Where are you eating lunch at?
Ayto Siks said:
Thought I had a snake to contribute today, but it turned out to be a baby glass lizard.
Ayto Siks said:
Thought I had a snake to contribute today, but it turned out to be a baby glass lizard.
Badace52 said:
No hardcore rules... this isn't the longhorn tears thread. We are just as happy to identify other herps (reptiles/amphibians) and odd creatures if we can.
The people on this thread are not as prone to ridicule either for anything except unneccesary snake carnage.
FAT SEXY said:
Like.. It seems okay to post a random reptile find or something similar that's a bit off the track from the original purpose of the thread.
Badace52 said:
Yeah... that one doesn't really bother me as much as it does some people, but you could catch a little flack for that too.
12f Mane said:
Ratsnake. That netting is particularly lethal to snakes.
Geop84 said:
I have it on my garden to protect my tomatoes from birds and squirrels. Without the netting, the tomatoes get raided.