For some reason, this seems appropriate.

quote:I am the tribe leader of Texas Aggies on the Alien's Land server. We are usually online a lot so just keep trying if you want to join up. Alien has 2 servers at the moment. Alien's Land | Texas Dedicated and | PVP. The Texas Dedicated is an old server and lags a lot so, if you wish, join the | PVP one.
Found a base owned by Texas Aggies but no one seems to be around. Is there a way to join your tribe without one of you being present?
Once I make it to your base I'll join.
Steam id: Agdog
quote:Screenshots from my PC are dismal. I'm about ready to replace my aged 5770 card so I can experience the magic of dinosaurs the way God intended. My PC is a bit faster, but when I built my current computer I kept the graphics card out of the old one, and its age is really showing.
Just so you guys know, I'm fascinated by this thread. I don't play any online games, but stumbled onto this thread one day while I was bored and think this game looks awesome (I watched the trailer and everything).
Keep coming with the updates because I enjoy reading them (especially the screen shots).
Again, we offer $100 bounties for anyone who can provide us with hacks of any kind (which are NOT aimbots/esp/speedhacks) that can have an impact on gameplay or server stability on our official, online servers. Feel free to reach out with details.
So what server are people actually on, because I've seen 3 different ones named so far...
I tried transferring my lvl 12 from Alien's Texas Dedicated to Aliensland PVP, but it was lost. Now I have a lvl 6 on the PVP sever.
Find an exploit, get $100!quote:
Again, we offer $100 bounties for anyone who can provide us with hacks of any kind (which are NOT aimbots/esp/speedhacks) that can have an impact on gameplay or server stability on our official, online servers. Feel free to reach out with details.
quote:My first night playing I made it to the base, but no admins were on to let me in the tribe.
A bunch are on PvP, near the top of this page is Tri the tribe leader. My steam ID is Agdog, next time you are on let me know. We have guys that can fly to get you to our base.
quote:In my limited experience, the beach on the east side seems to be the safest place to start. Wide, open area where you can see things coming, and I've yet to see a t-rex over there. Lots of dodos and fish to get started with, and dilos and turtles if you want something bigger that's still relatively easy.
I've had 7 deaths where the respawn animation had not yet finished before aggro'ing a trex or other such creature.