Attention klanhorns (and klanhorn sympathizers who did not actually attend t.u.)

85,232 Views | 838 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by RikkiTikkaTagem
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That's where t.u. loses this argument all day long. That's why I can't believe this thing is still going. If A&M had named a building after a founding member of the KKK, t.u. and any other competing institution would have crucified us over it. You can understand how a bit of payback is in order, right?
You assume too much. If it came to light that Coke molested little boys, then yes, aTm might catch some backlash about changing the name of the building.

But if someone were able to prove . . . oh, I don't know, that Coke was an unapologetic and unrepentant racist who "believed in the premacy of the anglo-saxon race," well, that just makes him a product of his time, and aTm should no more rename the Coke building than Texas shoud Simkins Hall.

[This message has been edited by Five1Two (edited 6/2/2010 5:35p).]
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rename the Coke building than Texas shoud Simkins Hall.

I believe the word you're looking for is shroud. in....well, you know.

[This message has been edited by HeyMoe (edited 6/2/2010 5:42p).]

[This message has been edited by HeyMoe (edited 6/2/2010 5:43p).]
13 0 Branding Iron
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More lies and made up stories in a pathetic blimp attempt, since every single previous klanhorn blimp crashed and burned on this thread.

This klanhorn bigot should just give up, instead of trying to match wits with myself and other Ags with more than double his I.Q.

I would suggest the tech boards, but I don't think you're even intelligent enough for them.
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pooooooor brandi...might want to stick to sports predictions...oops! my bad!
13 0 Branding Iron
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You mean like when I predicted LSU would stomp t.u. last year and took $200 from you sip clowns?

Maybe you would like to pick games against me for money? Or are you just a sip ****** with a bulldog mouth and a chihuahua ass?
4 TTech
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99 Luftballoons Ag
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What the hell is that? What does that even mean?

Here is a dissertation from a Tard in 1968 regarding Blacks in Texas.

This is the only thing remotely "racist" that I can find Coke ever saying, and it's a stretch at that. He is commenting on the structure of the constitution and the problems with a very uneducated population.

Con stitution-making is a work g r e a t l y different from what it former]
was in Texas. Our social and our labor systems and, in some degree,
our political s y s t em have changed fundamentally. We have
40,000 unenlightened black voters, natural folloxyers, in their simplicity
and ignorance, of the unscrupulous t r i c k s t e r and demagogue,
in some portions of Texas largely outnumbering the whites, and
have equal p r i v i l e g e s with them at the ballot box and in the j u ry
box. From t h e s e and other f a c t s . , . questions must present
themselves to be dealt with by the f r a m e r s of our organic law
which should be gravely and maturely considered
At Page 33, and forgive the structure

But, he was endorsed by Blacks.

When the Republicans nominated David Abner, Negro and
Harrison County r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , the editor claimed it was "simply
^^Galveston Daily News, July 6, 1875.
^^Ibid. , June 28, 1875.
57' Br e n h am Weekly Banne r , June 25, 1875,
to retain the colored vote. " Abner was an able man and continued
to be a leader of his r a c e for some time. The editor of the Jefferson
Leader r e m a r k e d that had he to choose between the Democratic nominees
of the Fifth D i s t r i c t and Abner, he "should not h e s t i t a t e to vote
for the colored gentleman. " For such r e m a r k s the editor was severely
c a s t iga t ed. 59
Abner was an effective campaigner among his people. He
was one of the more conservative Negroes who s t e e r e d a fairly moderate
c o u r s e . His c o - l e g i s l a t o r from H a r r i s o n County was another
Negro, "Shack" Roberts. During the campaign Roberts spoke at Henderson,
along with Abner, and endorsed Governor Coke by telling the
Negroes that Coke was an honest man.


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Do you have anything remotely credible that proves A&M has named a building after someone who can conclusively be proved to be a racist?

From the first page of the source document:


You have to agree that a document published by the State of Texas in 1916 holds just a bit of credibility don't you? Of course not.

[This message has been edited by texasfight68 (edited 6/2/2010 6:08p).]
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brandi...congrats on finally getting one right after all your massive failures.
Ted Logan
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Thanks for posting that article. I think that Governor Coke's address should be required reading for any Texan. I just read his address and almost all of it is pertinent to today;s crisis in Texas and the US. I encourage everyone to read it. It is an EXCELLENT speech.

I didn't think I would find any evidence of his racism in it though since it was his inaugural address. The only "evidence" is the quote you posted which does not have any back up. Can anyone post anything or find evidence of something he did to back up these quotes? So far, there has not been one policy, or action, or speech, or quote, or ANYTHING prooving Governor Coke was a racist. The only thing posted have been a couple of quotes saying that he was a racist but have had absolutely nothing to back them up.

He finishes his speech with this:

We must forget the passions and the prejudices of the past

Everyone...please read that address from Governor Coke.
A History Of Violence
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It's nearly 7 p.m on June 2, 2010 and...

* tu still has a dorm on campus named after a KKK founder. Link
* the math buidling is named after a longtime racist member of that faculty. Link
* it's still got a racist law professor on the current faculty. Link
* the arena is still named after a school icon who fought integration. Link
* the stadium is still named after a coach who fought integration. Link
* there are still 4 Confederate 'neck statues on campus. Link
* the MLK statue on campus is a regular target of vandalism by the Klanhorns. Link
99 Luftballoons Ag
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Somebody has an opinion that Gov. Coke was a white supremacist and writes that in 1916. Nothing citing to it. It's nothing more than "dicta." There is not one shred of evidence other than the quote I provided that can even be construed as racism, and that was nothing more than a comment on the state of the freed slaves.

Keep looking, Klanhorns. You ain't got nothing.


99 Luftballoons Ag
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Just to tally the score here:

t.u. has a dorm named after law professor who was a KKK founder. We don't need to do any research to determine whether that dude was a racist.

A&M has a building named after a Governor who had black support, and who was called an "honest man" by black candidates, but some jackhole, with nothing but a personal opinion, in 1916, writes that Coke really believed in white people being superior. No cites to anything he said...NOTHING. How can a person in 1916 know what Coke believed? The dude is speculating, at best. You sips have to go to 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon to come up with something, and it's totally bull****.

I'm not even going to address Sul Ross. This thread should be over, but you klanhorns will keep digging for crap that isn't there.

When can we call the ballgame?


Captain Quagmire
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these klanhorns are making hooyah look like MENSA material
Captain Quagmire
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[This message has been edited by Captain Quagmire (edited 6/2/2010 9:02p).]
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The game was over one page one, all the rest of this is sore t-sips and t-shirt t-sips crying now that their world of racist lies is crumbling around them.
A History Of Violence
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Wow. tsips really hate black people and really hate being reminded about it.
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So basically: any evidence of racism @ Texas = valid and credible.

Any evidence of racism at aTm = suspect and unproven. You have been directed to two different books on the subject regarding Coke, and another on the subject regarding Ross (not to mention a number of links and articles), and you still manage to convince yourselves that this is all just sip propaganda. Brandi even thinks he's won an argument. Poor little fella.

[This message has been edited by Five1Two (edited 6/2/2010 10:36p).]
99 Luftballoons Ag
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So basically: any evidence of racism @ Texas = valid and credible.

Any evidence of racism at aTm = suspect and unproven.

No. The evidence of racism at Texas is naming of a building after a dude who was a professor there, and was a FOUNDER of the KKK.

The "evidence" of racism at A&M is naming a building after a former governor who according to some unknown third party, says he BELIEVED that Anglo-Saxons were a superior race, without pointing to ANY QUOTES, ANY POLICIES, or ANY ACTIONS evidencing the same.

It's a question of credibility. The mere fact that one guy STARTED THE ****ING KLAN requires no other evidence. A fact finder could infer that the dude is a racist. Testimony from a third party about what a man BELIEVES would not be admitted based on speculation. A third person has no ****ing clue what a man believes and is not in a position to give credible testimony to the same.
A History Of Violence
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"any evidence of racism" = four major campus structures STILL named after racists.
Harry Stone
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this ****ing klanhorn hasn't given up yet. GIVE IT A REST
13 0 Branding Iron
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I didn't "win" an argument, I stomped you into dust.
posted 6:12p, 06/02/10

brandi...congrats on finally getting one right after all your massive failures.
Good idea not to grow a set of balls and gamble against me, since I would take every scent you had. Racist klanhorns are notoriously stupid and I would take everything you own, leaving you and leslie to share a cardboard box in The People's Republik. Even YOU can recognize my intelligence is at least thrice yours.
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Racist and chokers in football, I love it!
Lance Uppercut
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I was only out of town and sans Texags for one week. You guys have been busy.
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I would take every scent you had.

