Signel said:
I worked for UHG for years.. well over a decade. Evil in the name of profit is what it is. Vertical integration across all health industries means monopoly. They might have different names for various portions of the work but their #1 goal has always been becoming the only game in town as we move towards universal healthcare.
- Insurance
- doctors practices
- revenue cycle management (billing)
- hospital chains
- pharmacies
- lab companies
- surgery centers
- diagnostic systems tools etc
- managed care
- prescription plans.. optumRX
- banks (Optum Bank....)
They literally own the entire market and bill and pay themselves.. Guess who gets screwed on insurance plans when the Insurance company owns the docs, the policy, and the billing?
No, it doesn't surprise me at all that someone targeted him. The only thing that surprises me is that our federal government hasn't stopped the vertical integration of healthcare.
Interesting. We've had UHC for years and never once went to a UHC health care provider, unless Mount Sinai, Presbyterian/Columbia or NYU networks are really owned by UHC. That includes numerous surgeries and hospital stays over the years.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." - J.S. Mill