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Part of me really, really wants to see a surprise Rust Cohle appearance toward the end of the season. Maybe HBO managed to keep a McConaughey return top secret, and Cohle is brought in as a special consultant, given his ties to the town/case, or is there to see Rose and gets swept up in the case.

That said, given that Cohle is one of my favorite characters of all time, and was so perfect through those eight season one episodes, I also don't want to risk the character being sullied in any way. Especially if it's not Pizzolatto writing his dialogue. That, and it would almost assuredly detract from the whole female detective angle, if a male character had to come in and help them close the case.

But man, to see Rust Cohle one more time, ten years later, and get a Contact reunion with Foster to boot...
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Agasaurus Tex said:

The "that's not the right question" scene brought back memories of Lecter questioning Clarisse.

Good call.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

The most interesting part of this show is trying to figure out whether it's supernatural or not.

I liked that we saw why she hates Twist and Shout so much. But still a lot of unanswered questions about her past, both her family and with Navarro.

Frozen dude at the beginning was alive, right? I know she got the call about the surgery, but was a little confused that it was never mentioned again.

Yeah, I assume he ends up either being a key witness (obviously) - or - is murdered before he can say anything. Either way, with the whole induced coma thing, I basically took that as an excuse for Lopez (the writer/director) to keep him on ice (no pun intended) until the moment the plot needs him, which is hopefully next episode.
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Pretty damn cool...

(The tweet's not loading here for some reason, but if you click on it it's all the clips from season one of Rust talking about his dad / his time in Alaska. Mentions the leukemia and everything.)
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Teddy Perkins
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Lots of good insight on season 1 connections.

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Brian Earl Spilner said:

The most interesting part of this show is trying to figure out whether it's supernatural or not.

I liked that we saw why she hates Twist and Shout so much. But still a lot of unanswered questions about her past, both her family and with Navarro.

Frozen dude at the beginning was alive, right? I know she got the call about the surgery, but was a little confused that it was never mentioned again.

I'd be surprised if they go full on super natural. The first season had a lot of subtle scenes depicting evil forces at work. And it built up to a fight where the antagonist was stronger than he would appear.
Max Power
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TCTTS said:

Part of me really, really wants to see a surprise Rust Cohle appearance toward the end of the season. Maybe HBO managed to keep a McConaughey return top secret, and Cohle is brought in as a special consultant, given his ties to the town/case, or is there to see Rose and gets swept up in the case.

That said, given that Cohle is one of my favorite characters of all time, and was so perfect through those eight season one episodes, I also don't want to risk the character being sullied in any way. Especially if it's not Pizzolatto writing his dialogue. That, and it would almost assuredly detract from the whole female detective angle, if a male character had to come in and help them close the case.

But man, to see Rust Cohle one more time, ten years later, and get a Contact reunion with Foster to boot...
This episode confirms there's not a potential link between Rust and season 4, it's absolute that his roots go back to this town. It would make less sense if Travis wasn't his father to me. Also, the name Tuttle showing up again isn't an accident. Also, Danvers is Cohle in this story and Prior is Hart. Danvers lost a child while Prior is the one with the family though since Prior is young he's less skeptical than Hart was in season 1. Danvers is the broken one who's stuck in the darkness, but is able to push through because she's got nothing left to lose, the world has taken from her what she held dearest. Prior has more to lose because he has a family, she has to pull him along until they get to the finish line, if it exists.

100% agree that I don't think they should bring Cohle in and I don't think they will. I think it does a disservice to the season if they do that, feels almost like cheating. It potentially impacts season 4's ability to stand on it's own merits. They've done just enough to make it work without crossing the line IMO.

The first thing I thought of when the frozen guy screamed was Se7en, it was startling. I don't see how anyone frozen for a couple of days could be alive. But I do have a theory as to why they did that, specifically pointing to the audience that things can survive in the ice much longer than we think. At least with the removal of the bodies from the ice we know there's more there, as there were only 3 people visible at the end of the first episode. I'm looking forward to finding out more about the people they found since they were found without clothes, but the clothes that were found near the site weren't enough for the people they found. There's gotta me more than one guy involved because he couldn't single-handedly pulled off this job with all those other men.

Minor gripe: are we really supposed to believe that they didn't have the bodies under 24 hour surveillance? A frozen block of several people, which is the biggest piece of evidence in the show, was just left alone in the ice rink? Come on.

