Conspiracy theories you believe in

163,492 Views | 1535 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Ol Army 01
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Human physiology? Any interesting stories?
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whats so great about antarctica ?
Fishin Texas Aggie 05
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I believe communism will work when the "right people " implement it
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i am not a huge conspiracy theorist, but at this point, there is no reason to discount all kinds of possibilities.

Certainly the US government, for instance, has been proven to have engaged in widespread media manipulation, direct work with the new york mafia, giving hard core nazis a nice new life in the US, intentional irradiation experiments on US civilians (unsuspecting white pregnant women), conducting knowingly fatal medical experiments on US citizens in several programs (unsuspecting black men), providing money, weapons and heavy drugs to criminal organizations, providing money, weapons and training to terrorists, falsifying government records, conducting false flag operations, misuse of the FBI under that freak that used to run it, (forget his name), targeting conservative americans with the IRS, having the secretary of state deliberately sell state secrets to enemies for laundered cash, etc. Russia has been recently busted poisoning journalists and dissidents...the statistical odds of all the clinton related deaths are scientifically impossible to be coincidence.

i could go on, and these are not theories, they are all either proven or universally accepted as true.
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There are maybe 5 or 6 of you. The rest are socks
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Anyone still read National Review?

Project Mockingbird - now we know, and now we know why WF Buckley refused to answer this question for decades.

Not the only one!
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Heres an old post with details.

I am not huge on conspiracy theories. I don't really think the CIA blew up the towers. I don't really think aliens are here, etc.


The simple fact of the matter is that the list of things that governments, including OUR government, have done, that are known, declassified, not subject to debate, are so OUTRAGEOUS, RIDICULOUS, and just plain UNBELIEVABLE, that people who just dismiss outlandish claims as 'conspiracy theories' must be uneducated about them. There is almost NOTHING so outlandish that you should close your mind to the possibility without careful consideration.

So here is a very brief list of known, declassified, acknowledged things that people would have called ridiculous conspiracy theories:

(I'm not even going to go into the widely known ones, like MK Ultra, the fact that our wartime president was fatally ill and hadn't been able to walk for years, the fact that other presidents kept harems in the whitehouse, FBI was spying on MLK, CIA importing cocaine, Air America, fast and furious, iran contra, funding the dalai lama, Hoover and his private blackmail files and gay lovers, operation paperclip, the Bilderberg group, tobacco industry, Cointelpro, HSBC drug money laundering, all the crap that went along with the 2007 financial crisis, snowden, Powell's gulf war bio weapons speech, Watergate, gulf of Tonkin, various latin American and middle eastern coups, etc those alone should keep any American on their toes about 'tinfoil hat' accusations. But there's plenty more);

Operation Argus: let's secretly send a whole fleet to the south atlantic and blow up a bunch of nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere, to see if we can **** up the atmosphere so badly that we can create a radiation ring over the U.S. that will fry the electronics of all those inbound soviet ICBM's.

Project QKHILLTOP Cornell experiments on deprivation, humiliation, torture, brainwashing, hypnoses, and more luckily was stopped before providing american test subjects. but read on.

Project Artichoke, studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction, drug withdrawal, and the use of chemicals to incite amnesia in unwitting human subjects.

Operation Midnight Climax sought to study the effects of LSD on individuals. In San Francisco and New York, unconsenting subjects were lured to safehouses by prostitutes on the CIA payroll, unknowingly given LSD and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass.

San Quentin used prisoners as test subjects in a variety of bizarre medical experiments including sterilization, and of course, logically, performing testicle transplants on living prisoners using testicles from executed prisoners and, in some cases, from goats and boars.

The United States and Guatemalan governments deliberately infected soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners, and mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, resulting in at least 30 documented deaths.

The U.S. Public Health Service and Tuskegee Institute paid hundreds of broke ass minorities to infect them with syphilis, telling them they were receiving free healthcare, meals, and burial insurance in exchange for participating (not telling them they were injecting them with syphilis).

The US Army released millions of infected mosquitoes on to Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida, in order to see if the insects could spread yellow fever and dengue fever. Not surprisingly it worked, and several americans died.

Vanderbilt gave 829 pregnant women "vitamin drinks" they were told would improve the health of their unborn babies. Instead, the drinks contained radioactive iron and the researchers were studying how quickly the radioisotope crossed into the placenta. At least seven of the babies later died from cancers and leukemia, and the women themselves experienced rashes, bruises, anemia, loss of hair and tooth, and cancer.

The U.S. Navy asked some boot camp recruits if they wanted to participate in an experiment that would help shorten WW2. Later the volunteers were told they were going to be mustard gassed, and threatened with the Espionage Act if they complained about it.

Project 112 sprayed operational ships and crews with nerve gases to test the effectiveness of safety and decontamination procedures.

Oak Ridge injected plutonium into the victim of a car accident to see how quickly the human body rid itself of the radioactive substance.

Operation Popeye cloud-seeded the Ho Chi Minh Trail to wash out roads and make transportation difficult.
Operation Mockingbird spied on the press, and paid journalists to publish CIA propaganda, and the CIA worked with the AG, SecDef, and then DIA to wiretap americans. (this one is for you chem trail guys - the US military actually WAS engaging in weather modification for the last 40+ years).

The US government mandated poisoning alcohol with benzene, formaldehyde, etc., to discourage people from drinking industrial alcohol during prohibition.

Polio vaccine quality control failures infected millions of americans with SV40 monkey virus.

The US government spent 6 years on a study of dousing enemy troops with female pheromones to see if they could make enemy soldiers less effective. Yes, we spent millions on a gay bomb. My how times have changed.

Bayer dumped much of its defective blood clot medication in third world markets rather than disposing of it.

The church of scientology attempted a mass infiltration of the US government to increase its influence (operation snow white)

Operation Northwoods The US military submitted a legitimate proposal of false flag acts including acts of terrorism in U.S. cities, killing innocent people and U.S. soldiers, blowing up a U.S. ship, assassinating Cuban migrs, sinking boats of Cuban refugees, and hijacking planes, in order to provoke a war with Cuba.

I can go on.

Or the Russians, my god. Things like supercontagious chimeric measle viruses mixed with ebola genetics, etc.

And let's not leave science out. We live in a world of spooky entanglement, sending photons back in time, closed timelike curves, etc.

So, everyone, maybe we could list your other ones, or your critiques, or talk about area 51, or whatever, and keep the tinfoil hat discussion here instead of Q anon. That thread should stay a substantive discussion, IMO.

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BenFiasco14 said:

We haven't been told the whole story behind the Vegas shooter. Specifically, his motive, because he was likely a rabid leftist that specifically sought out a country music festival to kill presumed Republicans. This would hurt the press' narrative.
The most plausible theory I've heard was that it was an assassination attempt on a Saudi prince that was there. The family owned a whole floor of the hotel but the prince happened to not be there, he was at (I think) the Flamingo casino. During the shooting he was escorted out by the FBI (IIRC). It's an interesting theory to read up on. Basically, Paddock was helping the assassins get guns into the room and when things didn't pan out, the assassins shot Paddock and then shot up the concert to create a diversion, then disappeared.
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What parts of Antarctica are sealed? Anything official released on that or on the peace treaty?
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Did George Washington convert to Catholicism on the day he died?
Servants / slaves reported he called for his friend, a priest, to come to his bedside.
Lots of talk about it in the decade after.
He had Catholic religious icons in his personal possession.
Liquid Wrench
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OPAG was behind Momo.
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Was Augustus the first Christian emperor?
Was Tiberius the first Christian emperor?

According to Anne Catherine Emmerich (Blessed), soon to be a Saint of the Catholic Church:
- Augustus had a vision on the night Christ was born, and ordered that an altar be built to "the divine child."
- Tiberius was ministered to by St. Veronica when he was physically ill.
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No one has brought up the Free Masons yet...
This thread has the potential to be the next Mueller or Q thread.
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Archaeological evidence is strong for:

- Sodom / Gomorrah (news articles this last year, it's really fascinating, look it up)
- The Black Sea used to be a lake until a mass flood event.....5,000 years ago
- "Mary's house" - outside of Ephesus
- Friday, April 3, 33 AD (look it up!)
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ttha_aggie_09 said:

azulAg said:

i also think they put **** in our water to kill us

I used to drink bottled water almost exclusively.... when I switched to filtered tap, my teeth got noticeable whiter and I haven't had a cavity since.

Now maybe I'll snap and be a puppet for the government with the right wavelength, but my teeth are happy!

Depending on your bottled water, you went from unfluoridated (or low), to fluoridated water. Good job, that could explain the pearly whites.

Unless you have an RO filter...
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Sine poena nulla lex.
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First off, there's been a surprising number of responses to this subject in a very short time frame. That should really tell you something.

Second, Q is real.

Third, and I'm surprised Redstone hasn't mentioned this already, but Pat Tillman was assuredly not killed by friendly fire. He was ready to spill the beans on what exactly the US military was doing in Afghanistan and that's to protect the acres and acres of poppy fields. I believe the official CIA op for this was called Operation Cassandra.
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Nope. Fuel for speculation.
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Not a conspiracy theory, although the left wants us to believe it is, but Obama wasn't even a citizen but rather a Muslim born in Africa ... look at his college name... Barry Soweto ... non American non citizen ! And a fake Christian !

His brother in Africa has confirmed this.. so not a conspiracy
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jthonen said:

First off, there's been a surprising number of responses to this subject in a very short time frame. That should really tell you something.

Second, Q is real.

Third, and I'm surprised Redstone hasn't mentioned this already, but Pat Tillman was assuredly not killed by friendly fire. He was ready to spill the beans on what exactly the US military was doing in Afghanistan and that's to protect the acres and acres of poppy fields. I believe the official CIA op for this was called Operation Cassandra.
Very interesting and sad if true...
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Joseph Smith plagiarized huge amounts of Freemasonry, 19th Century NE edition.
(YouTube user NewNameNoah, detail after detail)

edit: this rip-off was so blatant, I'm surprised it's not more of an evangelical talking point in those endless arguments
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Surely there's been a good free mason thread started before. Anyone got a link. Love to read the stories some of the olds have about their fathers/grandfathers who were masons.
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Nothing interesting regarding his research. Don't even remember any specifics. We mostly talked about all of the New Zealand beers they drank down there. The NZ import I was drinking at the time (Steinlager) was the cheap beer at McMurdo since they imported all of their groceries from there. We traded beer recs from time to time but nothing that would fuel any conspiracies.
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Fwave said:

My biggest one is that most of what we know about history is a complete lie. If the MSM lies this often and history is being changed live, then imagine just what really happened in the past and how things really went down. It's highly like that the real events of most of our wars and big historical events were grossly exaggerated in a specific direction. The only reason we know the truth of things now is because of people who can do research themselves and expose the agendas of the elites. In the past this was not possible. Now imagine how easy it would be to control the population in such a situation.

Absolutely. You have begun the journey. Ridicule and scorn are their weapons. It is said " history is written by the victors". Have that in mind when you read of the past.
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St. Thomas made it to China and India.

St. John wrote Revelation (more accurately, Revealing) in 68-69.
The preterists are correct.
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The FBI and AG under Obama spied on the opposition candidate named Trump. Once elected, they then attempted a soft coup.

Watergate was child's play compared to what Obama did.
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Masonry: I have a lot of opinions.

Start with this:
P2 really did run Italy for decades. Not a conspiracy. FACT.

Masonry and Catholicism (my religion)
dear God, should I stay up all night??????
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Seth Rich was the WikiLeak source. Clintons made sure he had an unfortunate end.
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soft coup how ? with the whole russia *****
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There was a Black Mass in St. Paul's chapel (next to the Sistine Chapel) at the end of July, 1963.

This one is bad, bad, bad, bad bad
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also tower 7 bothers me
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Seth Rich: look at the transfer rate of data. It was him.
KimDotCom is nails on this, just from the technical side.

Awan / DW Schultz.....
dear God should I stay up all night.....
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Actively gay Bishops / Cardinals......many.
at least a couple active Satanists, now and recent past.....
Bella Dodd....told the truth

I could name them. Many Catholics could. I won't. Research it.
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SpiDer09 said:

I have doubts about what actually took place at Sandyhook.

Yes, children were killed, numerous teports of two men in camo running away. I blame the media. Project Mocking Bird has flaws.
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