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Gunfight at the Twin Peaks [Staff Warning on page 47]

333,891 Views | 1928 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by rather be fishing
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That's a pretty big shift from the police press conference narrative.

Like I said in the politics board thread, this lines up with more of what I've read elsewhere and makes it look like the cops were just waiting for an excuse to open fire.

Which explains why the story changed from 8-12 officers outside to 18; and why they seemed to already have they m4s slung and ready.

I want to know the facts/ truth and see the video.

If what the TP folks say and it didn't blow up until the police opened fire shooting anyone with "colors", even those running to get away from the fighting, this may be worse than shooting some felon who "wasn't resisting".
I doubt society is going to care about a redneck biker gang member getting shot unjustifiably by a cop.

Only two of the nine dead had a criminal history. One for a DWI and an assault, one for carrying a gun in a bar.
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Im with Guitar on that. I think of bikers as I think of snowboarders. Their a nuisance.
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Showing up to that auction would not be a good idea.

If this happens, the bikes will be scattered around the country with a number of auction houses. They aren't going to have the auction in the Twin Peaks parking lot with a web notice saying, "auction of bikes confiscated from Texas biker gangs."
That would be awesome if they did, though.
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All they said early on was there was blood and indications of a crime scene inside, while the LEO-witnessed fighting was outside.

I'm sure plenty of folks were ducking for cover. That said, they have found 318 weapons, including guns (including an AK), knives, body armor, etc all over the scene including throughout the restaurant (including kitchen and bathroom).

No. Originally they said that the fight started in the bathroom, escalated from fists, to knives, and then to guns, and then got taken outside, where the cops got involved. Which always seemed to be pretty specific information to come out within hours of the event, especially since the police said they had no one in the restaurant. Over the last day or so it has changed to starting in the parking lot, either because of the Texas rockers or because someone ran over someone's foot.

And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.
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what a cluster. I'm willing to bet LEO farked this up as much as either the Bandidos or Cossacks, which is bound to happen when you get together 3 groups of equally arrogant, bully-minded, scared and under-achieving idiots.
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.

Thousands of rounds fired 100s of weapons is what the police spokesman said. Lots of news organizations miss quoted
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.

One thing to have yet to hear is how many of those weapons were actually illegal. I mean, every day I have at least two, possibly 3 or 4 weapons on me. CHL, pocket knife, possibly a multi tool or a fixed blade knife. All of them perfectly legal, but all "weapons"

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It's a huge crime scene with a couple of hundred involved. No one had a full oicture early on, nor do they now. There's been all sorts of specukation because it's a giant mess to process. The initial affadavits were stating the fight started outside, but there was blood and indications of a crime scene inside. Which in the chaos of the scramble, finding weapons throughout the restaurant, and some folks shooting and running back in is not inconsistent with the video. I'm going off of affadavits, not what some early rumors were.

But I guess it was all really the evil popo ready to mow down Sunday Brunch just before they got to worship part of the day followed by toys for tots.
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.

Thousands of rounds fired 100s of weapons is what the police spokesman said. Lots of news organizations miss quoted

Given the limited number of casualties in a tightly packed urban environment, that statement is just as ludicrous.
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It's a huge crime scene with a couple of hundred involved. No one had a full oicture early on, nor do they now. There's been all sorts of specukation because it's a giant mess to process. The initial affadavits were stating the fight started outside, but there was blood and indications of a crime scene inside. Which in the chaos of the scramble, finding weapons throughout the restaurant, and some folks shooting and running back in is not inconsistent with the video. I'm going off of affadavits, not what some early rumors were.

But I guess it was all really the evil popo ready to mow down Sunday Brunch just before they got to worship part of the day followed by toys for tots.

I'm not going off early rumors either. I'm going of the official statements made by Waco PD's spokesman.
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I also believe the Waco police spokesman embellished a lot. Just saw an interview with him where he said there was an enormous amount of blood inside the restaurant
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119 guns and 157 knives at this point. Then there is all of the other random crap like chains, brass knuckles, etc. They are apparently finding it all stashed in a number of places.
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.

One thing to have yet to hear is how many of those weapons were actually illegal. I mean, every day I have at least two, possibly 3 or 4 weapons on me. CHL, pocket knife, possibly a multi tool or a fixed blade knife. All of them perfectly legal, but all "weapons"

The AAS had an article up tonight saying the police found "assault-knives" at the crime scene. That's a new one on me. I guess they have a 30 round clip of blades that shoot out automatically.
Pasquale Liucci
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what a cluster. I'm willing to bet LEO farked this up as much as either the Bandidos or Cossacks, which is bound to happen when you get together 3 groups of equally arrogant, bully-minded, scared and under-achieving idiots.

What you did there, I see it. Hard to not agree.
Pasquale Liucci
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Yeah but did the AK47 have a high capacity clip? Media certainly needs to know this stuff.
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.

Thousands of rounds fired 100s of weapons is what the police spokesman said. Lots of news organizations miss quoted
Yeah, no. There were not thousands of shots fired with just 18 injuries, some of which were not gun shot wounds. These weren't Storm Troopers.

Sgt Swanton specifically said there were around 1000 weapons, then said he personally counted and counted just over 300 weapons.
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119 guns and 157 knives at this point. Then there is all of the other random crap like chains, brass knuckles, etc. They are apparently finding it all stashed in a number of places.
If I was a patron at that restaurant, they would have found 1 gun and 1 knife on me....Innocent 50 year old lady.....

So those figures seem about right for the number of bikers.
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And depending on the news article, the number weapons has varied from "hundreds" to "50".

It was in the thousands this morning.

