*** Avengers: Infinity War --- SPOILERS ALLOWED in here ***

225,507 Views | 1691 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by ChipFTAC01
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Gangnam Style said:

Thanos tried to go for the GotG sweep, but missed Rocket and offed his lunch instead.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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TajMaballer said:

I have a feeling Hemsworth is about to blow up like Channing Tatum did and end up in more "prestige" movies. I hope so at least. I rewatched Ragnarok and love his performance in it even more than when I first watched it. He was my pets MVP of Infinity War.
Will they reboot Magic Mike with Hemsworth?
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Great movie lol when peter Dinklage told Thor to "hold the door"
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LeonardSkinner said:

TCTTS said:

I know this won't be popular here, and I'm not saying I necessarily agree, but a lot of interesting points are definitely raised in this extremely well-written piece...

I could squabble over a couple of little things, but overall, objectively, he's making strong arguments.

Good lord that guys a bore. Loves black Panther so much he writes for 12 straight hours despite many problems but then spends pages bashing IW. Some people just search for issues to complain about.
Fightin TX Aggie
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Good stuff here about why what happened happened and what we might look for in A4.

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I think Secret Wars would be a stupid title. Hopefully it's something better than that.
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Average Joe said:

LeonardSkinner said:

TCTTS said:

I know this won't be popular here, and I'm not saying I necessarily agree, but a lot of interesting points are definitely raised in this extremely well-written piece...

I could squabble over a couple of little things, but overall, objectively, he's making strong arguments.

He makes some strong points, but glosses over one huge fact. These are based on comics. He mentions it a few times, but still treats them the same as any other movie series. They don't follow typical television or movie logic. Two of the major points he made can be summed up by the fact that they are based on comics. That's why they are so interconnected and structured the way they are. You also don't have to read comics to know that every hero dies at some point only to be revived later on. No one stays dead forever.

I guess that's why I used the word "objectively." Subjectively, I know it's a comic book movie, and all that comes with that fact. And I don't mind.
M.C. Swag
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TCTTS said:

I know this won't be popular here, and I'm not saying I necessarily agree, but a lot of interesting points are definitely raised in this extremely well-written piece...

Good write up and the part I agree with the most is Thanos' motivation. I wish they wouldn't have changed it from the comics. The idea of a "deformed" child growing up trying to please the "god" of death for enduring past abuses is great. Give me that villain; not some tired, shallow, illogically altruistic one.
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spaceman said:

TexasAggie_02 said:

So I just watched last Friday's Agents of SHIELD

there is a throw away line about "what's going on in New York right now"

I had thought the show jumped off the MCU reservation a long time ago, but it appears that they are going to keep trying to stay relevant. The season is almost over, so are they going to have half of the cast turn to ash in a couple of weeks?
I suppose they could be super lucky and all be spared ...
At this point I think I'd rather they just didn't bother. The connection was already tenuous at best, but with everything they've gone through the last 2 seasons (new head of SHIELD, on the run), to see Hill and Fury together at the end of IW, the two real heads of SHIELD with a freaking flying aircraft carrier at their disposal still, just driving around New York while Coulson and his team are going through a supposedly federal government sponsored ****-storm... Yeah, sorry, they're not the same universes anymore, just let it go.
Murder Hornet
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Dr. Horrible said:

spaceman said:

PatAg said:

spaceman said:

Sorry if this has already been discussed but I haven't seen discussion elsewhere on in the interwebs ...

So, Stark asks Doctor Strange if there are any of the 14 million+ futures where we win, and he says "one". Then the scene cuts away. Then later, Strange gives up the time stone to Thanos to save Stark's life. (I assume Stark objected to this, but I don't recall his reaction exactly.) Strange says "it's the only way" or something. So ... what did Doctor Strange foresee, and did he tell Stark? If not, why the *** not? I assume after revealing there's only one way to beat Thanos, he would then have proceeded to share that info ... right?

