Following is the content of the letter I emailed to RTT:
Thanks for offering to forward this email to Jeff and Richard. Obviously this issue has been bothering me for some time now.
As you are aware my neighbors across the street had two handicapped parking signs erected in the summer of 2008. If this space (big enough for two compact cars in my opinion - see attached photo) was being used for handicapped parking I wouldn't even be writing this letter. I can tell you that since these signs went up about a year ago not one single car has ever parked there - handicapped tag or no tag - not one. Obviously there was not a need for handicapped parking along this curb if no car has ever parked there. I guess the residents at 2410 Driscoll thought they would just outsmart the City and have handicapped parking signs put up to prevent anyone from parking in front of their house. While I can understand that these residents don't want people parking in front of their house we all know that this is not the purpose of handicapped parking signs.
I don't have to tell you how tight parking already is along Driscoll between Westheimer and Fairview. Not only does Paulie's Restaurant eliminate scarce curbside parking spaces during peak hours, but the building of these huge townhomes with multiple driveways has further negated curbside parking opportunities on this block. More than half the time I end up parking my car on another block. Why should I have to do this when there are two perfectly good parking spaces directly across the street from my apartment that are never used?
While I think these signs were fraudulently obtained and the intent was in bad faith I do realize that the City of Houston has to consider many issues before these signs are removed. All I ask is that this issue is given some thought in light of the already tight parking on this block.
[This message has been edited by Old Main (edited 4/25/2009 8:42p).]