Conspiracy theories you believe in

163,769 Views | 1535 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Ol Army 01
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How many people know that during WW II, there were internment camps not just for Japanese, but for Germans and Italians? Some of them were in Texas.
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DiMaggio's dad, a fisherman around San Francisco, was banned from going out to sea during WWII to prevent him from meeting up with Mussolini's fleet hiding in fog off the Golden Gate.....
as his son was probably most popular athlete in the world.

Bird Poo
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That the Democrat party is wanting to allow illegals to vote because they cannot win over the middle class on their ideas.
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World War I, we cannot forget, was made even crazier by the fact the map of the world was basically "up for grabs."
Decades later, Hitler and Stalin and Tojo wanted to change the map, but the winners were prudent, by the standards of decades earlier.... such as, Stalin moved Poland 200 miles to the west.
Different than 1917 thinking, yes including Hitler. Documents and declarations from decades earlier truly were hugely expansionist, much like anyone arguing the American Civil War was not about slavery (wrong) has to contend with declarations of successions, which included ambitions to invade South America and Cuba.
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PearlJammin said:

That the Democrat party is wanting to allow illegals to vote because they cannot win over the middle class on their ideas.

Not exactly a conspiracy theory, known fact for decades.
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What do anthropology exhibits of old tell us about ancient hominid "giants" ?
Something, and much is hidden away.
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Houston people:
this hotel has occultist symbolism that we know is occultist symbolism, as I've detailed earlier on this thread, because we see commonalities across time and environment, and because former occultists talk.

Don't stay here.

All such symbolism - including some well-known hotels in Atlanta, LA, and NYC ("W family") - must be avoided
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Ancient Egypt (read through the Emmerich link I provided earlier, and the sphinx complex is older than the conventional view) :

This was a society of roots in an antediluvian world (when the Black Sea became a sea from a lake).
Deluge changed a lot of things. Priests believed they were a colony of Atlantis, and some came from families that turned their back on Adam, founder of Jerusalem (not first human, but first "man of the promise."
Pyramids were for initiation rites that inverted sacraments of Adam and Noe, where Pharaohs every year would lie in coffins while still alive...remind you of anything now?
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Recently, Norway conducted the largest child abuse image seizure in history....150 terabytes.
English news world ignored totally.
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Black Dhalia - I am convinced it was Hodel. His son has a large amount of evidence.
Possibly also Zodiac (but see Fincher's film, it's excellent)
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Boomer rock fans (I am one) have to contend with Luciferianism in the music business. For example, Bowie, Rolling Stone, Feb. 12 1976:
"Rock has always been THE DEVIL'S MUSIC. I believe rock and roll is dangerous I feel we're only heralding SOMETHING EVEN DARKER THAN OURSELVES."
Little RIchard:
"My true belief about Rock 'n' Roll and there have been a lot of phrases attributed to me over the years is this: I believe this kind of music is demonic. A lot of the beats in music today are taken from voodoo, from the voodoo drums. If you study music in rhythms, like I have, you'll see that is true. I believe that kind of music is driving people from Christ. It is contagious." (Charles White book "The Life and Times of Little Richard," p. 19)
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Any Snoop fans?
Read "The Dogfather"
Calvin died when the devil - literally the devil - came to him to make a deal....according to Snoop.
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Windover skeletons of North America (6000 BC or so)....
geneticists (Central Florida Museum) believe they are of near Asian (Caucuses) origin.
We will see.
Ancient DNA is telling us some very fascinating things (I recommend David Reich and Greg Cochran).
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Related, very UN-PC:
I believe we will conclusively know, and rather sooner than later, that
The Yamnaya tribe of the Pontus steppes really did conduct mass invasions (and mass male homicides) to the East and the West, bringing about the biggest population replacement in world history, thus far.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

This entire thread is Redstone socks.
You just had to go and rattle his cage, didn't you?
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Redstone said:

Antarctica : let's stick to one telling fact.

1940s and 1950s -

All developed nations with territorial ambitions - literally all, including China and Russia and the US - have explorers there, spending a lot of money to establish facilities for military and research and who knows what.

Then....a sudden peace treaty, with masses of territory sealed.

What's your speculation on this?
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I've seen double posts, even triple posts, but a niner!? Holy smokes!
Actual Talking Thermos
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Minor in the grand scheme of things, but a couple years ago Rand Paul, a sitting US Senator, had the absolute **** kicked out of him by his retired physician neighbor, to the point of multiple broken ribs, and both sides stuck to the story that this was a dispute over lawn clippings on someone's yard. Starting immediately and going right up through the time that the neighbor got sentenced to 30 days in jail and everyone kind of forgot about it.

A retired doctor and a sitting US Senator neighbor get in an argument over lawn clippings in their no doubt well-heeled neighborhood, and it escalated to that level of brutal violence? Nah. I just do not buy it. Maybe that argument gets heated and someone gets a finger in their face, a playground shove, maybe even someone takes a swing, but give me a break. Some retired suburban doctor with absolutely no record doesn't suddenly get pushed that far that easily. You do not go your whole life without getting into trouble and then just one day viciously beat a powerful politician like you're trying to kill him over some stuff on your lawn. That's the kind of reaction you might get if somebody slept with somebody's wife, or somebody got screwed out of a lot of money, or SOMETHING. Something that neither of them wanted to talk about publicly.

e: At the time I remember plenty of speculation in places like this that it was political, this was clearly a sign of how deranged democrats were becoming, etc. I don't buy that because Rand Paul would have had every reason to talk about it if there was even a hint of politics in that confrontation. If his neighbor beat him down for being a republican, he could've taken that on tour to every talking head news show and every talk radio outlet, and it would've played like gangbusters. But he didn't. He stuck to the lawn clippings story 100%.
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Redstone said:

Related, very UN-PC:
I believe we will conclusively know, and rather sooner than later, that
The Yamnaya tribe of the Pontus steppes really did conduct mass invasions (and mass male homicides) to the East and the West, bringing about the biggest population replacement in world history, thus far.

Redstone, you are surpassing both Spyderman and me on the paranoia scale.
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ETFan said:

I've seen double posts, even triple posts, but a niner!? Holy smokes!
Leaked footage of Redstone when he logged in and saw this thread was bumped:

CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Friendos, be not afraid: more hot takes dropping tomorrow.

I was tempted to do some effortposting tonight, but will be scaling back and waiting about 15 hours, as part of a larger initiative to built and maintain a better relationship with Staff.
I also know some things with regard to my professional life, but need time to cool the take(s).
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1). Ancient civilization evidence buried under the ice.
2). Energy / tone portals. (See work of Brian Allan.)
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Redstone said:

1). Ancient civilization evidence buried under the ice.
2). Energy / tone portals. (See work of Brian Allan.)
some telling FitBit maps, too.
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I guessing the line separating conspiracy theorist and schizophrenic is pretty small.
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Not really a conspiracy theory as much as a fact:

Every year a large number of people go missing in National Parks, but USNPS suppresses this information and refuses to release the names of missing people. Google David Paulides Missing 411.
End Of Message
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Read "Journal of the Dead"

I've grown up in and around NP. They are amazing places, but some strange things do happen in areas that large.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
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I have no doubt that people go missing due to exposure to elements, animal predation, mishaps, etc, but that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to instances where people go missing for no apparent reason and the USNPS is stonewalling it.

There's a surprisingly large number of cases where a child leaves the sight of a parent for a minute, then they're never seen again. Search parties are called out. Manhunts last for days. No blood. No sign of struggle. No torn clothing. *POOF* Just Gone.

Here's a video explaining one of those cases:

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Bobcat06 said:

I have no doubt that people go missing due to exposure to elements, animal predation, mishaps, etc, but that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to instances where people go missing for no apparent reason and the USNPS is stonewalling it.

There's a surprisingly large number of cases where a child leaves the sight of a parent for a minute, then they're never seen again. Search parties are called out. Manhunts last for days. No blood. No sign of struggle. No torn clothing. *POOF* Just Gone.

Here's a video explaining one of those cases:

Even more dumbfounding is that sometimes the bodies are found a distance and in a short period of time very few could travel without a vehicle of some sort. Not even animals.

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azulAg said:

whats so great about antarctica ?

You can see thousands of penguins take a s@@t. (Yes, been there and you can smell it too)
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IrishTxAggie said:

If you touch it too much it will fall off

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First, a very sincere apology for missing the aforementioned timeframe. Although it is always wrong to assume pronouns and traffic in stereotypes, it is possible that some who identify as "women" engage in highly dramatic behavior, which can necessitate the giving of much time, attention, and emotional energy.

Let's begin today with the president. Anyone who has read his (ghostwritten, verbally dictated) memoir(s) knows that his mentor was George Steinbrenner. The main takeaways from the press-loving, contentious Yankees owner:

A). feed the media. They love controversy and personal nonsense. This allows you more room to maneuver bureaucratically. B). Fire anyone at any time, which instills a healthy fear. People are replaceable. C). Family is not replaceable. Close family are the only people you can trust. D). Do not drink or smoke. This helps you out-maneuver people you hate, and who hate you, so it's better to get revenge.

Sound familiar? What would Jeff Bezos say?

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About missing persons in National Parks:

stats on this don't exist, or if they do, NP is not releasing. (They have the stats, btw.) Why?

Go back and look at my "Fortean" details earlier on the thread. These are prime examples, by which I mean a consistency of strangeness across time and environment.

This is a time-consuming rabbit hole, so be aware of that.
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I've written about this topic over a couple threads, but to recap, and Staff, again, I will be playing nice. Last post concerning HW.

Did you know that Compromised by Reed and Cummings, about HW and Clinton, is one of the biggest "underground" bestsellers in the history of the country?

That according to testimony Barry Seal had Bush's direct phone number on his person the day of his murder? (Movie is not good, Seal is a master key to understanding 80s hidden history)

That Perot was a long-time, huge supporter of Bush, until his travels to SE Asia to support POW recovery?

Who extracted Clinton from Oxford? Literally, an extraction operation?
Cord Meyer

As an aside, I know Roger Stone is very Problematic, but several excellent researchers helped him behind the scenes for "his" books about Clinton and Bush families, The Clintons' War on Women, and the Bush Crime Family
(Skyhorse publishers, the Nixon book is worthy by info. but VERY badly edited and written. Both families hate him intensely, but Roger does know a lot, and a lot of people. He also doesn't really write, but that's another story.)

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Admissions scandals:

in some sense, this proves that admissions "works" - meaning it's very hard to find the correct person to bribe, and most of this is committee work.

Well, "side doors" definitely exist. I've seen it, across time and environment. Let's just say NCAA was a very clever side door, probably closing relatively soon.

What is the "Harvard number?" As of a decade ago, it was 5 million. Look it up, very interesting how people come to find out what the "number" is.
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