Trump Jan 6 sealed indictment delivered

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Whistle Pig
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Seems kinda election interferency.


Then-President Donald Trump personally pressured two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers not to sign the certification of the 2020 presidential election, according to recordings reviewed by The Detroit News and revealed publicly for the first time.

McDaniel, a Michigan native and the leader of the Republican Party nationally, said at another point in the call, "If you can go home tonight, do not sign it. ... We will get you attorneys."

To which Trump added: "We'll take care of that."


"How can anybody sign something when you have more votes than people?" Trump asked the canvassers, according to the recordings.

This was, of course a lie.


Jonathan Brater, Michigan's election director, said in an affidavit that the overall difference citywide in absentee ballots tabulated and names in poll books in Detroit was 150(out of 878,000). There were "fewer ballots tabulated than names in the poll books," Brater said.

"If ballots had been illegally counted, there would be substantially more, not slightly fewer, ballots tabulated than names in the poll books,"
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So he was pleading a case with county officials and it is spun as "pressure" and election interference?
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Sounds like Trump might have said, " don't certify the results and we will take care of you. ( lawyers) ".
Whistle Pig
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It was illegal to not certify. The canvassers role is ceremonial. There were more poll book balancing problems in the '20 primary and these same chuds had no problem signing that certification.

Trump did better in Detroit in 2020 than in 2016 BTW, if one were to look for a "fraud" signal in the data.
Maroon Dawn
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Sounds like y'all have an air tight case that will definitely get him this time
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Remember Maplethorpe spent 4 years being on all on Russia, Russia, Russia and still believes it is true.

All of the current lawfare is just his latest obsession.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Whistle Pig
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Maroon Dawn said:

Sounds like y'all have an air tight case that will definitely get him this time

Yeah I doubt he even gets indicted. If he does he'll try to expedite any of the cases to clear the runway before the election.
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Did anything illegal occur here or not?
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Buying time to investigate claims of election fraud prior to certification is not election interference. Taking every action out of context to spin it for your political benefit is why liberals have such a reputation for rank dishonesty.
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Whelp….its starting to look awfully clear that leftist superhero Jack Smith has exactly ZERO authority to be prosecuting any cases - including the Trump matters - on behalf of the United States. It's going to be hilarious when everything he's done is vacated as void. Talk about egg on the leftist fanbois' respective faces.

Here's a nice brief on the issue:
BMX Bandit
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It's going to be hilarious when everything he's done is vacated as void.
you can't really think thats a possibility, do you?

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Whistle Pig said:

It was illegal to not certify. The canvassers role is ceremonial. There were more poll book balancing problems in the '20 primary and these same chuds had no problem signing that certification.

Trump did better in Detroit in 2020 than in 2016 BTW, if one were to look for a "fraud" signal in the data.
Wrong. It was and is illegal to certify under those circumstances.

Not coincidentally, from 2019:


As chief election officer, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson today announced she has taken steps to ensure the accuracy of Michigan's voter file by formally requesting membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

"In November, Michigan voters made it clear: Like me, they believe it should be easier to vote and harder to cheat," Benson said today. "We're taking the first step toward achieving that goal by ensuring the accuracy of our voter registration file."

Benson said once Michigan is a member of ERIC a self-governing, multistate partnership dedicated to the accuracy of the nation's voter files the state will have unprecedented insight into the integrity of its voter rolls thanks to the collaboration of participating states, key federal databases and the use of sophisticated and secure data-matching technology.

"In terms of election security, this is an important first step," she said.

State of Michigan's voter rolls were corrupted by ERIC.
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ThunderCougarFalconBird said:

Whelp….its starting to look awfully clear that leftist superhero Jack Smith has exactly ZERO authority to be prosecuting any cases - including the Trump matters - on behalf of the United States. It's going to be hilarious when everything he's done is vacated as void. Talk about egg on the leftist fanbois' respective faces.

