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Things that make you irrationally mad

65,025 Views | 664 Replies | Last: 8 mo ago by cena05
Sooper Jeenyus
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Shoefly! said:

Hungry Ojos said:

The absolute refusal of women to understand that you can't go 55 in the left lane.

The absolute refusal of women to understand that you don't follow in the right lane in town, that's the lane everyone slows down to turn into a lot or out of. It bottles my mind!
My wife will tailgate people in the right lane of a residential road instead of moving to the left lane and passing. And she can't understand why I'm bothered by it. In fact, I'M the jerk for BEING bothered by it.
Sooper Jeenyus
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aggiesundevil4 said:

What? You don't use the word "ducking" with regularity?
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Why is your wife driving?
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aggiesundevil4 said:


So much this. Specifically when it changes from the word you're trying to use (technical jargon or acronyms). Makes me lose my mind
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I Am A Critic said:

zooguy96 said:

3. People who get into the right lane to pass you who are going 20+ over the speed limit.
Try driving in the correct lane, geezer.
Well, I'm usually going 10-15 above the speed limit... so...
I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot.
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Tailgate88 said:

Why is your wife driving?

Wasn't allowed to drive for several weeks post shoulder surgery. Enduring her driving was worse than the rehab
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But, it's still on the list.
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On the rare occasion that I wash my truck, the next time I drive it someone is invariable watering the street for one reason or the other.
Gig 'em! '90
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-when trying to use a strew and it spins then falls and you have to start the attempt all over.
-when using a length of rope or webbing and it wraps itself and causes just enough tension you can't pull it through to free it.
-setting out a game cam for 2 weeks only to find it was left on set up, had no card or just didn't take pics
Hoyt Ag
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People that support Muley Freak
EVs, Solar farms and Wind turbine cheerleaders
kids in first class on flights
Alphabet people and DEI at the workplace
hunters that bugle during rifle 2-4 rifle seasons
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Dirty-8-thirty Ag said:

1. Co-Exist stickers

2. People that fill up at diesel/gas pumps with their gas cars, when there are other gas only pumps available to use

3. Wal-Martians/Pajama pants people

4. Getting my ears blasted out while wingshooting with people that can't stay in their shooting lanes.

5. Over the top, in your face, sprinkling fairly dust everywhere they go alphabet people. Don't care if you're a pickle smoocher, just don't need to hear about it.

6. Idiots that have their pronouns on emails/social media

7. The tailgates that lock on the new Ford pickups. They make me lose my religion when I get out of the pickup, walk to the back, locked out, have to go back to cab and press unlock.

Need I continue?
All of the above, although I will add to #3 people who wear their pants below their ass.....
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For someone who carries a knife, i get irrationally mad at plastic packages with no clear way to open them.

Actually, it's not irrational because sometimes that package is for food and I know what else I've used that knife for.
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malenurse said:

Tailgate88 said:

Why is your wife driving?

Wasn't allowed to drive for several weeks post shoulder surgery. Enduring her driving was worse than the rehab

Fair enough!
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Sooper Jeenyus said:

Shoefly! said:

Hungry Ojos said:

The absolute refusal of women to understand that you can't go 55 in the left lane.

The absolute refusal of women to understand that you don't follow in the right lane in town, that's the lane everyone slows down to turn into a lot or out of. It bottles my mind!
My wife will tailgate people in the right lane of a residential road instead of moving to the left lane and passing. And she can't understand why I'm bothered by it. In fact, I'M the jerk for BEING bothered by it.

And I thought I was the only one that suffered from this phenomenon!
D&C 2002
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When the potato masher, soup ladle, or some other awkward utensil gets hung so you can't open the drawer more than 3/4". Instant red, throwing said utensil in the yard, etc.

When I hit my head on something that I knew was there and told myself not to hit my head….

