quote:Yeah... the unfortunate death was not due to something of this type. In fact, I was doing pretty kickass on alpha hunting with sean.
Vote for eyeguy to not be involved in the test.
quote:Yeah... the unfortunate death was not due to something of this type. In fact, I was doing pretty kickass on alpha hunting with sean.
Vote for eyeguy to not be involved in the test.
The S. S. Minnow is a fictional charter boat on the hit 1960s television sitcom Gilligan's Island. The ship ran aground on the shore of "an uncharted desert isle" (in the south Pacific Ocean), setting the stage for this popular situation comedy.
I think your brought this in yourself by attaching "minnow" to it.
The S. S. Minnow is a fictional charter boat on the hit 1960s television sitcom Gilligan's Island. The ship ran aground on the shore of "an uncharted desert isle" (in the south Pacific Ocean), setting the stage for this popular situation comedy.
I'd be more worried about Gilligan now running around your base rather than Eyeguy.
quote:I did get the rex helm, but i didn't get of the experience. I don't remember who else was on then but I don't think he got the helm.
The thing that I killed while 2 others watched was a lower level alpha carno. I don't think it was you who was on then as this was a few weeks ago. I think it was Doc and one of his buddies. They may have just been too far away though. I know neither of them got the rex helm skin either.
quote:If anyone wants a rex helm we've got oodles now - I put some in a chest and there are probably 2 on my body you are welcome to. Now, triceratops helms are another matter - I've been a part of both alpha t-rex kills, and I'm not giving those up easily. I need a spare for when eyeguy drops me in the Mariana Trench and I can't find my body.quote:I did get the rex helm, but i didn't get of the experience. I don't remember who else was on then but I don't think he got the helm.
The thing that I killed while 2 others watched was a lower level alpha carno. I don't think it was you who was on then as this was a few weeks ago. I think it was Doc and one of his buddies. They may have just been too far away though. I know neither of them got the rex helm skin either.
quote:Just to be clear, the pteranadon lived as well....quote:
Eyeguy made it there on a pteranadon, but didn't make it in the fight and never touched the alphas. However, we confirmed he got experience from the kills, just from being in proximity.
BoubonAg is top dog donor! Well technically the only donor so farbut seriously thanks!
BoubonAg is top dog donor! Well technically the only donor so farbut seriously thanks!
What's the email address? I always forget to write it down when I'm in the game.
quote:Somebody tell that to eyeguy...
quote:I've killed one t-rex... well, two but we won't go into that exactly.quote:Somebody tell that to eyeguy...
quote:How many will be enough?? Man, killing a TRex is like... hard work! Also, how many countless other tamed dinos had to die before you proved your point?quote:I've killed one t-rex... well, two but we won't go into that exactly.quote:Somebody tell that to eyeguy...
quote:Just one...quote:How many will be enough?? Man, killing a TRex is like... hard work! Also, how many countless other tamed dinos had to die before you proved your point?quote:I've killed one t-rex... well, two but we won't go into that exactly.quote:Somebody tell that to eyeguy...
So I've got two new holes in my head thanks to the dentist... I'll be home from work tonight and might be up for playing if anyone wants to do something fruitful on the server (not really in the mood to just farm stuff).
quote:We have one. But you aren't allowed to touch it.quote:BRONTO!
So I've got two new holes in my head thanks to the dentist... I'll be home from work tonight and might be up for playing if anyone wants to do something fruitful on the server (not really in the mood to just farm stuff).
quote:You know, I've wanted to help with the castle, but I'm not sure what to do when I'm on by myself. I added on a few rows of the supports and ceiling tiles to the floor of the unfinished wing the other night, but the thing is so huge, I was running back and forth looking at the other side trying to match it, and I never did figure out what I needed to do.
So, in light of the waning support for continuing to work on the castle, I propose that our next building project be slightly less ambitious. Maybe something like a pass through barn with dorms on top. Still large, but not so big that people get uninterested before it is finished.
quote:I'll give it a shot this weekend, unless I get distracted hunting alphas or something.
Page 24 of this forum has the floor layout. You should be able to go by that, at least for that second wing. Beyond that, I do not think we even really have a plan. We just wanted to make it big and impressive, even though in the main "keep" alone there is already more space than we could ever really use. I'm of the opinion that we should finish the 2nd wing and then call it good.