Here's a nice brief on the issue:

The DC Circuit unanimously rejected Calabresi's argument several years ago vis a vis Mueller (as have a number of lower district courts.) While that's not dispositive as to Smith or what SCOTUS will say, Calabresi's argument is controversial to say the least.
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BMX Bandit said:


It's going to be hilarious when everything he's done is vacated as void.
you can't really think thats a possibility, do you?

lol no. But interesting the issues that come out of the woodwork in a case like this.

I've been against this whole process from the get-go as inviting continued escalations between political factions.

This is just another weird wrinkle in the process and further affirmation that this whole process is purely partisan. Anyone unwilling to acknowledge that is completely deluded.
BMX Bandit
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i think the whole thing is political, but don't see how this brief is any evidence of that. its a theory from a professor that has failed before and one that Trump hasn't even moved to dismiss on.
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ThunderCougarFalconBird said:

BMX Bandit said:


It's going to be hilarious when everything he's done is vacated as void.
you can't really think thats a possibility, do you?

lol no. But interesting the issues that come out of the woodwork in a case like this.

I've been against this whole process from the get-go as inviting continued escalations between political factions.

This is just another weird wrinkle in the process and further affirmation that this whole process is purely partisan. Anyone unwilling to acknowledge that is completely deluded.
I don't know about that. We all know CJ Roberts would run away as fast as he could from having to address these Trump cases over and over again for the next four years. He could take a harder look at that for just that reason.
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BMX Bandit said:

i think the whole thing is political, but don't see how this brief is any evidence of that. its a theory from a professor that has failed before and one that Trump hasn't even moved to dismiss on.
Wasn't that issue brought up in the Manafort case? Or am I misremembering?
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aggiehawg said:

BMX Bandit said:

i think the whole thing is political, but don't see how this brief is any evidence of that. its a theory from a professor that has failed before and one that Trump hasn't even moved to dismiss on.
Wasn't that issue brought up in the Manafort case? Or am I misremembering?
Its been brought up in numerous cases. A version of it was pushed by Manafort in his case, yes, Calabresi argued Mueller wasn't being supervised closely enough or something like that.
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Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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Ags77 said:

Sounds like Trump might have said, " don't certify the results and we will take care of you. ( lawyers) ".

Oh FFS, he did not.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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Barnyard96 said:

Did anything illegal occur here or not?


It never does with Trump, but they don't care. All this bull**** is political persecution. Every damn bit of it.
Meanwhile the Biden's committing all sorts of gross crimes and disgusting behavior and no problem.

But the media has their talking points/angenda and they're pushing it. They are really starting to panic because the bull**** cases against him are not going as they expected. Remember, Trump is going to have concentration camps soon.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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Remember, when Biden bragged on video that he had threatened another countries, officials' job if he did not let his son do business and got him fired.?

That's an actual threat. Apparently one that no one cares about.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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Jack Smith, fraud communist prosecutor, loses.

Whistle Pig
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Just delays the inevitable loss at the appeals circuit and then at SCOTUS by a couple(or several) weeks. The immunity claim forcefielding any and all criminal conduct while in office is preposterous. He'll lose like he always does but they've been effective at delay.

8-1 or 9-0.
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Whistle Pig said:

Just delays the inevitable loss at the appeals circuit and then at SCOTUS by a couple(or several) weeks. The immunity claim forcefielding any and all criminal conduct while in office is preposterous. He'll lose like he always does but they've been effective at delay.

8-1 or 9-0.
Jack Smith filed the appeal, not Trump, fyi.
BMX Bandit
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Jack Smith filed the appeal, not Trump, fyi.

Trump filed the appeal. Smith filed the cert requesting scotus hear it before DC circuit
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BMX Bandit said:


Jack Smith filed the appeal, not Trump, fyi.

Trump filed the appeal. Smith filed the cert requesting scotus hear it before DC circuit
Right, Smith filed the SCOTUS appeal/cert, basically, which was denied because they took Fischer.


Earlier this month the judge in the case, Judge Tanya Chutkan, denied a Motion to Dismiss filed by the former President based on a claim of absolute immunity for official acts taken while in office. That outcome was not surprising in the least, but what is surprising is that it took nearly two months for the decision to be made, and it was made without the benefit of any oral argument on the motion.

