A plane's acceleration is completely independent of wheel speed
Only if the wheels are frictionless.
The conveyor will never be able to match the actual speed of the plane.
Which means since we have a magical conveyor it all depends on whether or not we have magical wheels and how the conveyor is set up. If it merely matches WHEEL speed (or if the wheels are frictionless,) then of course the plane flies. But if the wheels are indestructible and the belt is set to travel at a speed to transfer enough force through the bearings to equal forward thrust then the plane sits there.
I have no idea how mythbusters is going to test this since none of these things exist.
BTW on a totally random tangent, on a scifi show someone once mentioned frictionless bedsheets.
Would it be possible to pick such an object up?
[This message has been edited by NoACDamnit (edited 10/26/2007 5:50p).]