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Western States Draw Deadlines: 2017

185,991 Views | 1605 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by AgEng06
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Damn. So close.
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For those interested, Fresh Tracks w/ Randy Newberg is now available on Amazon Prime.

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I'm on the board, but it's far from impressive. I do have a couple of awesome encounters. It's been the best opening week trip I've done. I'll type some stuff out tonight when I get where I'm goin. Still one morning hunt left.
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Hell yeah man. Congrats.

Impatiently waiting for the recap and pics.
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shayne asked me to post a picture of his kill.
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You got to wait until I get on keyboard. Big recap w some thrilling video.
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Not mine

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Went for another quick hunt last night. Still an infant with all the bowhunting and mountain stuff... but I'm out there, so that's something.

Starting to learn these deer a little better. I saw 18 mule deer in about 3.5 hours of hunting. Put stalks on 2 of them, one was short lived as it was a very young deer. I was within bow range of a decent little 4x4, but couldn't' get a clean shot as he was in some thick scrub oak.

Hiked way up high, and spotted a REALLY nice 5x5 bull elk moving across a hillside about 450-500 yards away. Got his direction of travel, made a plan of attack, and got after it. I crossed the canyon, and humped it up a spine to try and get ahead of him. By the time I got there, he was 200 yards on the other side. He was in dark timber, with lots of little fingers and drains. So I watched him go over a finger, and booked it to catch up- spotted him @ 150 yards on the other side. He went over the next finger, I followed- 100 yards. He crosses one more finger, I follow and find him at 75 yards in the bottom of the next drainage. He starts working his way up the next one, so I kick off the boots to close the distance quietly, and I watch him crest as I cross the bottom. I just know he is going to be broadside at 40 yards when I crest these rocks. But the son of a gun just flat out vanished. I crested the next ridge, and it opened up and I could see EVERYTHING... except the bull. SO close- man I wish I would had a muzzleloader tag.

Will try again Friday morning. Hopefully will be posting on the meat pole before too long. Gonna give it just a little more time for horns, then I will switch 100% to meat hunting... and probably not see another deer the rest of the year. ha ha!
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Nm- I got it!
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cupofjoe04 said:

Went for another quick hunt last night. Still an infant with all the bowhunting and mountain stuff... but I'm out there, so that's something.

Starting to learn these deer a little better. I saw 18 mule deer in about 3.5 hours of hunting. Put stalks on 2 of them, one was short lived as it was a very young deer. I was within bow range of a decent little 4x4, but couldn't' get a clean shot as he was in some thick scrub oak.

Hiked way up high, and spotted a REALLY nice 5x5 bull elk moving across a hillside about 450-500 yards away. Got his direction of travel, made a plan of attack, and got after it. I crossed the canyon, and humped it up a spine to try and get ahead of him. By the time I got there, he was 200 yards on the other side. He was in dark timber, with lots of little fingers and drains. So I watched him go over a finger, and booked it to catch up- spotted him @ 150 yards on the other side. He went over the next finger, I followed- 100 yards. He crosses one more finger, I follow and find him at 75 yards in the bottom of the next drainage. He starts working his way up the next one, so I kick off the boots to close the distance quietly, and I watch him crest as I cross the bottom. I just know he is going to be broadside at 40 yards when I crest these rocks. But the son of a gun just flat out vanished. I crested the next ridge, and it opened up and I could see EVERYTHING... except the bull. SO close- man I wish I would had a muzzleloader tag.

Will try again Friday morning. Hopefully will be posting on the meat pole before too long. Gonna give it just a little more time for horns, then I will switch 100% to meat hunting... and probably not see another deer the rest of the year. ha ha!

That's awesome! How far do you live from where you're hunting?
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Alright girls...here's a quick recap. I didn't take many pictures. I always say I'm going to take a bunch then start hunting and don't care about no pictures and hunt alone most of the time.

I was invited to hunt an 18k acre ranch in unit 31 opening week. Hot damn let's get to it:

Leave last Thursday for the solo drive up to meet my two compadres there. I have an elk tag, they have two deer tags and one elk. Get settled Friday and shoot my bow that afternoon while they run around and scout.

It was crazy hot during the day and we eventually figured out nothing moved at all from about 8am to 7pm.

AM1- first morning to see the ranch so I'm basically just going off the map and the wind before daylight. Around 7 I bumped 3 bulls (one muy grande) in some oak brush at about 100 yards. Had i seen them a split second sooner I may could have slipped up and shot one. Rushed around into the next draw and got another glimpse of them but couldn't do anything. At least they didn't go far and seemed settled in the next draw.

PM1- 8 miles up and down and around...nada. Was told that bulls are bugling on the other end of the place.

AM2 - hooked up w a local guy hunting this place and hoofed it around were he had seen been glassing some the week before. Nada.

