*** Avengers: Infinity War --- SPOILERS ALLOWED in here ***

225,490 Views | 1691 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by ChipFTAC01
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jackie childs said:

You could add Happy to your unknown list.

I'd say Jane Foster and Sif too, but the way they were left out of Ragnarok, they may not be in future plans anyway.

I don't think everyone gets a resolution, the story is too big. Jane at least was dealt with via break up in Ragnarok, I suspect that's all the ending she gets or needs.

I just want to know what happens to Jeff Goldblum.
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AliasMan02 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

Ulrich said:

Did anyone else catch the reference to Catch Me if you Can?

Do you concur?
I don't understand why there would be CMIYC Easter Eggs in this movie. I don't see any crossover there at all with characters or actors or creatives or whatever. Even in CMIYC, Leo was saying it because it was a cliche thing he picked up from watching TV... not like the phrase is in any way unique.

What's the connection to Footloose or Arrested Development or anything Stark or Star Lord says? There doesn't have to be a reason for every reference Stark throws out there.

Maybe it's not a reference to anything in particular, it's just a cliche Stark is using out of context because he thinks it's funny.

EDIT: regardless, clearly I wasn't the only one who took it at a CMIYC reference.
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Went to see it earlier today, what a ride! I don't follow MCU as close as some of y'all on here so I didn't see that ending coming at all. I fully expected one or two of the big characters to die but not half the cast.
I see a lot of y'all likening this to an intermission. Is this really the halfway point of this marvel universe? What phase are we on and how many more are there?
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I really think the "soul for a soul" thing was to retrieve the stone. I don't think that someone has to be sacrificed to take it from Thanos.
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Ulrich said:

AliasMan02 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

Ulrich said:

Did anyone else catch the reference to Catch Me if you Can?

Do you concur?
I don't understand why there would be CMIYC Easter Eggs in this movie. I don't see any crossover there at all with characters or actors or creatives or whatever. Even in CMIYC, Leo was saying it because it was a cliche thing he picked up from watching TV... not like the phrase is in any way unique.

What's the connection to Footloose or Arrested Development or anything Stark or Star Lord says? There doesn't have to be a reason for every reference Stark throws out there.

Maybe it's not a reference to anything in particular, it's just a cliche Stark is using out of context because he thinks it's funny.
The Arrested Development references in IW and Civil War are because the Russo Bros wrote Arrested Development. Star Lord pretty much makes 80s references. Just not sure CMIYC rates, is all, good movie though it is.
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Ulrich said:

I just want to know what happens to Jeff Goldblum.
Dr. Teeth
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M.C. Swag said:

Philip J Fry said:

Stop him how?

I assume that the 1 chance in 1 million+ is the plan that Dr. Strange is executing.
Go back. Warn Xandar (?) about his coming. Or Kill Thanos at birth. or idk...literally go back and tell Quill not to punch Thanos while they were inches away from getting the guantlet. There's a million things.
Strange had observed 14 million possible futures with exactly one positive outcome, and therefore knew exactly what needed to happen or not happen to get there. Maybe he saw himself doing each of those things, and failing.

Everything Strange did, or didn't do (like say, give Stark details about what he needed to do next), was completely intentional.
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bobinator said:

Yeah but like someone else pointed out, he has the power to do basically anything. He could make planets twice as big or he could make twice as many planets or any number of things. He's very oddly committed to the "half of everyone has to die" thing when he basically has unlimited power.

I assumed the powers of the reality stone are only temporary, like was seen in the scene with the collector. Maybe he can't just double all the resources.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Just got out. It was great. I'm predicting Thanos decides utopia is meaningless without Gomorra, reverses time at the cost of the Soul Stone and bringing back all of the Avengers and people in the universe that were killed. Banner finally gets over his Hulkrectile Dysfunction to hold him down while Nebula finally does the one thing her sister couldn't, kill Thanos.

Haven't read the thread so I'm assuming somebody has made a similar prediction, but that's what I'm guessing.

They really did a great job with having every character having screen time.

Oh and Thor is the best.
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jackie childs said:

You could add Happy to your unknown list.

I'd say Jane Foster and Sif too, but the way they were left out of Ragnarok, they may not be in future plans anyway.
Jane Foster is definitely out. Only reason Sif wasn't in Ragnarok was because Jaime Alexander was on a different continent shooting Blindspot during Ragnarok's filming. There is a possibility of her being included in the future.
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M.C. Swag said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:


Wish I could be in an audience like this, not gonna lie.

Idk I felt like IW was the least enjoyable theatre experience I've had. Star wars and marvel premiere weekends are some of the cringiest sh*t. Like the crowd made the jokes seem cringier for me. Because they lose their sh*t at chuckle jokes. The couple next to me literally did the wakanda salute whenever chadwiick boseman appears. It's like a competition to who is the biggest fanboy. Some dude had to yell out "THATS THE CAPTAIN MARVEL LOGO" after the credits scene. Idk I just need to put on blinders for this stuff.

