Dune [Spoiler Thread]

62,073 Views | 817 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Rocagnante
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Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

I've never been a sci-fi guy until this board turned me on to some stuff that I absolutely loved (Devs, Ex Machina, Interstellar, Arrival).

I've never read the books but can't wait to watch this after perusing this thread. Unfortunately I'm in the middle of a move so still have to wait a bit. Also need to add Blade Runner 2049 to my list.

Give The Expanse a try. The first season takes a bit to pick up if I remember right, but it's the best multi season sci-fi show, period.

And for movies, it's not gonna get better than the ones you listed. Though, and maybe you've seen it, check out Edge of Tomorrow - a fun sci-fi Ground Hog day.
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double aught said:

I was prepared to be underwhelmed buy Dune, but I enjoyed it. My only major complaint is that the visions were overdone. There were too many. They drug the movie down and made me lose interest at times.

They're…. Like the main thing… the entire premise… the foundation… of this movie's universe. But ok!
Brian Earl Spilner
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Admittedly I kind of agree. They may be, but cinematically they did make for a slower pace at times.

To me it might have been better to combine those into maybe 2-3 much longer visions rather than so many shorter ones.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Awesome. Thanks...will do!
The Porkchop Express
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Went to see Dune on the Imax Sunday, but have been too sick since to gather my thoughts appropriately.

I've read the original novel 3-4 times, including a re-read last summer to get hyped for the movie.

A note on the trailers before it - Ghostbusters, Batman, Top Gun, and Spiderman 3 all got cheers and applause; Eternals got crickets

The design work of the world - really off the charts. You figured going in they would have to make it pretty different from everything out there while still being faithful to books that have been out for 50 years, and that was tough to do. Really dug the landing gear and the shape of a lot of the ships; they clearly looked like whatever physics we use to fly didn't really matter to them.

Chalamet's ability to articulate with his face. In the scene where he gains control of his fear during the Gom Jabbar test, that mofo turns on the acting chops, and he does it again when he takes out Jameis.

The voice effect. Incredible, especially when the Reverend Mother uses it on Paul.

Momoa - I hate him as Aquaman, but this is his niche - supporting character bad-ass.

The Baron's anti-grav technology. Super creepy, really well done.

Bardem - my favorite casting since the day they announced it. Wish he could have done more, but on to book 2

The visions near the end - it was hard to tell what was really happening and what was going on inside Paul's head and that was cool.

Leaving out the big dinner scene where Paul takes over for his dad during the security breach and really starts to feel himself out as a leader and as a representative of House Atreidis. Really missed seeing it play out, especially because it gives a lot more feel of what politics are like in the galaxy, and the fact that Arrakis is not just all savages.

Leaving out the "indoor greenhouse" inside the residence on Arrakis, where Paul and his Mother are able to see what Dune could be like and where Lady Jessica got the warning note about the attack on Paul.

If I hadn't read the books, I think I would have understood about 1 out of every 10 lines.

Not enough of Oscar Isaac or Josh Brolin.

I love the soundtrack, but the volume of it at some places was so loud it made me want nothing more than for the scene to be over.

Leto telling Paul he wanted to be a pilot when he was growing up was a nice Poe Dameron reference

G Martin 87
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Red Five said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

The Debt said:

Fwiw, Dr Kines has more dialogue and survives longer than Dr Huey. Plus Huey is pretty much an idiot who betrays his fidelity and his profession...for nothing. Like hes the most worthless character there is.
Well, I mean they were holding his wife hostage and broke his mentat mind-walls... he thought he was saving his wife... what would you do to save your wife from murderers?
I don't have a problem with Yueh's betrayal plot, but to play devil's advocate, what would be the point of a conditioning program to make someone unable to betray their master that could be broken by the most obvious point of leverage?
I posted about this earlier in the thread. The Imperial Conditioning was widely regarded as "unbreakable", but there were no guarantees if the conditioned mind became damaged (physically or psychologically.) In Yueh's case, it is possible that Wanna's torture drove him insane.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Admittedly I kind of agree. They may be, but cinematically they did make for a slower pace at times.

To me it might have been better to combine those into maybe 2-3 much longer visions rather than so many shorter ones.
I'll have to re-watch but I thought it represented what Paul was feeling pretty well... short (almost too short) visions without context at the beginning and then as he grows into his role/is under the influence of spice they become longer and stronger visions with more clarity.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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MBAR said:

Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

GiveEmHellBill said:

Can I also use this thread to say that Blade Runner 2049 is one of the best pieces of science fiction of this century?

Because it is.
Interstellar, Dune, and Blade Runner 2049. Best serious sci-fi this century.
Ex Machina needs to be include in this list. Maybe Annihilation too. Garland is only 2nd to DV.
Ex Machina is one that I saw, once, and didn't give it much more thought. Perhaps I'll check it out again.