Theory: The bacteria the scientists have been studying is reanimating and has infected some people in the research facility. Whether it's on purpose or accident is the question to me. Granted if this is the case then it's a little too close to some of what happened in the show I previously referenced, Fortitude, which I won't spoil if anyone here is interested in it.
El Gallo Blanco
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TCTTS said:

Interesting observation, but I don't mind it at all. Especially when Danvers' "That's not the right question" scene with Prior was so damn good, and then ended up leading to what made Navarro make the connection with the trailer in the end...

Wonder if this guy might be overthinking things. Did TD Season 1 (or really the other seasons as well) NOT do this? There were all types of little sub-plots and side-dramas involved...and the shows were largely about that "world". Maybe I am misunderstanding?
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I just hope that dude gets his toothbrush back
Anagrammatic Nudist
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Anyone else think it was super odd when they asked that one worker in the factory or whatever it is if she recognized the image in the photo? The manager lady just asks her while she was walking past them, she gives a super weird "No", walks on, and then we're on to the next scene...

That seemed like the perfect initial introduction to our new lawnmower man that comes out of the blue later on after not being an integral part of the story at all up until then. Hope I'm wrong.
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It would be kinda lame if they did that again. I agree, I hope not. They did introduce that those two have a relationship in episode 1. I believe the cleaning lady said that the red head was living with her to escape her abusive boyfriend, or something like that.
El Gallo Blanco
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Anagrammatic Nudist said:

Anyone else think it was super odd when they asked that one worker in the factory or whatever it is if she recognized the image in the photo? The manager lady just asks her while she was walking past them, she gives a super weird "No", walks on, and then we're on to the next scene...

That seemed like the perfect initial introduction to our new lawnmower man that comes out of the blue later on after not being an integral part of the story at all up until then. Hope I'm wrong.
Yes, rewatch it and check out the awkward look on here face after answering "no". There is either something to this...or she has no business acting. I rewatched a few times and still can't decide which way I lean.

I just have a hard time believing they wouldn't have caught that in editing. Maybe I'm making too big of a deal out of it.
Brian Earl Spilner
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One thing that kind of bugs me about this show (and most detective shows)...

Do detectives/cops really just show up at their friends/fbuddy's apartment at random times of day for a quickie (or for seemingly no reason) and leave?
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Anagrammatic Nudist said:

Anyone else think it was super odd when they asked that one worker in the factory or whatever it is if she recognized the image in the photo? The manager lady just asks her while she was walking past them, she gives a super weird "No", walks on, and then we're on to the next scene...

That seemed like the perfect initial introduction to our new lawnmower man that comes out of the blue later on after not being an integral part of the story at all up until then. Hope I'm wrong.

I just rewatched that bit and yeah the woman - named Blair - definitely gives off some creepy vibes. Her "no" (as to whether she's seen the symbol before) is very odd. She's almost saddened when she sees the symbol, like for a split second it's about to make her cry. But then the moment Foster and the other woman move on, Blair's expression goes instantly blank. It's a very brief interaction but such a peculiar one, to the point where I'm now I'm convinced Blair is in on it in some way. Especially since the woman Danvers is interviewing says she cleans "two shifts a month" at Tsalal Station. Which obviously means Blair has a connection to the station by proxy, or could be part of the cleaning crew as well.

Good catch.

To me, the killer they've IDed by the end of the episode is likely this season's Reggie Ledaux - the red herring who's obviously connected, but isn't the ultimate big bad. And while Blair might not be the Big Bad either, I'm betting she becomes a crucial connection (again, if not the Big Bag herself, which would be fitting to be a woman this go-around).
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Max Power said:

TCTTS said:

Part of me really, really wants to see a surprise Rust Cohle appearance toward the end of the season. Maybe HBO managed to keep a McConaughey return top secret, and Cohle is brought in as a special consultant, given his ties to the town/case, or is there to see Rose and gets swept up in the case.

That said, given that Cohle is one of my favorite characters of all time, and was so perfect through those eight season one episodes, I also don't want to risk the character being sullied in any way. Especially if it's not Pizzolatto writing his dialogue. That, and it would almost assuredly detract from the whole female detective angle, if a male character had to come in and help them close the case.

But man, to see Rust Cohle one more time, ten years later, and get a Contact reunion with Foster to boot...
This episode confirms there's not a potential link between Rust and season 4, it's absolute that his roots go back to this town. It would make less sense if Travis wasn't his father to me. Also, the name Tuttle showing up again isn't an accident. Also, Danvers is Cohle in this story and Prior is Hart. Danvers lost a child while Prior is the one with the family though since Prior is young he's less skeptical than Hart was in season 1. Danvers is the broken one who's stuck in the darkness, but is able to push through because she's got nothing left to lose, the world has taken from her what she held dearest. Prior has more to lose because he has a family, she has to pull him along until they get to the finish line, if it exists.