PM2 - went w same guy to another spot where he had seen some smaller bulls to sit most of the afternoon. 4 hours in I see a cow emerge about 300 yards away w a regular ol 5 meandering behind her. They jack around and he whoops some bushes. Local guy is 100 yards on the other side of me from them, and had told me he planned to start calling some at dark. I don't think he can see them so I just sit tight and wait for him because to fire it up. In the meantime the bull gets a little more excited and starts dogging the cow some, who is clearly annoyed. Two more small bulls show up. A few minutes pass and the guy blows his call. Instantly the cow raises her head and starts trotting our way. Hells ya. This got the first bull excited and he is now full on chasing her. They get to me, and instead of going below me where I'd been hoping they would, they stick to the oak brush above me. I had some shooting lanes and was ready, but they passed me in a lope at 20 yards and I couldn't get them stopped. The other bulls hang up about 80 out, but at an angle where I had no shot. They eventually lose interest and head up into the brush. Some sultry calling could not entice them my way, but it did bring in a lone cow from behind me who busted us. Dang. Close but no go.

AM3 - I head out to the area that the other guys had heard some bugles. Get out to the end of my ridge and glass either direction. Spot a giant 6 way on the neighbor hanging out. Opposite direction a long way down a 5 is making his way to the bottom a canyon over from me. I think I know where he's going. So I bomb down and around below him to get the wind right, but by the time I was down he was over it and headed out up the draw above me. After hearing bugles I'm happy climbing out of that hole.

Same morning compadre B with one of the deer tags flings an arrow at a big un (they said ~190) that glances a teeny bush and hits high and front right in the middle of the shoulder. <2" of penetration. We still scoured the mountain, but we are all confident he'll be fine. Compadre B was inconsolable and ready to go home.

PM3 - I head east one draw over from that morning to sit on some water the afternoon. Nothing until 7. Cow, a yearling, and a calf walk out and mill around. They wander off another lone cow comes down and hangs out. A bugle! Directly behind me. Another! Closer. Exactly in line behind me with his stupid cow. Whose staring up the hill right above me. Wind is ok, but I'm scared to move because I am smack dab in the middle of her field of view. More bugles and rocks tumbling down behind me. I gather it's a bull chasing a cow. She comes nearly exactly into me and hits the brakes 5 yards behind me. Wtf any other line but that one would have probably been ok where she'd trot right past me. Cow A is still being a ***** and staring at me while cow B is right on top of me trying to figure out what I am. Meanwhile he's gaining ground and rips a bugle 20 yards behind me and to my right. Cow A finally turns her head as cow B doesn't bark, but runs on down the hill...bull hot on her heels before I can turn and get a shot.

AM4 - lots of walkin, but no sight nor sound.

Pm4 - walked to another hole with a wallow. Two spikes come out at 7 and hang out in range for 45 min. But neither are legal and I just daydream about shooting one for a while. 7:30 a shooter comes out 200 yards up the canyon to my right where I would have the wind, but was more confident something else would come out where I was. It was a lot of open ground to cover. Then a nice 6 comes out 100 yards below me, but is up the hill into the brush before I can stealth down and get a shot. Calling coaxes nothing out.

Am 5 - More walking and climbing but nada. But one of the other guys had shot a cow. They picked me up and listened to me whine about being worthless and not closing on all the opportunities I had enjoyed before they told me we were going to get to pack some meat out. Those *******s. Man I was happy to get to carry some meat out!

Pm5 - Head into another hole w a wallow where we'd seen some bulls on one of the game cams that my industrious hunting companions had strewn about. They were more interested in working on their deer tags. Scope a bobcat coming in who doesn't see me and I let him head out before sneaking on down.

Find me a spot as high above the wallow as I can stand (~70 yards) because if the thermals swap hard it may whip around the hill where I think they may be coming from. Wallow is right on the brush and wrecked pretty hard. So I'm hanging out and oh hello this lady (I think) sticks her head out at 60 yards around 6:

Right on! She hangs out and I get a few more pictures as she grabs a drink and heads up the hill.

That was cool. I'd only seen one other in the wild.

About an hour later I hear this odd bird sound way down the canyon. Hear it again closer. And closer. At 7:30 this guy (I think...hopefully ursus or some other expert can chime in) shows up and I get some film! Watch um the whole video and you can hear the yip:

So that all happened at about 50 yards and I'm reasonably alarmed. But I know there are elk in this hole and this my last night so F that guy. There previously mentioned expert might tell me this is exact wrong thing to do...but here's what I did.

The wind is by now moving from my left to right in the video. The other lion had went all the way up the hill opposite of me and to my left. I reckon he (?) was following her until he had seen me. When he spotted me he didn't go back down the way he came, but circled back up to my right to get my wind i figure. So i left my hole in the brush and moved out into the middle of a 30 yard opening. I pile me up some cat fightin rocks in circle, put my havalon in a handy spot in the top of my bino case, and proceed w my elk hunt standing there w an arrow knocked and my bow over my right shoulder. I am the apex predator son, come and get some if you like. I figure if I'm still I won't bug the elk even though I'm not in cover.

My head is on a swivel but gotdang is it a thrill! So 30 minutes go by and I know that sumbich is in there watching me, but I try exude that bad mother****er body language and I'm sure I stank really bad so word out of him.