Didn't really care for Annihilation.

Others have suggested The Arrival and Prometheus. I saw The Arrival, but I guess I didn't realize that was also a DV film (and given that DV has done two of what I consider the very best this century, I should go watch that one again).

I love Prometheus. That movie worked for me, a difficult task given the film that it is a prequel to is the one that I consider the best science fiction movie ever made. (I know that many will state that Alien is a horror movie. I agree that there are horror elements in the movie, but to me I am looking at the world that Ridley Scott set up for that movie, with many familiar elements but just on an intergalactic and futuristic scale, and there just so happens to be a critter involved). Having said all that, I'll peg Prometheus down a rung on the greatness scale, as it really does not belong in the same conversation with Interstellar, Dune, and Blade Runner 2049 (3 films that are oozing perfection from the moment the lights go down).

Another thought I have is what many would rightfully consider a bad film, Ridley Scott's Alien Covenant. I'm not going to call it a great science fiction movie, but I will say that the opening sequence between Weyland and the android David was fantastic.
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Hands down one of the best movies I have seen in the last 3-5 years, utterly impressed. Watched at home with sub-titles because during the hand box scene I had no clue wtf the mother was sayin, drove me nuts.

1. I can 100% see how people say George Lucas ripped off Dune to some aspects, absolutely clear
> Whispering Voice to Paul
>Chosen One
> Med-evil futuristic adaptation
> Goverment/Politcs playing key role into story line
> That Sand worm is definitely the same one that played in Tattooine, good for that thing finding work in this day n age

Just all around phenomenal. I echo the JM statements, he played a great relatable character.
A is A
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helloimustbegoing said:

Leaving out the big dinner scene where Paul takes over for his dad during the security breach and really starts to feel himself out as a leader and as a representative of House Atreidis. Really missed seeing it play out, especially because it gives a lot more feel of what politics are like in the galaxy, and the fact that Arrakis is not just all savages.

I still have yet to see the movie (imax on friday). Is the WHOLE dinner scene out? That was one of my favorite scenes of the book.
The Porkchop Express
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A is A said:

helloimustbegoing said:

Leaving out the big dinner scene where Paul takes over for his dad during the security breach and really starts to feel himself out as a leader and as a representative of House Atreidis. Really missed seeing it play out, especially because it gives a lot more feel of what politics are like in the galaxy, and the fact that Arrakis is not just all savages.

I still have yet to see the movie (imax on friday). Is the WHOLE dinner scene out? That was one of my favorite scenes of the book.

Not even one second of it. Really disappointed me when it was obvious it wasn't going to be there.
Quad Dog
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I know I'm behind, but just got home...
Great cast.
I want a lot more, and not even a part 2, just a lot more of part 1.

Still a lot more story to tell, I wonder where the second movie will start.
A is A
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helloimustbegoing said:

A is A said:

helloimustbegoing said:

Leaving out the big dinner scene where Paul takes over for his dad during the security breach and really starts to feel himself out as a leader and as a representative of House Atreidis. Really missed seeing it play out, especially because it gives a lot more feel of what politics are like in the galaxy, and the fact that Arrakis is not just all savages.

I still have yet to see the movie (imax on friday). Is the WHOLE dinner scene out? That was one of my favorite scenes of the book.

Not even one second of it. Really disappointed me when it was obvious it wasn't going to be there.
holy *****

I started the book earlier this year. I got tired of it until I hit the banquet and the whole "water" sharing debacle. GREAT WRITING. Traditions change.

Very disappointing to hear its gone - its where the political drama unfolds!
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I really hope there's an extended cut on Blu-ray. I know DV says this is his version but I think a lot of people want as much of this world as they can get.
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I'm shocked, but pleased, that so many people love the dinner party in Arakeen.

Edit: wrong emoji
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MBAR said:

TCTTS said:

The first hour and fifty five minutes or so = all-time, absolutely mesmerizing masterpiece. One of the most stunning sci-fi films I've ever seen, up to that point.

The last forty minutes or so, though = a little meandering, lacking the focus/promise of everything that came before. Very much a wandering sand walk through the desert, both on screen and in terms of plot.

At least in my opinion.

Basically, once Paul and Lady Jessica were 100% on their own, after Duncan Idaho and Liet-Kynes both died, it lost a bit of steam for me.

That said, on my eventual rewatch, I have a feeling the final act will likely play better. I think my biggest issue was with the marketing. Because the main trailer 100% sells a massive, Braveheart-esque desert battle as the climax, with a blue-eyed Paul flipping and slicing his way though enemy soldiers, absolutely going off. For months, and up through a decent chunk of the movie tonight, I assumed everything was leading to that climactic conflict, solely because the trailer billed it as such. But then, once we got that sequence as a vision instead, I knew something was off, but was still not at all prepared for how "small" the actual climax was. Even with everyone and their dog saying the movie ends in somewhat premature fashion, in the moment, I was still thinking, "No way this is where they end it."

