If there was ever a project that shouldn't be rushed, this is it.
Definitely agree with this. I hope they don't get greedy! (Or is that too much to ask of Disney?)
If there was ever a project that shouldn't be rushed, this is it.
I remember the guy I knew on FR that wrote for TheForce he went by Darth Sidious but I can't remember his real name.
What is Episode VII supposed to be about and what period does it cover?
Intriguing ... Abrams is hit or miss
Forever Young - never heard of it.
MI: Ghost Protocol - meh
Super 8 - sucked
Morning Glory - never heard of it
Star Trek - ok, not great
Cloverfield - my ass on the screen for 2 hours would have been better. only movie I have ever been to where people boo'd
MI3 - ok, not great
Armageddon - terrible
Forever Young - never heard of it.
What's EU?
So what movies do you like, exactly? The list is too long and diverse to really mention.
And how have you never heard of Forever Young? I was pretty much drunk for 1992.
Ghost Protocol and MI3 were heads and tails above the first 2...Not even close. not very impressive bar setting. I will say that the directing was good in MI3
The only movie on that list that (IMO) was below average was Morning Glory and it was funny.
I never understood the lens flare gripe. I never really even noticed until everyone starting *****ing about it.