We need one of these going off at Kyle Field every hour....call it Bonfire Cafe or somethingmaroon barchetta said:

We need one of these going off at Kyle Field every hour....call it Bonfire Cafe or somethingmaroon barchetta said:
aggies4life said:
Hearing bubba's 33 Coming to cs
Yeah, I think we saw that on a Monday or Tuesday a couple weeks back.dogowner said:
Tried to come eat at King Noodle Sushi today and there is a help wanted sign in the window and the door is padlocked
war hymn aggie said:
Plucker's has broken ground.
Seriously can't wait. Will go there over the summer/winter breaks and back to WnM during the semester when Plucker's is too crowded.war hymn aggie said:
Plucker's has broken ground.
AggiePhil said:
Where will the Pluckers be?
Wow, that's a name I haven't heard in years, kinda forgot they were there. I remember it being good though.AggiePhil said:
Joy Luck has closed.
MiMi said:
Brazos Valley Urgent Care is permanently closing on April 27.
But first they run every possible test they can bill your insurance for even though it will not change the treatment plan at all.trouble said:
It's been going downhill for years. They are all too happy to just write an Rx for ABX and send you on your way without a full exam.
SPI-FlatsCatter 84 said:
Cap Rock on Briarcrest has saved me from a long drive to Houston or long wait at BSW ON 3 occasions
Highly recommend
This is good to hear. So many of the parking lots are way underused. This will probably help the cinemark as well.Captn_Ag05 said:
A Bubba's 33 is going in along 6 in the Cinemark parking lot.
bcstx06 said:SPI-FlatsCatter 84 said:
Cap Rock on Briarcrest has saved me from a long drive to Houston or long wait at BSW ON 3 occasions
Highly recommend
The Cap Rock Hospital is nice, but I wasted $250 going there a few years back and was not tested for flu/strep/Covid and was sent home with a prescription for sore throat. The next day I went to Integrity Urgent Care, paid a $35 copay and was properly diagnosed. Cap Rock is nice and fast but only go in emergencies. The only reason I went is because it was so late that nothing else was open but the emergency rooms at the big hospitals. Also demand to be tested for whatever you may feel is necessary.