But again, now that I know, hopefully it'll play better the second time. If anything, the final fight was a great character arc moment for Paul, and I'm always preaching about how that's what matters most. So it definitely delivered in that regard. Now, I just need to sit with it for a while, then give it a good rewatch before finally settling on my thoughts completely.
Sorry to dig up an old post, but I'm just now coming to this thread.

I frequently check my watch in a movie, just to gauge where I'm at in the story, and it was pretty clear to me at the 2 hour mark this was how it was going to end. Not specifically because I have not read any books, but because we hadn't even met up with the Fremen yet and Zendya hadn't even been introduced. It was pretty clear, IMO, that there wasn't time to set up a big climax. Plus, the Part 1 subtitle made it pretty clear this wasn't going to be a completed story.

I don't know man, I wasn't surprised at all. I'd agree that the trailer used the fight scenes in the visions to make it seem like there was a big battle coming, but at some point in this movie given the lack progress it was clear to me.

All that being said, I 100% left the theater last Friday thinking that the audience reaction to this was going to be pretty bad because of this. I was happy to see that I was wrong!

I don't wear a watch, and never check my phone in the theater. I had no idea how long it had been. Maybe not time-wise, but structurally, first time around, it absolutely felt we had a whole final act left. That said, you're skipping over the part where I said I knew something was off once they showed the "final battle" shot/sequence from the trailer as one of Paul's visions. So I knew we likely weren't going to get a big battle, but I still expected something more than what we get. Also, read all of my follow-up posts after the one you quoted, where I argue how most "part ones" still at least have a climax-worthy third act, in terms of action, but then how on second viewing it worked way, way better for me.
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For non-book-readers (and book-readers as well, if you want), I highly recommend reading this annotated breakdown of the movie, complete with screenshots, that explains so much of the backstory and what, exactly, is going on throughout. It's also pretty funny at times too...

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And then, at two-and-a-half hours, I would consider this one of the definitive podcasts recaps of the movie, one that really helps with establishing a ton of context as well. The first half-hour or so is just chit chat mainly, but once they really dig into the nuts and bolts, it helped so much...

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Between the above breakdown and podcast, I feel about as up-to-speed as I possibly can be, being a non-book-reader. Will definitely read the book at some point relatively soon, though...
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I don't know what it is, but at some point in the last couple of years I stopped liking what the Ringer had to say about movies and shows.
I'm sure it's just specific people, and not all of them.
The Porkchop Express
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TCTTS said:

Between the above breakdown and podcast, I feel about as up-to-speed as I possibly can be, being a non-book-reader. Will definitely read the book at some point relatively soon, though...
Cmon Davos Seaworth, get Shireen to teach you the letters again down in her cell so you can be a true Hand to King Stannis and decrypt his cyphers.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Just saw Regal is playing this in 4DX. 3D glasses, chair moves around and vibrates. Anybody tried this for dune or another movie?
G Martin 87
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TCTTS said:

For non-book-readers (and book-readers as well, if you want), I highly recommend reading this annotated breakdown of the movie, complete with screenshots, that explains so much of the backstory and what, exactly, is going on throughout. It's also pretty funny at times too...

This is pretty great. Thanks for posting that.

And if we're keeping count, I am firmly in the "Brian messed it up and The Dune Encyclopedia is fun" camp.
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1. Sounds like I need to read this Encyclopedia after I power through books 1-6, and then pretend Frank Herbert never had any children.

2. I do like how silly DESERT POWER is. It's such a terrible tactical approach (air power will literally work on every planet and space power even moreso) but frankly it's just such a lame thing to say. And they say it during these absolute climax moments. It's so bad it's good, in a movie that is 95% really really good. "SON I COULD NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED IN YOU. DESERT POWER"
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Literally all I could think/hear every time they said it...

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Oh my god no
edit: But actually yes
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That said, I still maintain that I would rock the hell out of a t-shirt that just said "DESERT POWER" and nothing else.
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A is A
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TCTTS said:

This just breaks my heart.
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I could absolutely see HBO Max backing a dump truck of money to DV's house for him to edit and finish a Snyder Villenueve Cut exclusive for HBO Max.
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Hoping that's exactly what happens.
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I knew it!!!

Can we get additional scenes filmed too?
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I'm sure we could find a spot for Jared Leto in the film. I mean, his name alone should cast him in it.
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HBO Max has seen the handwriting on the wall when it comes to exclusive streaming cuts. No way it doesn't happen.
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It actually sounds like Snyder's Justice League was a huge bust, though, compared to what they spent on it. Was a apparently a "lessened learned" kind of thing. That said, to put these scenes back in would hardly cost a thing, they wouldn't be paying for reshoots, etc.
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