lazuras_dc said:
Whoa, cool taxidermy. Those antlers remind me of my dog's "lipstick"
Sad, but true.meggy09 said:
If no more than 10 people can be near each other then most of the CO OTC hunts will need to be cancelled.
meggy09 said:
If no more than 10 people can be near each other then most of the CO OTC hunts will need to be cancelled.
my two compadres didnt eitherhbc07 said:
Well, did not realize the 6pm central cutoff time for NM. For some reason expected to have until midnight. I'm kind of fine with that though since with everything going on I don't know if it'd be the best use of funds at the moment.
Still somewhat considering Oregon Elk since I'd be able to get out with a close friend if either one of us got a tag, but the money factor is lingering in the back of my mind.
LEJ said:
On the bright side, New backdoor!