President Trump filed a Notice of Appeal on this issue not something normally allowed in a criminal case before trial, but a question of immunity is one that can go to the appellate court in this fashion.

Realizing that such a trip to the appellate court would very likely prevent the case from going to trial in 82 days (2024 being a Leap Year) as scheduled, Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a Request for Certiorari Before Judgment. This is a request to SCOTUS which it can turn down to have a matter heard without waiting for the matter to first be decided by the appellate court.

When four Justices of the United States Supreme Court voted to hear the Section 1512 case, they knew that would eliminate the need for an expedited briefing on Trump's immunity appeal. Because the Fischer case would move at the normal speed through the Supreme Court's briefing, argument, and decision process, the immunity appeal could do the same. With two of the four charges against Trump being based on the Section 1512 statute the Supreme Court is going to review, the D.C. case could not proceed to trial while the Fischer case is under review.
And of course Fischer is only pending before SCOTUS now because of…the gross abuse of the J6 defendants in the gulag. Chutkan's delay in issuing a ruling, and the J6 abuses by the entirety of DoJ and the DC circuit, are why they now won't get their precious spring 2024 Trump trial, which is why it's funny when communists complain about Trump appealing something.
BMX Bandit
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basically, which was denied because they took Fischer.

Disagree that's why they denied. They denied because of the quick briefing and argument schedule at circuit court


With two of the four charges against Trump being based on the Section 1512 statute the Supreme Court is going to review, the D.C. case could not proceed to trial while the Fischer case is under review.

This is procedurally not accurate. Cases can and do proceed to trial even when Scotus reviewing. There would need to be a stay out in place.

Shipwrecked knows that. He's an advocate, not analyzing the case and giving an unbiased opinion. Nothing wrong with that, but something that needs to be kept in mind.
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So what does any of this mean ? Is this just another Trump political bashing? All the legal talk is way above the average Joes head, maybe that's the entire point, confuse people who don't understand most of this and they know it will end but looks really bad on Trump while it is happening ? Or is this an actual attempt to go after him? Nothing ever seems to work so a lot if us don't really take any of this as serious anymore
BMX Bandit
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Don't really understand what you are asking, but yes this is this an actual attempt to go after him
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BMX Bandit said:

Don't really understand what you are asking, but yes this is this an actual attempt to go after him
But Trump doesn't seem worried at all ? Anyway, seems all theater but I guess I'm wrong. Thanks

Also I guess the average person has become immune and disinterested in all of this political stuff, maybe we just don't care to pay attention anymore …
agz win
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That's been Don's strategy from the beginning. Create chaos and divisive rhetoric to tire voters out and lose interest in focusing on the real issues and truths while maximizes grifting profits. Works great until the realization by the non-cultists he's aborting the GOP's future.
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Fischer and Trump's immunity claims aren't really legally related. And they will have another petition about immunity on their desks, most likely, well before they've figured out Fischer. Maybe even before oral argument on Fischer.

They took Fischer through (mostly) normal processes because the DC Circuit issued a confusing opinion that didn't really clearly answer the question and it will potentially affect a number of current and recently concluded trials.

And even if the court were to give Fischer the "win", 1512 would still arguably and most likely apply to Trump.

And even if 1512 were to somehow go away for Trump, he still is facing two other charges in DC. And he still has the Georgia case hanging around even though he's not formally pursued the immunity angle there, at least so far.
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All that to say, I don't think the Court is playing chess with the different appeals. I think they didn't take Trump's immunity case immediately on wholly distinct and separate grounds.
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TXAggie2011 said:

All that to say, I don't think the Court is playing chess with the different appeals. I think they didn't take Trump's immunity case immediately on wholly distinct and separate grounds.
True. Then again, had 5 justices agreed to take it up, they could have. Very unusual for them to do so as it be would at variance with their normal procedure but their rules provide for it.

But yes two separate legal issues and presented very different as to procedure.

Obviously, I disagree with your interpretation that the document issue in Trump's case under 1512(c)(2) applies to the alternate slates of electors. And particularly in PA wherein the slate of alternate electors clearly stated they were just that alternates, under the Safe Harbor provision of the Electoral Count Act.
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