One thing to have yet to hear is how many of those weapons were actually illegal. I mean, every day I have at least two, possibly 3 or 4 weapons on me. CHL, pocket knife, possibly a multi tool or a fixed blade knife. All of them perfectly legal, but all "weapons"

They counted a chain with a lock on it as a weapon because it could be swung at someone. You know what else a chain with a lock on it is good for? Putting through the rim of a bike to make sure someone doesn't roll it away.
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Improvised weapons. Do they count on official LE reports. Like a rifle cable lock?
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119 guns and 157 knives at this point. Then there is all of the other random crap like chains, brass knuckles, etc. They are apparently finding it all stashed in a number of places.
Why do I not believe that. Should I believe that?
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And this is a common trend these days with news reporting. There is such a rush to "be first" that news agenices just air the first things to come out of such events. Nearly all of it untrue or misleading. It takes days for such things to work themselves out but so many people I know listen for about a day or two and get all the wrong info and then promptly dont care anymore but subsequently think the info they have is still 100 percent correct.
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I can already see the libs taking these new develpoments and point figures at police brutality.

This is how they think the cops reacted.

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119 guns and 157 knives at this point. Then there is all of the other random crap like chains, brass knuckles, etc. They are apparently finding it all stashed in a number of places.
Why do I not believe that. Should I believe that?

Here you go:


Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton initially said that number reached up to 1,000. Police later revised that number downward and Swanton said officials have actually counted 118 handguns, one AK-47 rifle and 157 knives. Not counted are the batons, brass knuckles and chains, and Swanton said he does expect the number of weapons to rise.

Weapons were hidden between sacks of flour and bags of tortilla chips, Swanton said. They were in vehicles, tucked in benches, strewn across the floor, in kitchen stoves, thrown into trashcans and stuffed in toilets, he said. The AK-47 was found in a vehicle in the parking lot, Swanton said.
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And this is a common trend these days with news reporting. There is such a rush to "be first" that news agenices just air the first things to come out of such events. Nearly all of it untrue or misleading. It takes days for such things to work themselves out but so many people I know listen for about a day or two and get all the wrong info and then promptly dont care anymore but subsequently think the info they have is still 100 percent correct.
What are they supposed to do? The WACO POLICE is giving them the faulty info. Should they just not report the information given to them by the Waco Police?
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Maybe I missed it. That police spokesman should be a dramatic story writer
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Who would have thought that Texas needed a motorcycle board?
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119 guns and 157 knives at this point. Then there is all of the other random crap like chains, brass knuckles, etc. They are apparently finding it all stashed in a number of places.
Why do I not believe that. Should I believe that?

Here you go:


Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton initially said that number reached up to 1,000. Police later revised that number downward and Swanton said officials have actually counted 118 handguns, one AK-47 rifle and 157 knives. Not counted are the batons, brass knuckles and chains, and Swanton said he does expect the number of weapons to rise.

Weapons were hidden between sacks of flour and bags of tortilla chips, Swanton said. They were in vehicles, tucked in benches, strewn across the floor, in kitchen stoves, thrown into trashcans and stuffed in toilets, he said. The AK-47 was found in a vehicle in the parking lot, Swanton said.
Oh I believe they said it. And I guess that could be true. They would have found three of those on me if I happened to be there. It still seems like a big number.
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Frankly, what was an "honest" biker doing at a conclave of thugs? It sounds a bit suspicious to me.

"Lie down w. dogs, wake up w. fleas, etc."

"The Texas COC&I leadership includes the Bandidos, the dominant Texas motorcycle club that state and federal law enforcement agencies consider an outlaw gang involved in crime and drug trafficking"

So, she's a prominent member of an organization, which is headed, at least in part, by a criminal gang...
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Stories are starting To come out that the police just arrested everyone instead actually deciding who actually committed any crimes. Arresting the members of the Bandidos and cossacks is one thing but what "organized crime group" or "street gang" is this lady a part of?



Sandra "Drama" Lynch, of Mart, is well-known among local bikers for organizing charity concerts for cancer patients, rescuing dogs and fighting for motorcycle-friendly legislation.

In fact, she reserved the patio for Sunday's meeting of a regional bikers' rights coalition at Twin Peaks restaurant.

Now Lynch, 53, is in the McLennan County Jail on $1 million bond, along with her husband, Mike Lynch, 62, a plumber. The arrest warrants say the Lynches were part of organized criminal activity that led to the Twin Peaks shooutout that left nine bikers dead.

Some local bikers say that accusation is nonsense, though they might use saltier language.

"They didn't have nothing to do with nothing," said Steve "Dozer" Cochran, of Waco, who was working with Sandra Lynch to set up for the regional Texas Confederation of Clubs & Independents meeting at Twin Peaks, scheduled for 1 p.m Sunday. He said the Lynches were among the innocent victims of a law-enforcement sweep.

"Instead of doing an investigation and coming up with credible evidence and arresting those who have have been involved in wrongdoing, they have arbitrarily placed everyone there," Cochran said.

Twenty-four of the 171 people arrested in the Twin Peaks shooting were from McLennan County, as was one of the nine deceased, Daniel Boyett.

Cochran is state co- director, along with Sandra Lynch, in the U.S. Defenders Legislative Strike Force, a biker advocacy group. Cochran belongs to Sons of the South MC, while Lynch is president of the Los Pirados MC, a "mom and pop" club based in McLennan County. But Lynch is well-loved across the local biker community, Cochran said.

"She's the mama," he said. "She's the room mother who takes care of all the MCs in Waco. If someone has cancer or gets in an accident, she's the one who helps put benefits together so they don't lose their houses."

Sandra Lynch also has traveled across the state promoting a "share the road" campaign. She was a part of a group that accepted a proclamation last week from Lacy Lakeview City Council for motorcycle awareness month.

Here is a pic of Ms. Lynch.

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