You've converged to an optimal set of gear. I didn't need anything either...but I had a gift card!
Lungblood said:
Finally getting around to going through some pics from my recent Colo scouting trip.
The Silvertip with Titanium Stove... got the tepee up to 72 degrees when it was in the 40s outside... all with half wet, half green, sappy twigs. Starting a fire at treeline is not enjoyable. Having a fire at treeline is enjoyable.
Throw another shrimp on the bar-b
Mountain graffiti... I'll allow it.
Biggest buck I got a decent pic of... more better bigger ones up high
So tender, so joocey... needs another year, or 3.
Sean98 said:
What did you end up getting? A Prime?
Gotdang that tipi looks comfortable w that stove in it
stdeb11 said:
Needless to say, I'm fairly elk horny now.