100% agree that I don't think they should bring Cohle in and I don't think they will. I think it does a disservice to the season if they do that, feels almost like cheating. It potentially impacts season 4's ability to stand on it's own merits. They've done just enough to make it work without crossing the line IMO.

The first thing I thought of when the frozen guy screamed was Se7en, it was startling. I don't see how anyone frozen for a couple of days could be alive. But I do have a theory as to why they did that, specifically pointing to the audience that things can survive in the ice much longer than we think. At least with the removal of the bodies from the ice we know there's more there, as there were only 3 people visible at the end of the first episode. I'm looking forward to finding out more about the people they found since they were found without clothes, but the clothes that were found near the site weren't enough for the people they found. There's gotta me more than one guy involved because he couldn't single-handedly pulled off this job with all those other men.

Minor gripe: are we really supposed to believe that they didn't have the bodies under 24 hour surveillance? A frozen block of several people, which is the biggest piece of evidence in the show, was just left alone in the ice rink? Come on.

Theory: The bacteria the scientists have been studying is reanimating and has infected some people in the research facility. Whether it's on purpose or accident is the question to me. Granted if this is the case then it's a little too close to some of what happened in the show I previously referenced, Fortitude, which I won't spoil if anyone here is interested in it.

Yes, I realize that. They mention Travis by name in season one, and Issa Lpez, this season's writer/director, has confirmed for sure that he's Rust's father. Their connection wasn't in question for me. My only question is whether Rust himself actually shows up this season (which I'd give, like, a 5% chance of actually happening).
Anagrammatic Nudist
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BowSowy said:

It would be kinda lame if they did that again. I agree, I hope not. They did introduce that those two have a relationship in episode 1. I believe the cleaning lady said that the red head was living with her to escape her abusive boyfriend, or something like that.
Oh that's right, I had already forgotten that. The older I get, the worse these week-to-week show releases are on the short-term memory of characters, especially after years of the binge model.
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Ha, damn it, I missed that. Yeah, I just checked and Blair is definitely the same woman who had just been hit in the face in the pilot. Still, the way she reacts to the symbol is just as weird, and for such a minor character has now appeared two episodes in a row.
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Max Power
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TCTTS said:

Ha, damn it, I missed that. Yeah, I just checked and Blair is definitely the same woman who had just been hit in the face in the pilot. Still, the way she reacts to the symbol is just as weird, and for such a minor character has now appeared two episodes in a row.
I just rewatched that scene as maybe I missed something and damn it there's definitely something up. There's a lot of different people at work in that building when she's being questioned. The woman only asks Blair about it, no one else and there's a number of people they could ask. Blair is younger, perhaps she was friends with Annie K. When asked if she's seen it before she says "no" almost as if she's been accused, it's not a "no" you would expect from a person who's never seen what they're being asked about. There's no curiosity either, no questions, no what is that? Then she's got a look in her eye as she walks away. The woman who cleans is curious about it and asks about it, Blair is not.

Dang it, now it feels like I need to watch the whole thing again to see what else I missed.
Anagrammatic Nudist
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TCTTS said:

Ha, damn it, I missed that. Yeah, I just checked and Blair is definitely the same woman who had just been hit in the face in the pilot. Still, the way she reacts to the symbol is just as weird, and for such a minor character has now appeared two episodes in a row.
She's definitely going to come back around at some point. It's not a knock on this season, or TD in general, but it can become all too easy to spot this kind of tell.
f burg ag
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Anagrammatic Nudist said:

TCTTS said:

Ha, damn it, I missed that. Yeah, I just checked and Blair is definitely the same woman who had just been hit in the face in the pilot. Still, the way she reacts to the symbol is just as weird, and for such a minor character has now appeared two episodes in a row.
She's definitely going to come back around at some point. It's not a knock on this season, or TD in general, but it can become all too easy to spot this kind of tell.
She definitely saw it before and had a negative/sad reaction to it. I think it is connected to her abusive BF.....like he is in the cult and/or has good knowledge of what happened to Annie K. Although I can't remember if there was any explanation in Ep 1 on why they got in a tussle.
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I think they said she told him she wanted to move out (they were living together as a couple), so he got pissed and hit her. WHY she wanted to move out - beyond him obviously being an assh*le - wasn't discussed (that I can recall), but yeah, leaves the door open for some kind cult connection on his part. In fact, it wouldn't at all surprise me if he, Annie K, and Raymond Clark (the "killer") are all part of the underground spiral cult in some way. Then either Blair found out or has witnessed some sh*t, to the point of finally wanting to bail.
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What's up with the overly sensitive f buddy of Navarro? Tough guy running a bar in a mining town in Alaska who also has solo candlelit baths, pines for his stolen toothbrush and gets forced into unwanted sex. Unfortunate writing for that dude.
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IMO, I'd call that good writing, for exactly the reasons you're listing - he stands out as someone unique/memorable. Would you rather him be the token tough/boring/silent type? What's the fun in that?
f burg ag
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Proc92 said:

