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2020 Western States Draw Deadlines

130,351 Views | 1154 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by lazuras_dc
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Nice pics and story Brad. I'm always jealous of your deer out there.
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BradMtn346 said:

This was one of the toughest years we have had in a long time. It was super dry here this summer. I usually wait to graze a couple of pastures until after hunting season. I did not have that option this year. The deer still came through, they just didn't stay.

My BIL started things off after 2 day of not seeing much.

Cool extra point on this deer.

My son was out for meat. Tender meat. Ended up killing this little buck on Grandma's lawn.

Kristyn, a buddy's daughter killed on the second to the last day. She was trophy hunting for real. Passed on a 160 inch buck that morning. When this ancient monster came in, her dad talked her into it without much effort.

My daughter hunted the last several days after the youngsters were done. She had several opportunities. One at a buck that was just plain weird. We were in a blind and had to shoot off sticks sitting up. Her comfort zone is prone. Just took her too long. Had another chance at a good buck the last night. He didn't pay any attention to us, but just had a bad habit of lining up with a house whenever he presented a shot opportunity.

We will see you next year.

She passed on a 160!? Wow that's discipline. Great pics!

Where are you out of, again?
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Congratulations on your deer.

Our hunt went well. My goal this year was really to get my buddy on a deer. We've hunted together in NM the last few years and I've taken two deer to his none. So this year I wanted to see him have some success. Luckily for me his wife made him stay home for Halloween. So I had the entire first day to go try to get one for myself. Saw a group of 9 doe and 2 young bucks at first light. Moved around and jumped a herd of 9 elk mid-morning. Then at around 1 in the afternoon bumped the below deer out of his bed at about 200 yards. I originally didn't intend on taking him, but he didn't run and gave me way too much time to contemplate. I know there are bigger out there, but I'm happy with him. Also got a bonus yote.

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Well.... did your buddy end up getting a deer?

And nice buck!
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Frustratingly, no. He missed a stud 4X4 the next day. We had come over a ridge and spooked two bucks down below us in the bottom of a draw. One slightly young and the other a beautiful deer for the area. They were on the move so I glassed them until they disappeared a little under a mile away. We hiked over to where we last saw them and then they popped up on an opposite ridge. It all happened quick but he missed abt a 150 yard chip shot. He's a very busy and successful business owner, but I wish he was more busy and successful at practicing with his rifle pre-hunt. No excuse really. The ironic part is he's shooting about a $8K custom built 28 Nosler.

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We are near Crawford CO. Her sister killed a buck that went 185 a couple of years ago. There was some sibling rivalry involved.

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Terrain looks very familiar. But the exact location does not.
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Anyone interested in drawing through an outfitter for archery elk NM next year ? It's cheaper with the outfitter to go in with two rather than solo.
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Bull Valley was 5500
Horse ride pack in. Out of wall tents.

Trophy ridge 5850
Out of lodge

If you go in as a single 1x1 with trophy ridge it's almost a grand more.
Talked to a few other outfitters they were right around the upper 5 and low 6 figure.
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Schnees beartooths are 20% off if anyone's looking for boots for next year....got a pair this year, best boots I've ever had

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How many of you have gone up to hunt Wisconsin or put in for any of the mid-west states? I'm interested in upping my chances on going out of state hunting (with rifle if possible) anywhere. Western states for sure but I've got no problem filling in time in between getting drawn with hunting the Midwest either.

I was only able to get points in Wyoming this year and missed my opportunity at all the others. Trying to put together a list of other states to buy points for next year.

My wife's from Montana and I've spoke to someone she knows up there and have a game plan on putting in for the draw up there next year and hopefully getting drawn the following year. That was the info I was given at least.
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Got a little story for you ags...


I will update and upload and simultaneously be stirring the creedmoor pot tmw when I get steady service.

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Can't wait!

...for the Creedmoor pot stirring. I done seen your pics.
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Trip home complicated by some work and some winter storm. Past it now but you got to wait till tmw for yo updates.
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shaynew1 said:

Got a little story for you ags...


I will update and upload and simultaneously be stirring the creedmoor pot tmw when I get steady service.

