redcrayon said:
TexAgs91 said:
redcrayon said:
Rapier108 said:
redcrayon said:
We can't just shoot stuff down and endanger civilians. That debris can kill people and destroy property.
When it was over Montana, there are virtually nothing for it to fall on. Should have been blasted out of the sky right then and there.
Actually, should have shot it down over the Aleutian Islands.
Why would we do that when we had disabled it's ability to gather and transmit data?
You can't predict where the debris will land. This isn't that simple.
Actually, we can. Ever heard of physics?
I guess you should call the Pentagon and let them know that you are better at physics than they are. I'm sure they'd love your assistance since they're all idiots.
I see. So you've heard from the pentagon that they weren't able to predict where the debris would land?
The only thing in that balloon that's hard to track is the helium. Everything else is heavier than air and will fall.
You have its position, initial velocity, and the military should know what range of velocities the debris would spread from the impact point. You figure out a range of terminal velocities of the likely debris, and then you take into account the winds that the debris would fall through.
I'm sure the pentagon has plenty of smart people who can figure that out.
No, I don't care what CNN or MSNBC said this time
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