I too hate people having fun.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I just sat through two babies crying from the same family. I'd take your experience any day.

To Swag.
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"Mr. Stark I don't feel so good"

Dang that scene was upsetting
Old Buffalo
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I think Cap dies in the next one. There's was the exchange between him and Vision around sacrificing one life for millions.

The exchange at the beginning between Tony and Pepper sets Iron Man up for a ride off into the sunset.
Urban Ag
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Did anyone else notice, at the very end scene with Thanos, that he looked like his body was starting to react to the stones the way that Starlord's did when he held the stone in Guardians 1 ? I swear, that infection looking, purple/black, veiny thing was on his left arm and torso. Anyone else notice that?

Urban Ag
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Old Buffalo said:

I think Cap dies in the next one. There's was the exchange between him and Vision around sacrificing one life for millions.

The exchange at the beginning between Tony and Pepper sets Iron Man up for a ride off into the sunset.
I honestly think most of the originals will die. Agree that Cap is gone and I think it is he that will hold the Gauntlet to reverse what Thanos did. I think Thor is gone as they made a major point of his sorrow that all of his family and people were gone. I think he is ready to join them in Valhalla. Stark is a 50/50 to me because it would be an audience go wild if he makes it, retires, then in the end credits show him and Pepper with a baby. That also leaves the door open for him to come back in cameos or even to save the day as a grey bearded Iron Man. And maybe Natasha and Banner die, or maybe they retire in to obscurity to play hide the zucchini on a tropical island. Who know. But I think most of them bite it.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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The real missed opportunity at the end of the movie was to have all sorts of random people disappearing in hilarious situations, all set to the Benny Hill theme music.


Couple having sex, woman disappears, man left humping bed.
Dog walker out walking dogs, all dogs disappear except tiniest dog.
Airline pilots disappear off 747, only guy left on plane is Ted Stryker
Brian McCann disappears just as Justin Verlander unleashes fastball umpire is drilled in the balls.
Entire New England defense disappears at once. Patriots still beat Browns 21-13.
Every single V-blogger on YouTube disappears; nobody notices.
George RR Martin disappears; wife confirms he never even started "The Winds of Winter"
Definitely Not A Cop
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Deadpool disappears saving a bus load of children.
Sex Panther
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Just got out. Damn... Thought it was fantastic, and an incredible achievement in building up to this for 10 years and then balancing out so many characters and story archs. Probably the most intense film I can remember seeing.

And TC, I love you man, and while I do get what you're saying... I just don't think most people (myself included) feel the way you do.

Of course we know Black Panther, and Star Lord, and Peter Parker... aren't dead. But most people don't follow this stuff the way this board and we do. The lady next to me, who was audibly crying, probably has no idea that Spider Man has a sequel coming. But she does know that she just watched a kid die in his mentor/idol/father-figure's arms, in an incredibly delivered moment by Tom Holland...

Of course I know he's coming back, but that scene got to me. It felt like real weight and consequence to me for now. And I trust Marvel enough to figure out how to handle it well and to not feel like a cop out. And I also trust them to handle their characters moving forward, even though I agree that it's going to be pretty tough to have Spider Man 2: Advanced Placement, with Peter Parker fighting The Scorpion, after he just died in space against Thanos... I'll worry about that down the road. For right now, all I know is I just watched a 15 year old kid die in a truly heartbreaking way.

Marvel movies are fun, sometimes to a fault and people don't think there's any consequence. Well the bad guy just won. We know he won't win in the long run, but the **** just hit the fan. And the characters we've loved and gotten attached to for a decade are either dead or completely broken. This movie delivered. And again, balancing it the way it did, the sheer ambition of it all... just an incredible feat.

And for all those complaints about Marvel having bland, one dimensional, one off villains... well boy did they make up for it. Thanos was flat out incredible. That's how you live up to a billing.
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I really hope Marvel has planned to replace everyone that just died in future movies, and they are actually dead.
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Andyzipp said:

LeonardSkinner said:

Totally random thing I noticed in the credits, that didn't line up with what I saw in the movie.

"Medusa motion capture artist" (or something along those lines).

Did I miss something, or did we get an Inhuman Easter egg somewhere?
The Medusa Performance Capture system, developed by Disney Research in Zurich, consists of a mobile rig of cameras and lights coupled with proprietary software that can reconstruct actor's faces in full motion, without using traditional motion-capture dots. The technology comes as the result of many years worth of research and scientific advances in capturing and modeling of human faces.