What's up with the overly sensitive f buddy of Navarro? Tough guy running a bar in a mining town in Alaska who also has solo candlelit baths, pines for his stolen toothbrush and gets forced into unwanted sex. Unfortunate writing for that dude.
I actually enjoy their relationship. It show a significant difference between Navarro and Danvers. Despite her hard persona, Navarro seems to actually care about only one person, and she makes a tough guy kinda melt in her hands. Whereas, Danvers seems to have shallow sex with lots of people, and maybe often just to get something she wants (obvious example is the Captain). No idea if that is intention…..but that is what I draw from it.
f burg ag
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TCTTS said:

I think they said she told him she wanted to move out (they were living together as a couple), so he got pissed and hit her. WHY she wanted to move out - beyond him obviously being an assh*le - wasn't discussed (that I can recall), but yeah, leaves the door open for some kind cult connection on his part. In fact, it wouldn't at all surprise me if he, Annie K, and Raymond Clark (the "killer") are all part of the underground spiral cult in some way. Then either Blair found out or has witnessed some sh*t, to the point of finally wanting to bail.
One last thing about Blair's BF. From the Ep 1 scene, he clearly has a deep disrespect for women….even being incredibly insulting to a female cop. IF he is in the spiral cult, I could see him having severe problems with Clark maybe bringing a women into the cult and having direct, at least partial, responsibly for Annie K's death. Kicking someone after they are dead from 30 stab wounds shows pretty extreme hate. Maybe Clark got the trailer to hide relationship from BF. And maybe it had not been lived in for a while because there was no need after she was dead.
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Did anyone catch the company funding the research station was Tuttle United?

Tuttle family was a significant part of Season 1.
f burg ag
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Pignorant said:

Did anyone catch the company funding the research station was Tuttle United?

Tuttle family was a significant part of Season 1.
Funny thing about that super nugget, right after the kid told Danvers that….she said something like "yeah that was no help at all". I chuckled a little knowing the significance.
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f burg ag said:

TCTTS said:

I think they said she told him she wanted to move out (they were living together as a couple), so he got pissed and hit her. WHY she wanted to move out - beyond him obviously being an assh*le - wasn't discussed (that I can recall), but yeah, leaves the door open for some kind cult connection on his part. In fact, it wouldn't at all surprise me if he, Annie K, and Raymond Clark (the "killer") are all part of the underground spiral cult in some way. Then either Blair found out or has witnessed some sh*t, to the point of finally wanting to bail.
One last thing about Blair's BF. From the Ep 1 scene, he clearly has a deep disrespect for women….even being incredibly insulting to a female cop. IF he is in the spiral cult, I could see him having severe problems with Clark maybe bringing a women into the cult and having direct, at least partial, responsibly for Annie K's death. Kicking someone after they are dead from 30 stab wounds shows pretty extreme hate. Maybe Clark got the trailer to hide relationship from BF. And maybe it had not been lived in for a while because there was no need after she was dead.

Oooh, great call. Love this theory.

Same dude who owned the rig that Navarro poured the beer into. The fact that we saw him twice that episode tells me they're making sure we remember him.
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Pignorant said:

Did anyone catch the company funding the research station was Tuttle United?

Tuttle family was a significant part of Season 1.

Mentioned a couple times on the previous page.
Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag
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Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

That was a great episode. Loved the "wrong question" scene. Really got me hooked into mystery of the murders.

I am getting a little distracted with how no one looks anything close to how their family members look (Danvers and her daughter and the daughter's father, or Navarro and her sister).
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Just FYI, that's not Danvers' biological daughter. It's her husband's daughter from a previous marriage. After they got married, Danvers and her husband had a boy between them, but the boy and her husband died in an apparent car wreck. So the tension is that Danvers is taking care of her step daughter, sans their husband/biological dad, hence why her step daughter said in the pilot something along the lines of, "You don't have to keep being my mom."

But yeah, I'm definitely in agreement, re: Navarro and her sister. Maybe they had/have different dads?
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