Ok, so I was unable to get a picture...yes I know...but hopefully the humor value will make up for it. We were at Jordan Pond house in Acadia NP. We were sitting out front on a bench eating a harbor bar, pretty much surrounded by a family of four from Jersey. They are as jersey as it gets...super thick accents, all the physical features and mannerisms to make them the Jersey family sent direct from Hollywood central casting. Suddenly from the ~12 year old older sister, we hear a desperate cry of "Snake!" as she bolts off of one of the benches and darts past us. Just as quickly, Louie...no, I am not making that up...the ~10 yr old brother goes rushing over to see it. He is over heading into the garden looking for it when the mother says "Louie, get away from it! You know you have a bad history with dem things!" in the thickest possible jersey accent. It was all I could do not to snort out a laugh as I tried to get a picture for the outdoors board. But I was too slow. But I now have a new thing to say to my wife, and her to me, every time one of us sees a snake from now on.
TL; dr, heard about a snake, missed the shot, almost snorted ice cream out my nose laughing at a jersey family that was scared of what was almost certainly a garter snake of some variety.