Well thats kind of awesome. Very similar to what I do in my research but a completely different application.
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Urban Ag said:

Did anyone else notice, at the very end scene with Thanos, that he looked like his body was starting to react to the stones the way that Starlord's did when he held the stone in Guardians 1 ? I swear, that infection looking, purple/black, veiny thing was on his left arm and torso. Anyone else notice that?

I did notice that on my 2nd viewing tonight, but I took it to be damage to him from whatever also damaged the glove. I think it was from the snap.
Trident 88
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Brian Earl Spilner said:


Wish I could be in an audience like this, not gonna lie.

This movie was so damn good that I actually listened to this entire recording just to experience the best moments again.

This movie was also so damn good that I read this entire thread from start to finish afterwards. I NEVER do that.

I think almost everything worth saying has been said. I would only add that after Thanos snapped his fingers, they eventually cut to what appeared to be a farm house out in the middle of nowhere. I was worried that we were about to see Hawkeye's wife and/or kids turn to dust. Instead, it was just Thanos staring at the sunrise and looking satisfied like an actor in a Folger's coffee commercial.

"The best part of waking uuup... is Folger's in your cuuup."
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I thought the same about Hawkeye.

What if in Ant-Man, they find the long lost Mrs Pym, only to have her turn to ash?
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I saw a post where someone commented on the glossing over of Bruce/Natasha. My take on that scene is that Steve and Nat are together now. When Banner comes out, the view switched to Rogers and Romanoff, and Falcon calls it awkward.

Also, did I hear "Captain America" at all?
Definitely Not A Cop
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I thought Cap was with his first girlfriends granddaughter? I was just under the impression they said that because Bruce essentially Irish goodbye'd Natasha when he left originally.
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I think Nat and Bruce got glossed over because narrative went over like a lead balloon when it happened. With Bruce being off planet, it was an easy way to push it aside and basically forget about it.

Steve and Nat have always had a pretty good bond, which was reinforced in Winter Soldier, and then when she helped them escape in Civil War. They've been on the run since then, so it's naturally going to be really strong. I don't think we are looking at a romance at this point for Steve.
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Yeah, I'm not seeing, or wanting, "romance" in the cards for Steve. Just that this was the impression I got from that scene.
Fightin TX Aggie
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"In time, you will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right. Yet to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives." - Thanos

Somehow, it will be Thanos that this quote boomerangs back on. As he walked out to look at the sunrise after killing 1/2 the universe, I can't believe he was satisfied. His bat **** crazy theory of what the universe needed was...crazy.

Somehow, his own dissatisfaction will lead him to reverse what he did.

But he was so powerful that nearly every single possible future path led to his ultimate victory. So, why is this particular path set in motion by Strange the one path where Thanos doesn't win? That's what I haven't figured out yet.
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I thought it was weird that he just handed over the time stone and it didn't really fit, I guess his line at the end might have meant that this is what was supposed to happen to have the chance of beating him eventually. Hopefully it is explained a little more because it was really the only thing I disliked that people just kept handing him soul stones over one life and then Strange just straight up flip flops on his stance about it. I understood Peter not killing gamora, vision and SW, and gamora trying to save her sister. Strange handing it over for Tony really didn't make any sense at the time.
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tv1113 said:

I thought it was weird that he just handed over the time stone and it didn't really fit, I guess his line at the end might have meant that this is what was supposed to happen to have the chance of beating him eventually. Hopefully it is explained a little more because it was really the only thing I disliked that people just kept handing him soul stones over one life and then Strange just straight up flip flops on his stance about it. I understood Peter not killing gamora, vision and SW, and gamora trying to save her sister. Strange handing it over for Tony really didn't make any sense at the time.

Strange told Tony it's the only way. We are in the end game now.
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LeonardSkinner said:

I saw a post where someone commented on the glossing over of Bruce/Natasha. My take on that scene is that Steve and Nat are together now. When Banner comes out, the view switched to Rogers and Romanoff, and Falcon calls it awkward.

Also, did I hear "Captain America" at all?
Vision says "Thank You Captain" after their rescue in Scotland. Pretty sure that was it.

Its awkward because like it was stated above, Banner ditched her and left the planet. I'm pretty sure in the next film, Natasha will be in mortal danger/killed which will cause Banner to finally Hulk out again.
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Strange saw all the possibilities and handing over the Stone to spare Tony was part of the 1 victorious scenario. We don't know how, and even Tony asks "why would you do that?", but this was the only way. Presumably Tony is key to the final stretch. If Strange hadn't given the stone, they would have all been killed and the stone would have been taken anyway.
The Debt
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Cromagnum said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:


Wish I could be in an audience like this, not gonna lie.

I hate theaters like this. I'm there to watch a movie, not listen to a bunch of supernerds yell so loud that I can't hear the dialogue.

My goodness they yelled for the tesseract? What nonsense.
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