Or maybe he did share it, and they were all in on the plan, and just had to make it LOOK like a good fight ... thoughts?
easy answer, in his vision, he doesn't tell anyone else the plan
See THAT's the part that's completely implausible. "Hey guys, we have only one chance in 14 million to save half the universe!"
"Oh yeah? HOW?"
"Sorry, I don't feel like sharing that info."

If that's what we are to assume happened, that's a disappointing cop-out. I'd expect that from a DC movie, not Marvel where our team of heroes actually operates like a team.
I assumed he told them A plan, but not THE plan. If they knew the plan, it wouldn't come to pass. And that was how he saw it play out in the vision.

Maybe it was only 12% of a plan
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forgive me if it has been discussed

one thing that bothered me is why didn't Dr Strange use the time stone to just quickly age Thanos until he was dust? We saw him do that with an apple in his movie and we saw Thanos reverse the death of Vision.

it seems like DS could have just turned his hand and made Thanos age and die. Are we to assume this was one of the 14 million options and it didn't work?
M.C. Swag
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Cibalo said:

forgive me if it has been discussed

one thing that bothered me is why didn't Dr Strange use the time stone to just quickly age Thanos until he was dust? We saw him do that with an apple in his movie and we saw Thanos reverse the death of Vision.

it seems like DS could have just turned his hand and made Thanos age and die. Are we to assume this was one of the 14 million options and it didn't work?

There's a ton of things that DS could have tried that would have definitely worked but with that single throwaway line of "14 million ways, only 1 works" is that it serves as the hallow excuse for every plausible "what if." Definitely a flimsy plot device.
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IMO, the time stone is probably the most powerful stone.

Strange could have frozen Thanos in time, and exempted the avengers from the effects of it (like he did with Wong and Mordo in Dr Strange), and then just kill him, dismember him, or something.
Ag Since 83
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Particularly when there are plenty of things he could have tried before he looked at the 14 million possibilities.

Strange is my least favorite Avenger. A guy who resolves a battle with the big bad by creating a time loop and basically saying "give up or we will do this forever to a stalemate" opens up too many plot holes later IMO
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hurleyag said:

This brings up a question for me. Thanos asked why Strange didn't use his most powerful weapon against him. What if he did? What if Strange had a time loop going and only let it end when all the details of the 1 successful outcome had come to pass?
I'm just bringing this back since it got lost in the title speculation and we are now discussing Strange using the stone.
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M.C. Swag said:

Cibalo said:

forgive me if it has been discussed

one thing that bothered me is why didn't Dr Strange use the time stone to just quickly age Thanos until he was dust? We saw him do that with an apple in his movie and we saw Thanos reverse the death of Vision.

it seems like DS could have just turned his hand and made Thanos age and die. Are we to assume this was one of the 14 million options and it didn't work?

There's a ton of things that DS could have tried that would have definitely worked but with that single throwaway line of "14 million ways, only 1 works" is that it serves as the hallow excuse for every plausible "what if." Definitely a flimsy plot device.
Yeah I mean the issue is that essentially if any of the stones are maxed out in terms of power usage, they'd be pretty much unstoppable alone.

The time stone for example: Strange could have gone back in time and killed Thanos' parents, Thanos could have just gotten the time stone and gone back in time and killed at the avengers before even starting collecting the other stones.

But they're married to these stones, so I guess they have to have Thanos use them almost like he's toying with the avengers. Otherwise there'd be no real conflict.
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Tom Holland improvised his death scene. Script didn't have any dialogue for spidey's death.



Infinity War co-director Joe Russo revealed in a Q&A session that none of Spider-Man's lines in this scene were written in the script. According to Russo, he simply told Holland that he "didn't want to die," and Holland rolled with it in what ended up being the movie's most heart-wrenching moment.
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spaceman said:

Thanos Thoughts:

What if there are an odd number of people in the universe? How would Thanos kill exactly half of them? If he doesn't, he's not bringing balance!

And one wonders, if every being in the universe regardless of status, wealth, or friggin' gender identity suffered a 50% chance of being snuffed out ... did that include Thanos himself?

