dave94 said:
Now I'm confused as to the question...
The timeframe between Thor getting his axe and Thanos fighting Stark, Strange, etc. is probably not meant to be totally concurrent. That was more for pacing of the story I think.
When Thor does show up in Wakanda, it didn't take me out of the moment thinking about what took him so long.
I thought y'all were asking about why he didn't axe Thanos as soon as he (Thanos) teleported into the forest. That's where I meant it wasn't a long time for him to take out Cap, BP, etc.
in my headcanon, I'd like to think that Thor first teleports to NYC. b/c that's where sh*t usually goes down.
Thor: We must hurry to earth to stop Thanos
Rocket: where on earth?
Thor: The home of the Avengers
Groot: I am groot
Thor: Of course we'll stop him, b/c That's. What. Heroes. Do......
**Thor teleports them to Times square. They see the remnants of the brief New York Battle, but everything is quiet**
Rocket: I think we're too late
Thor: Impossible
Groot: I am Groot
Thor: of course this is earth
**Thor borrows a cell phone from a bystander**
**cut to phone ringing**
**Darryl Jacobson answers**
Darryl: Hello
Thor: Darryl Jacobson, this is your old roommate, Thor, Son of Odin. Can you tell me where Thanos is?
Darryl: Who?
Thor: Big purple alien, hell bent on destroying half the universe
Darryl: Well, the news says that there's spaceships landing in Wakanda [immigrant song slowly starts to build in the background]
Grandmaster: Hey, uh is that the Sparkles? Lemme talk to him
Grandmaster: Hey, Lord of Thunder, so, uh, you're going to take on this Thanos, is it? Do you want to borrow, my uh, melting stick? Hello? Hello?

**Sound of Bifrost activating is heard over the phone**