Depredation draw?
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Happy New Year! Here we go!

Quick reply to Log:
This was a vanilla private land hunt in a secondary management zone. They stick with the previous tag allotment number (along with all the neighbors) when determining how many bulls they kill each year.

Last week it was brought to our attention that we'd have an opportunity to purchase one of these tags last minute. The season is any five consecutive days through the 31st. My brother is a head tennis coach at a small D1 school and has no time to outdoors in the fall or the spring. Or the summer really. We were going to kidnap him Christmas day after lunch and let him kill a bull (against his will maybe). That fell through. No big deal, and he wasn't broken up about it. They went back to their out of state home on Sunday.

But I have a supportive wife that likes to eat elk.

So Monday morning, my dad and I had one set of cattle to ship and a pile of chores to knock out, and we intended to leave after lunch. This wasn't any problem - cause if you stay ready you don't have to get ready. And throwing a rifle in the truck is much quicker than double checking all the crap I might possible need to bring on a bow hunt. It is the sometimes inflammatory and possible unvenerable 6.5 creedmoor.

We on the road. Lovely drive and make it to the old ranch house we're staying at around midnight. It just changed hands ownership wise so was a little spartan, but since it was in the teens all I needed was it to be warm.

We wake up early to zero visibility fog. I mean nadda. So we hang out and drink coffee and drive to a spot with service to make some work calls.

As the fog burns off we do a little sight seeing and then head over to the area that tag is good for. Morning is uneventful. Lot's of glassing. I have hunted this place before, so it doesn't take long to work through the usual suspects. We find a big herd of cows. Oh btw this is an ES tag. I am not too proud to whack one of those. Watch them for a while, but they're in a bit of an unassailable spot. No big deal, happy to have found some elk. We move on, hoping to find them later on in a better area.

Eventually, we have to run into town for some fuel and groceries. We weren't really on the grocery game because all we left with was cheese, tortillas, and booze.

Back out to the ranch and on the glass. We found another set (or maybe the same one from earlier) on top of a little mesa, mostly unassailable. I'm always happy to just watch elk. Keep glassing and am not turning up much, and its creeping closer to dark.

Skirting the back side of the aforementioned mesa, I catch a glance of a bull moving through the junipers on the southwest end. Hot damn!

We settle in glass for a bit and soon see he has four buddies with him. And they are all beat to hell. I've never hunted anywhere close to this late and it was pretty cool to see.

The southwest side has some horse shoe action and they're on the southern finger. We slip up the hill a bit on the SW finger across for them. They're milling about on the end of the finger right in the edge of the firs, above lots of rocks and brush. Dusk approaching I throw my pack down and stage my rifle while we try and decide which one the winner is. Truthfully I did not care, but with five there I thought we could make an effort to take the most mature or coolest one. Settled on one with a bigger body, but the most broken tines. A fighter! Or not maybe he just had a lot of heart.

Dad ranges him. "4something"... I don't remember, because about the time I settled, they climbed a little higher out of sight.

So we hop up and skirt up and around the inside of the horseshoe. They hadn't gone far. I was not fond of this shooting spot. Downhill rockslide shooting uphill a couple hundred feet. But after a few seconds of wallowing around (in a cactus or two at some point), I found a spot I was comfortable. Got my pack upright on a rock, my rifle settled, and me behind it. I even slipped some ear plugs in. Pretty sure I'm still sitting in a cactus. But I'm in the zone so no factor.

"388." (I been telling everyone 390 but you guys get the truth).

His vitals are obscured by the tip of a juniper so I need him to take a step in any direction but down. He does.

Initiate shot sequen-BANG! Surprise break. Felt good. I have decided I like rifles. The bullet hangs in the air a long time it felt like. Wondered if I missed. Wondered if the 143 eldx might bounce off of him.

Then a hallow WHUMP echoes across the canyon and he gives a big ol classic back kick.

He headed straight down in the brush and it would take us a bit to get up to where he was when we shot him. Dad was also ill equipped re: lights, pack, or even enough clothes for how cold it was getting. I felt good about the shot and didn't worry about leaving the bull overnight since it was going to be in the low teens. We high five, pack up, and make our way back to our old farm house.