Mind = blown.

For a split second, after he snapped and was...wherever he was when he talked to toddler Gamora...I thought the snap killed him instead (or as part of the 50%).

Then, they cut back to everyone dissolving. Weird little scene now that I think about it.
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Flow chart on how the movies flow into each other:

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Living Legend
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TCTTS said:

Is Hemsworth our last great action star? I feel like he has his signature role with Thor, but has yet to have a signature movie that cements him as a bonafide action lead. As much as I love him, and as much as his star has steadily risen, I feel like he could and should be way more of a deal than he currently is. With a big hit outside of the Marvel movies, I think he could be up there on a peg just slightly lower than The Rock.
Idk... I have no interest in seeing any of the movies hes done outside of the MCU.
Brian Earl Spilner
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It sort of is crazy that Hemsworth isn't a bigger star. I feel like he should be on The Rock's level. The dude is objectively good-looking, charismatic AF, funny..

He's tailor-made to be an action star, sort of like Chris Pratt.

He should at least be on Pratt-level.

And yes, I have a mancrush of both of those guys.
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He's just made some not-so-great choices I think. Following Ragnarok and this, I'm sure he'll have some better opportunities.

Zombie Jon Snow
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dave94 said:

He's just made some not-so-great choices I think. Following Ragnarok and this, I'm sure he'll have some better opportunities.

yeah i think it's a bit of a time/availability issue.

since 2011 he has made 8 MCU movies (4 Avengers, 3 Thor, and small part in Dr. S).

he had Red Dawn and the 2 Huntsmen movies in there - meh choices.

and comedies Vacation and Ghostbusters. - also meh.

and he had more like a cameo role in the ST movies.

thats 16 movies in about 8 years but nothing great outside of MCU,

He has a MIB spinoff coming up - could go either way we'll see.

I think if he is done with MCU after A4 he might find some more interesting roles. He will have more availability I'm sure it was tough to work some things in with the big 8 MCU movies.

Ag Since 83
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Personally I give Hemsworth the edge over Pratt, but neither of them have had a huge hit outside a huge franchise. Passengers was probably the movie that had everything going for it and it was a dud despite having Pratt and J-Law. Lego Movie was great and he was great in it but nobody said "oh I want to see that because of Chris Pratt." Other than Passengers, it doesn't seem like he's even tried to do something non-franchisey since joining the MCU

Hemsworth is at least willing to be in just about any kind of movie
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Pratt did the Magnificent 7 remake, but i have not seen that yet
Brian Earl Spilner
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I wouldn't count Pratt starring in the Jurassic World movies against him.

He is the star of his own huge franchise, and that's a pretty big deal. Something nobody in the MCU has done yet. (Outside of their own MCU franchises, obviously.)
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He was good in Jurassic
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TexasAggie_02 said:

Pratt did the Magnificent 7 remake, but i have not seen that yet
Actually really fun but I'm a sucker for Westerns. He also very much plays his Star-Lord/JP character, but he's good at it.
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I thought Hemsworth was pretty good in "Rush"
jackie childs
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i hope marvel re-ups with hemsworth. i feel like they're just now hitting their stride with Thor and i would think he'd be interested in working with Waititi again.

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I feel like Thor's story is just about wrapped up. He alludes to it in this movie where he says that he doesn't have anyone left. Also, there's a part where he talks about his fate always managing to stay alive sure seems like famous last words to me.
At the end of the day, we are all human and no one is more frustrated than we are. We are working everyday to be better... Let’s go back to being Aggie fans instead of acting like opposing team fans. Let’s do better.
jackie childs
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oh, i think you're right and it seems like the direction it's headed. it just stinks that we had four versions of kinda boring, Shakespeare Thor before finally getting this awesome version of him.

i think they could also sell it as that chapter of Thor's story coming to an end. he now has a new weapon that also controls the bi-frost. there's no reason we couldn't see a couple more relative stand-alone Thor movies where he zips around protecting the nine realms, right?
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