quote:And ADA requirements specify that handicapped spaces must be available for handicapped persons at all times, not just part time.
Handicapped parking is for parking.
quote:You never leave your house and watch the front of their house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
If not one single car has used the designated handicapped parking area
quote:30 feet of an entire city block is not a significant area, and they have a legally justified need for a handicapped parking zone.
then obviously there was not a need for that huge section of public street to be off limits for others in the neighborhood.
quote:Again, they have a legally justified need.
It doesn't take a genious to see that these women just didn't want anyone to park in front of their house.
quote:What I have seen is two residents who exercised the legal rights within the confines of existing laws and policies.
If you don't see the fraud and misuse I don't know how else to explain it to you.
quote:Okay, keep telling yourself that.
I really don't hate lesbians or any specific group. I do think these particular women are mean as hell and for that reason added some color to the post.
I think your real complaint should be with Paulie's restaurant. That restaurant is the primary cause of traffic and parking congestion on Driscoll between Westheimer and Fairview, because its parking lot is grossly inadequate.