Chuck Cunningham said:
cbr said:
Chuck Cunningham said:
What if Kathleen isn't supposed to fit the prototype of a hardcore, authoritarian leader? Maybe she is meant to appear more like a normal suburban mom who is now a leader of a resistance group? As in, in 2003, she was driving her kids to soccer practice in a minivan and going out to eat at Olive Garden and watching the View. But post-outbreak, she's a completely different person.
Based on what I can get from sources here and there and comments about her, I think you're on the right track.
that would make a great story, but it would have to hit hard and be well done. Certainly very possible.
however, just randomly featuring frumpy people in heroic/leadership roles... or underwear commercials... seems to be the norm now, and is just bad form.
You mean having people who look like the customers?
in all of human history, people have wanted their entertainment heroes and heroins, models, stars, etc., to be good looking, active, dynamic, or at least interesting looking people.
now in the past few years, yeah... i dont think people have changed, but for whatever reason the ownership is pushing an awful lot of frumpy ass people in shows, that sure do look like some of the couch potatoes in the audience.
i dont think that's a good trend.