Did you ever know...that you're my heeeero?
How much precious wetlands is this huge conveyor of yours going to destroy?
quote:You are correct. However, the plan would not be "running in place". The plane will move forward as a result of the thrust from the engine(s). It doesn't matter that the wheels beneath it are spinning wildly.
I'm no where near an engineer. Doesn't a plane need wind moving over it's wing to take off? If the converor makes the plane "run in place" so to say, is there not any wind moving over the wings? If not, how does it take off?
the converor makes the plane "run in place" so to say,
I'm no where near an engineer. Doesn't a plane need wind moving over it's wing to take off? If the converor makes the plane "run in place" so to say, is there not any wind moving over the wings? If not, how does it take off?
Biology Majors - Why do I never get to practice what I preach?
No air speed over the wings=no liftoff. Unless you're going to put the exhaust down, like in a harrier or the JSF, if the conveyor matches the speed of the thrust, no liftoff. So-the wheels, the conveyor, and the thrust is all moot! Air speed over the wings is all that matters. I'll bet eleventy billion dollars on it.
All of the forward motion of the plane comes from the planes engines, which are in no way affected by the treadmill. The engines are grabbing air that is standing still in front of them, and pushing it away from the plane, the wheels are only along for the ride. Imagine if you had roller skates on your feet and were standing on a treadmill holding a stationary rope that outstretches in front of you. As the treadmill tries to push you backwards, your grasp on the rope keeps you stationary and your wheels spin. Now, someone begins to reel that rope in. The treadmill can try and compensate, but it only means your wheels spin faster, you will move forward in relative space. The same is true for the plane, only instead of grabbing a rope, the plane grabs the still air in front of it. If you were a passenger on such plane, you wouldn't even notice anything different was happening.
If a plane is traveling at takeoff speed on a conveyor belt, and the belt is matching that speed in the opposite direction
Experiment time:
Get a folder(flat object, whatever) and a pen. Place the pen on top of the folder and hold it out in front of you. Quickly swipe the folder out from under the pen horizontally.
Report back to me.
Attach a jet engine to the pen and report back to me.
Just trying to get people to understand the concept of free spinning wheels on a convener belt.