Homonym fail...
99 Luftballoons Ag
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Darrell KKK Royal had faith in The Tooth Fairy. He believed in The Tooth Fairy and he prided in the rich red blood of the teeth of his people. As the leader of the believers, he fought back the tide of disbelief that was about to engulf them in the murky waters of Tooth-fairylessness.

Or how about this. This is just as credible:

Darrell KKK Royal had faith in his white players. He believed in the supremacy of the Anglo-Saxon race-he prided in the rich red blood of his white players. As their Coach, he fought back the tide of integration that was about to engulf them in the murky waters of mixed races playing together.
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Without detouring into the question of whether person A can properly offer testimony which proves or disproves knowledge or state of mind of person B, let's consider the following statement of Governor Coke's in an 1874 letter to the houses of Congress: "We have 40,000 unenlightened black voters, natural followers in their simplicity and ignorance of the unscrupulous trickster and demagoguge . . . "

(Could that be code for "don't let 'em vote?" ) followers

Oh, and Brandi: shush. Grownups talking.

[This message has been edited by Five1Two (edited 6/3/2010 9:39a).]
99 Luftballoons Ag
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Without detouring into the question of whether person A can properly offer testimony which proves or disproves knowledge or state of mind of person B, let's consider the following statement of Governor Coke's in an 1874 letter to the houses of Congress: "We have 40,000 unenlightened black voters, natural followers in their simplicity and ignorance of the unscrupulous trickster and demagoguge . . . "

Welcome to yesterday. See my post above. I said that's the ONLY thing REMOTELY demonstrative of any racism whatsoever, but you have taken his comments WAY out of context. He was talking about how they are going to have trouble revising the constitution, given the fact that 40,000 newly-freed slaves are grossly uneducated and have been so beaten down that they may fall pray to tricksters. YOU had to read into that statement to TWIST it, and make it fit.

Is it a fact that newly-freed slaves were uneducated because of their condition of bondage?

Is it a fact that newly-freed slaves stuck by their leaders?

You have to assume that his meaning was that they are not fit to vote BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE(which you cannot prove).

Look back at my prior post. Coke had the endorsement of two black leaders.


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So Coke's own words don't qualify as 'remotely credible' evidence? Got it.

The irony of ags getting defensive in a bait thread is rich.
99 Luftballoons Ag
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No, your retarded interpretation of his words don't qualify as credible evidence.
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'Remotely credible' was your minimum standard Einstein. Stick to analytic geometry where you can claim scoreboard at least.
99 Luftballoons Ag
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I'm the one who first provided that quote, dumbass.

99 Luftballoons Ag
user level: TexAgs LegendAggie posted 5:57p, 06/02/10this user's public profilesend private message to useredit this replyobject to this reply

What the hell is that? What does that even mean?

Here is a dissertation from a Tard in 1968 regarding Blacks in Texas.

This is the only thing remotely "racist" that I can find Coke ever saying, and it's a stretch at that. He is commenting on the structure of the constitution and the problems with a very uneducated population.

quote:Con stitution-making is a work g r e a t l y different from what it former]
was in Texas. Our social and our labor systems and, in some degree,
our political s y s t em have changed fundamentally. We have
40,000 unenlightened black voters, natural folloxyers, in their simplicity
and ignorance, of the unscrupulous t r i c k s t e r and demagogue,
in some portions of Texas largely outnumbering the whites, and
have equal p r i v i l e g e s with them at the ballot box and in the j u ry
box. From t h e s e and other f a c t s . , . questions must present
themselves to be dealt with by the f r a m e r s of our organic law
which should be gravely and maturely considered
At Page 33, and forgive the structure

Credibility is not the issue here. It was the issue with your dip**** conjecture link, where somebody (and we don't really know who) say that Coke believed white people were superior.

Here, the issue is one of interpretation. His own words are absolutely credible. Your interpretation of what he believes, based on your reading is NOT credible.


[This message has been edited by 99 Luftballoons Ag (edited 6/3/2010 10:32a).]
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Calling someone racist because they labeled uneducated people "simplistic and ignorant"?
Look, folks! Al Sharpton is in our midst!
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Do you have anything remotely credible that proves A&M has named a building after someone who can conclusively be proved to be a racist?

Finally an admission that the answer to the question above is a resounding yes. Asymptotes for $500 Alex.

[This message has been edited by texasfight68 (edited 6/3/2010 10:34a).]
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I seriously can't believe people are still taking the bait in this troll thread. My God.
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