struck by the fact that they quote a historical "preamble" to the traditions and how they came about. Anybody else ever heard this?
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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Couple of updates concerning logistical things around our regular zoom meeting and then an additional note:

1) We are not going to meet tomorrow evening due to a few folks being unavailable during our normal time. We will plan to meet again Thursday at 6:00, pending any changes from the next point.

2) I would like to (re)open the conversation around our regularly scheduled days and times - Sunday at 5:00 and Thursday at 6:00. If there other days and times that are more convenient or accessible for folks to join us, please let me know and we can reschedule existing times or schedule an additional one. We want to make the meeting open and accessible to all, so please let me/us know if there is a way that we can do that from a scheduling perspective.

Finally, I would just like to encourage one and all to join us. We keep a really open and conversational environment that is focused on recovery in general. So wherever one may be in their relationship with alcohol and/or recovery, the intent is to have a realistic and pressure-free discussion in a supportive group. (There's quite a bit of Aggie athletics and other stories as well). At the risk of being over the top, I just want to reiterate the open invitation to join us for a meeting or two coming up.

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We will be meeting at 6:00pm this evening for anyone who would like to join.
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Quick programming note is that we are going to move the Thursday meeting to 7:00pm this week to see if that is a more accessible time for folks. I will continue to provide updates as the new time sticks or if we revert to the current schedule. Zoom link and all that remains the same, please feel free to join us.

ETA - The meeting tomorrow evening (Sunday 4/18) will also occur at 7:00pm.
rather be fishing
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One year for me today.
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rather be fishing said:

One year for me today.

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Congrats. As stated earlier, only two tough years in AA, your first one, and the year you're in.
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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OK. I will play.

This probably needs a different section because it is a real issue.

I cannot stand reading aggiejim(or whoever he is called) about his AA experience.

For me, AA is a bad deal. I do not like cults, which is AA.

I also understand people need help. I am one. But to pronounce AA as being the grace of life is complete BS.

I know I will get Jim and others to reject. But I will say one thing, announcing that you have an issue to the public/family is the most important thing in life. I pray to my lord every day, but I stand by my feelings AA is a cult.
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