And then this guy ambles out:

50ish yards. Big dude, no tag . He wanders off, and I'm still watching for cats and elks.

By now it's prime time at dark and my plan was some sexy calling. I don't know how my buddy in the bushes will respond but I'm elk hunting and here to find out.

Blow my sexiest hey big boy cadence and wait.

10 min or so an elk crests the hill across from clearly headed my way. I'm standing tall in the middle of an opening so I have to wait a few minutes to peek w my binos. He's legal! Come on big boy. He takes his time getting down. When he hits the bottom he is 70 yards out. I fling one. Hit him a little back but my knock disappears and I think I have a pass through. He trots up the hill a little ways not sure what is going on. I estimate about 12 yards further and fling another one about the time he stopped. He was further and I him low in the shoulder and take out a wheel. Hindsight says I had time to range him. He's not happy now and runs into the brush. I make my way to the bottom where I am furthest away from any cover my other friend might be skulking in and radio for some back up since it is good and dark by now.

Cavalry comes in and we find him about 75 yards from the first shot.

No mountain lions were harmed in the making of this post. I sure had a great time this week and saw lots of animals. My wife is happy to have a pile of meat and that I didn't get eaten. The mountains revealed the minor knee tweak from earlier in the summer might actually be a full on mcl injury. It was pretty rough all week and I crushed the Advil. And the snickers. Don't let people tell you sugar isn't a performance enhancer. I've got another trip in a couple weeks before I can get an MRI though, because that would risk actual confirmation and a dispute w my wife over what she thinks I ought to do about it.

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Awesome work man. Congrats!
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awesome story! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on the elk! Such a cool experience to see those cats and bear. Way to go brother!!!!

Next time you got to come over my way and teach me some better elkfu... mine is apparently very weak
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cupofjoe04 said:

awesome story! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on the elk! Such a cool experience to see those cats and bear. Way to go brother!!!!

Next time you got to come over my way and teach me some better elkfu... mine is apparently very weak

It had way way more to do with the property than anything I know about elk hunting. It was a real privilege to get invited.

So happy to have the lion experience.
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Post your grip and grin up on the meat pole thread (it's probably on page 2 by now).
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Done deal, but only you guys here get the story
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This is good stuff! Just when I was getting the adrenaline going when you had the two girls so close during PM3, BAM, I get a lion and a bear video and then an arrowed bull!

Congrats. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your knee.
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Nice write up! Seems like you were covered up in elk and had many close calls. That's what its all about. I've lost a lot more than I've won, but I always learn something new from each encounter. Good stuff!!
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I don't think anyone would have believed I had a stare down w a lion and then killed an elk in his house without the video.
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If it is indeed what happened, I wonder how much it pissed him off that I surprised him while he was trying to chase the ladies
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Left Dallas early this AM. Rolling into Amarillo now. Should be hiking up the mountain in NW Wyoming tomorrow afternoon.

I have until 10/1 to bring back an elk.
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Great story. Glad your compadres got some actual meat hauling work out of you as well.
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Awesome, heck of a hunt! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
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The very short version of my mountain muley hunt. I may expound at a later date but I'm in the process of getting ready to go back for elk next Friday.

Was in the bucks all week long...

Accidentally got within 35 yards of this buck one day... nicknamed him "Chief" ("Old High Rack" on the left)

These pics do not do him justice

There's a reason he's on the move

8 hr stalk on 2nd to last day... not much left in the tank.

Missed him at 70 yards, then 72, then 75. Sort of regret the last 2.. Got caught up...I took 'em... and that's the way it was.

Found my sticks... shot way low, which I knew. Glassed him up the next morning up high... unscathed.
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Dang m. 8 hours that late in the trip sounds like a beat down.

How many other folks did you run into?
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Only that guy and his buddy who popped his head up later... But they were a half mile and 1200 vertical feel away.

Learned a lot about mule deer and had a blast. Congrats on your bull and that whole crazy thing you had goin on
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Thanks. A big part of me really wishes I had a mountain lion full body mount coming to stick on top of my kitchen cabinets.
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But I wasn't brave enough to jack w Colorado parks and wildlife
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I have a question for those of you with experience. I was looking at ways to carry my binos and came across the peak designs bino clip. It holds your glass on your pack straps. Any reason why this wouldn't work as well or better than a chest ?

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Backpacks are big and heavy and you're going to take them off as much as possible. Once you do that you have to carry your binos by hand and that is a pain.
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Agree w Sean.

I also like chest so I can carry a few more things that always stay on me and are handy: tag, knife, calls, wind checker, etc.
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I concure w/ Sean and Shayne. I don't think I would like that setup at all. There are more than binos in my harness.
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nods head
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Agree with all 3 above. Bino harness holds binos, range finder as well as other essentials. I never take it off. I also find that if I have things in my hands when I'm sitting down, I'll forget them when I get up and move (sometimes suddenly). I've lost wind checker bottles, gloves, face masks, etc that way. Wouldn't want to risk it with binos or a rangefinder. Maybe that's just me but I like to have much of my gear tethered to my person.
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