yes but einstein was awesomer than you are
If a conveyor belt is set to the same speed as required for a plane to takeoff, in the opposite direction, will the plane take off?
What I don't understand is why some of you engineers didn't apply this logic and mathematically test this hypothesis. Using the conditions given in my scenario, you could have estimated the speed at which the conveyor would need to be moving to prevent the plane from taking, if it wouldn't at all.
quote:That is the debate and there is plenty of it.
If they both start at the same time, of course it will take off, but no one is debating that. No one with a brain anyways.
What exactly are you debating, nine?
test this hypothesis
I did not know bulls produced milk
What I don't understand is why some of you engineers didn't apply this logic and mathematically test this hypothesis. Using the conditions given in my scenario, you could have estimated the speed at which the conveyor would need to be moving to prevent the plane from taking off, if it wouldn't at all.
I'm going to take you back to physics 101: