I had one of the 150 that cracked. A lot has already been said about the customer service level this company has reached by pre-emptively replacing all frames but let me tell you a little bit more about what they did for me.
I received my pack just a few weeks before 1st rifle in Colorado. I did a few hikes to try and get to know it and get it fitted properly but replicating a DIY elk hunt in the the San Juans when you live at sea level in Houston is tough. The day before the season opened, just after arriving to our area I did a scouting hike with the pack about 6 miles round trip. We liked what we saw on that scout and that afternoon were back at the trailhead packing 5 days worth of gear before heading back in. While we were finishing up I noticed something.

This was the first time I noticed this. I need to mention that several times before this, both at home in prep and earlier in the day while scouting, that my pack felt "wobbly" and "uneven" but this is the first time I actually saw the crack. That uneven or wobbly sensation could have been due to this being my first EXO, and first "nice" pack in general or could have been due to it already being cracked. So I can't say for sure whether it arrived to me like this, happened in Texas, happened in transit, happened that day, but I can say that IMO the crack didn't happen due to extreme load or pressure but due to a flukey type microscopic defect that seems consistent with what the guys at EXO are describing.
I immediately emailed pictures explaining that it was the day before the season and I had a problem with my new pack. Within 90 seconds I was receiving a call from Boise, Idaho on my cell phone. It was Mark at Exo. I described as best I could what I was seeing, and my best guess as to when it may have happened, but that didn't seem to matter at all. Mark was only concerned with how soon he could get me a new pack. Only a hunter would understand this, your general customer service rep would not understand the urgency. I happened to be hunting just outside Telluride and being a weekend we had a day delay but Mark decided right then and there to overnight me a new frame AND PACK to the Hotel Telluride for me to pickup whenever I came off the mountain. He knew I may very well be up all 5 days of the season, but he also knew there was a chance I could come down in a day or two to change spots if things were slow. And that's exactly what happened, day 2 of the season we came down and picked up my pack at the Hotel before heading to a different area in the unit. Again, that's something only a hunter would understand.

In the meantime I hunted the first couple of days with a duct-taped frame and I'll be honest it performed just fine. The most I ever had in the pack was for the hike in and that probably wasn't more than 40 pounds but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I didn't have the pleasure of packing an elk out, I'm 0-2 on elk so far. But I can say it wasn't due to my gear and I am an EXO guy for life after this experience.