Working on anything under the sink. Garbage disposal, faucet, etc. Effing hate it

I would say RV life has taught me to be a lot more patient in a lot of situations. Bad drivers, flat tires, stuff constantly breaking - you kind of just learn to adapt and overcome. But there are some things like that GDMFing potato masher that I'll never get past.
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aggiesundevil4 said:

And people texting while driving.

This and watching tik toks or similar. It's maddening.
Type 07 FFL / Class 2 SOT
Nightforce Optics Dealer
AGM Night Vision Dealer
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People in the right lane with a right turn blinker that refuse to turn right until the light turns green.

People who come to almost a complete stop turn into a driveway or parking lot.
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People that don't turn on their headlights at dawn or dusk. Usually these dunces have silver, gray or dark colored vehicles that are hard to see!! I am sure that some of these cars have automatic headlights!
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People driving slow in the mountains that refuse to use the pullouts despite 12 cars piled up behind them.

Asshats that get mad at slow drivers in the mountains and pass on solid yellow lines on curves with no regard for others safety.
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People who use hazards in the rain. Gtfo the road if you're too scared to drive. I can't see you any better, all I see is blinking.
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People that think putting their flashers on in a snow storm gives them the right to go 20 in the left lane.

People that pass on the right going 65-75 in a snowstorm after the freeways been closed for 4 hours only to wreck out 2 miles down the road and reclose it.

Oh yeah - ford focuses - f that car.
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People that ski in matching Spyder outfits and especially people that match themself and their partner in Spyder outfits.

Tell me you're a Jerry from Mexico City without telling me you're a Jerry from Mexico City.

Grown men (anyone above 5' 7) that ski on 170s or shorter and people that tell me they need a bigger ski boot. No you don't. You need a smaller boot… always.

People that ski without helmets.

People that tell me how fast they allegedly went on their last run on the chairlift up.

Men drinking white claws or any hard seltzer. Get some beers and a couple shots of Jamo…

Single ply toilet paper.
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"Salt Life" sticker on a vehicle with plates from Missouri, Ohio, Wyoming or any other land locked state!
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- people in grocery stores who park their cart in the middle of the aisle to look for their item
- drivers who slow down, likely while texting, and when you go to pass, they speed up
- when you are working on something, you're carrying a tool/pencil/tape measure to go do something else for a second, then absentmindedly put that item down...go back to what you are doing and realize what you need is over there
- drivers who pull out suddenly in front of you when NO ONE is behind you
- anyone watching videos by themselves in a public place, especially on planes, with the sound up loud
Aggie Infantry
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When the truth comes out, do not ask me how I knew.
Ask yourself why you did not.
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People who talk on the speakerphone went in public. No, I don't wanna listen to your conversation.
I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot.
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- drivers who pull out suddenly in front of you when NO ONE is behind you

This one right here!!!
The Fall Guy
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Women that don't give daily BJ's in the evenings!!
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People who are irrationally against hunting and are completely uneducated on conservation.
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People who are kolache dorks and give others crap for kolache vs klobasnek. (And I'm 3/4 Czech).

Cars that pull out in front of you on a two lane highway, with nobody else in the other lane.

People that merge on to highways going 45-50 mph.
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Cyclists that ignore traffic laws but cry about "sharing the road"

My middle aged declining eyesight

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If I'm moving, carrying, pulling, relocating any thing that has event the slightest chance of getting snagged on something else against he most impossible odds, it seems like it ALWAYS happens.

Also, I cannot stand the crinkling sound of plastic based packaging. Like a big bag of chips. I'll be in the grocery store and some fatty down the aisle is trying to decide which flavor of chips to buy and I'll be about to jump out of my skin with irrational rage at the crinkling sound for no reason really. I keep thinking "just buy the damn thing or put it down already!"
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Weathermen that can't just give forecast, but add in impending doom and gloom disaster with any weather change.
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Shel Winkley leads the charge on this crap.
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Our local small businesses that don't return phone calls yet have time to post about supporting your local small business.

Charismatic Megafauna
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