I don't know about that, but I thought the canon was that the emperor had a bunch of clones of himself made just incase and stashed away somewhere safe.
I've never understood this theory in movies... why would anybody do this. There was an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie that dealt with cloning and none of it made any sense. You lose an arm, a leg, or if you simply die no worries cause you got clones. But that isn't exactly self preservation... you are still just as dead and some jerk off clone gets to live your life.
I'm sorry, but if I walked in on a clone me in bed with my wife, I would shoot myself w/out even thinking about it... not shoot myself, I'd shoot me, the other me that is... because I'm the real me and the clone me is touching my wife... then again, oh crap, what if I really am a clone that got woken up by accident and I just killed the real me... see how clones just make a real mess of everything!!!
[This message has been edited by jr15aggie (edited 1/15/2014 12:42p).]