NICARAGUA 4,533 Cases, 158 Deaths
HONDURAS 103,102 Cases, 2,823 Deaths
COSTA RICA 123,223 Cases, 1,546 Deaths don't know how germane to this discussion that this might be, but to me I have always felt that Nicaragua was the country to watch in this hemisphere as a bellwether. Reason being is that the health care system for the poor is really bad and they basically had -0- shutdown and not near the panic that their neighboring countries did. Look at the stat differences, although obviously not accurate.
Nicaragua obviously under counted deaths and cases, by a good amount. But from people there who I am close to and business contacts, they have not had mass deaths in the street nor the piling up of the sick at the hospitals. Mentioned earlier on this thread was the average age of the country, and that is a factor, but does not explain the differences between the neighboring countries.

I opened the plant in Nicaragua that made this face mask (I kidded them that it didn't work well) and during the height of the pandemic they worked a helluva lot, about 1,200 people.They were making about 70K dozen masks a week. They had 9 known cases and during the last 6 months they have had 2 employee's die, none of the confirmed cases died. Now, that is not a terrible oddity as sad as it may seem as every year they tend to have 2 to as many as 8 deaths within their facility for varied reasons.
I spent 11 years in Nicaragua at different stints and the one thing that I believe, again personal opinion, that makes a big difference is that I bet that not more than 15%, if that, of the population has access to AC on a daily basis. That factory that made the mask, pure open air with lots of ventilation. As are all the malls, most restaurants, and most homes. Also the government didn't provide the amount of testing that other countries did and tests were limited to those that were actively sick, unless done privately.
There were plenty of tragedies and issues there, make no mistake. But the poor ass country has chugged on and is not in utter disarray either, that is my point.