Victuals wise we had both brought some summer sausage, and I brought four lbs of ground elk. I found some expired beans but since there were no women here...they're freaking canned beans.

We fancy.

Up early the next day to see it's cold and errythang is frozen. Good. Well maybe good I hope that bull isn't completely frozen.

Eventually make our way over to where they were meandering when I fired. We see no blood, but find his tracks in the snow.

I shot from right down there:

With no blood we get ready to grid out and work our way down in his general direction. Doesn't take long until we find him killed over about 50 yards away in a lovely spot for cutting him up.

We happy.

The bullet entered the top third of the golden triangle a few inches below the scapula and buried in the opposite shoulder bone. He ran downhill but I'm sad I couldn't see for how long...wasn't far though.

It is crisp and still and a great day for working on elk with my dad. I get a ham off and he goes to boning while I work on the shoulder. Get the ham and some rib meat in my pack and shoulder a shoulder and head down while pops continues working. It was maybe a five hundred yard ruck...and in the lovely sunshine. No big deal.

The stryker stikes.

By the time I make it back he's got the other quarters boned out and I'm headed back down.

The stryker strikes again!

I get back up and he's got the straps, neck meat, and head off. I pull out the tenders and get loaded back down. His pride wouldn't let him walk down not carrying anything, which offended my pride wanting to carry it all out myself. Fine. He carries the head down.

It is still cold as balls are we are able to stage everything in the shade, planning to drop him off on our way out in the morning. We spend the rest of the day sight seeing and glassing for elk.

Dinner is a little mo better, but we're still eating expired beans.

Wake up early the next day (yesterday) and do some more sightseeing, glassing, and chores. Had we had service and looked at the radar for the ride home we probably would have not lollygagged so much. We roll out after lunch. Dropped off some of the meat and the head locally on our way out.

This guy was laying on the ground...a recent KS archery muley. 11.5s for perspective. Gotdang is right.

We the roll out and catch the north end of all that crazy weather. We hit it worst in Wichita Falls right before it got nasty there and made it home in time to wish my wife happy new year. She was clonked out nursing a baby though so I don't think she really cared.

Good trip. No proofreads.

ETA: We check zeroes before heading into town day 1...I have read some stuff about Leupold tracking and wanted to alleviate some concerns there. I had the dial made up last year for an antelope hunt in the area and wanted to double check it at distance as well. Three precious rounds later, I was satisfied.
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Awesome trip. Sounds like a ton of fun...cool to get to hunt em that late
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Nice ! Silly question but when you see tracks like that in the snow is the "drag" part before or after the elk steps? So is that elk running down hill away from the Caremark (and the drag is in front of the step ) or towards the camera (drag behind the step) ?
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That ol boy was headed downhill away from the camera
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If I'm a rifle hunter now, how bad do I need an upgrade for elk and larger? I have a 6.5 because I wanted one. I'm happy to throw some anecdotal evidence at the dissenters, but I also don't want to be a hypocrite w how harshly I secretly judge all you mfs shooting light arrows with expandable broadheads.

A non educated guess tells me I was flirting with the edge of the 6.5s effectiveness in the 400 yard range on an elk.

I have zero interest in anything absurd...80lbs would be also be cool, but I don't have those because it would be a beat down to practice with. And I believe in that practice.


How in the world do people have problems killing anything smaller than an elk with the 6.5?
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stdeb11 said:

Awesome trip. Sounds like a ton of fun...cool to get to hunt em that late
I knew on paper how they acted that late but have never actually experienced it. The bulls really are just hiding out trying to survive the winter. Finding cows is not a relevant data point at all.

It would be a fun trip with a little more time to spend looking for a big one. I bet they are a chore to find.
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shaynew1 said:

If I'm a rifle hunter now, how bad do I need an upgrade for elk and larger? I have a 6.5 because I wanted one. I'm happy to throw some anecdotal evidence at the dissenters, but I also don't want to be a hypocrite w how harshly I secretly judge all you mfs shooting light arrows with expandable broadheads.

A non educated guess tells me I was flirting with the edge of the 6.5s effectiveness in the 400 yard range on an elk.

I have zero interest in anything absurd...80lbs would be also be cool, but I don't have those because it would be a beat down to practice with. And I believe in that practice.


How in the world do people have problems killing anything smaller than an elk with the 6.5?

Generally shot placement.

I tend to not get into caliber debates because it's mostly personal preference. I went bigger mostly for budget reasons. I could only afford to build one rifle for hunting out west so I erred on the larger side with a focus on ammo selection, availability, and ballistics (.300 win mag). Anything 6.5 and larger should be fine with confidence and good shot placement.

Can smaller calibers kill big game, sure. That's the case for anything. Just ask Goliath. There's also a reason that story is still told with wonderment.
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As a fellow bowhunter, the 30-06 is what I chose for a western big game rifle. It checked all my boxes.
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Thanks for the recs guys.

I remembered this morning that I should have a ~20 year rem700 old 7mm stashed somewhere at my dads. Shows you how long its been since I've seriously considered rifle hunting.

I'm gonna go dig that out and maybe play around with some upgrades. I saw a chassis review on rokslide that I keep thinking about. If I'm still thinking about in Feb I might throw some dollars at it.
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arrow said:

As a fellow bowhunter, the 30-06 is what I chose for a western big game rifle. It checked all my boxes.

Thats what I have as well I just keep it simple. It has taken an elk at 312 yds and 3 mule deer from 150 to 240.

My brother has had good success with the 6.5 as well. My nephew has taken two elk and they have shot several nilgai with it as well.

Bullet selection is more important than caliber selection IMO.
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So who is going to start the 2021 thread? Looks like I will be just shy for elk in WY this year. May be using my points in Colorado.
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harge57 said:

arrow said:

As a fellow bowhunter, the 30-06 is what I chose for a western big game rifle. It checked all my boxes.

Thats what I have as well I just keep it simple. It has taken an elk at 312 yds and 3 mule deer from 150 to 240.

My brother has had good success with the 6.5 as well. My nephew has taken two elk and they have shot several nilgai with it as well.

Bullet selection is more important than caliber selection IMO.
But if I go on an outfitted hunt with my dad sometime in the next year or two and show up with a 6.5, will the guides be a fan?

I understand some arbitrary minimum (exa 30 cal or whatever) since I'm sure they have to deal with a lot of slappys that don't put the effort into preparation.
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They might raise an eyebrow, but I doubt they say anything. All they care about is if they're guiding an unsafe idiot or annoying blowhard.
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harge57 said:

So who is going to start the 2021 thread? Looks like I will be just shy for elk in WY this year. May be using my points in Colorado.

Initially LEJ would start the thread once the CO big game brochure arrived in the mail, but now that he got himself perma'd, one of us will have to start it.

I'm torn though, bc I've had really good luck out West when he starts the thread.

BUT the 2020 season isn't quite over yet!
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AgLA06 said:

They might raise an eyebrow, but I doubt they say anything. All they care about is if they're guiding an unsafe idiot or annoying blowhard.
I will be safe and prepared. There are no other guarantees.
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shaynew1 said:

AgLA06 said:

They might raise an eyebrow, but I doubt they say anything. All they care about is if they're guiding an unsafe idiot or annoying blowhard.
I will be safe and prepared. There are no other guarantees.

I've seen some outfitters with listed minimums and some with "recommended calibers ". Just look on their website or ask then when you call and you're doing your research.

The outfitter we hunted with this past year said "that's badass!" When he saw my buddies Kimber in 6.5cm
He said his buddy or family member had killed a dozen elk with the exact same rifle. Later they also told a story about a fella they nicknamed "hamburger Bob" bc he shot and elk like 6 times with a 6.5 before taking it down. So I think it just comes down to being prepared , safe , and not a jackass.
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Probably post this in the 2021 thread once it gets started, but thinking about heading back to the same unit in Colorado as the last 2 years and trying muzzleloader for mule deer (rather than rifle 1). Season is a bit over a month earlier. Besides potentially better weather, any other benefits?
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Will there be a 2021 thread? Loved reading all the great stories as well as all the helpful tips.
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