***** Loki - Season 1 Discussion Thread (Wednesdays - Jun 9 - Jul 14) *****

102,776 Views | 1210 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by mazag08
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bangobango said:

enjoyed the first episode.

I enjoyed how TVA is basically what Loki wanted to be.

I posted this after the first episode. Sounds like there may be a good reason the TVA is this way.
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The only thing that HAS to be resolved to given season one a decent arc is just learning who's really behind the TVA right?

Brian Earl Spilner
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I would say so, at a minimum.

And some sort of catharsis for all the people the TVA has taken, though that may come later.

Maybe a better explanation as to what caused the nexus event on Lamentis.
Malachi Constant
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bangobango said:

bangobango said:

enjoyed the first episode.

I enjoyed how TVA is basically what Loki wanted to be.

I posted this after the first episode. Sounds like there may be a good reason the TVA is this way.
"Is this the greatest power in the universe?"

Loki - Episode 1
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

I would say so, at a minimum.

And some sort of catharsis for all the people the TVA has taken, though that may come later.

Maybe a better explanation as to what caused the nexus event on Lamentis.

Renslayer dies, big bad escapes.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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IO9 confirms that Chris Hemsworth recorded the sound effects for Throg in Episode 5.
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it made sounds?
The Shank Ag
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Dro07 said:

it made sounds?
It did a Thor grunt, then an Auggghhh when jumping for Mjolnir
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Final predictions:
The person at the end of time (probably Immortus) created the TVA to prevent the emergence of Kang the Conqueror by pruning timelines that lead to his creation. A multiverse free of Kang has always existed.
The take down of Immortus and the TVA will trigger the rise of Kang (the next thanos-level big bad), the multiverse of madness, and everything ahead of us.
Loki will be the only one who realizes the threat and he'll have to try to unite a new team of avengers to stop Kang in the movies ahead.
Loki will be motivated in this because something will happen to Sylvie where Loki must stop Kang to rescue or recover her. (Or he'll just find himself avenging Sylvie, truly becoming an avenger in his own way)
Kang's future plans will hinge on the Scarlet Witch.
Thanks and gig'em
one MEEN Ag
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Aggie_Journalist said:

Final predictions:
The person at the end of time (probably Immortus) created the TVA to prevent the emergence of Kang the Conqueror by pruning timelines that lead to his creation. A multiverse free of Kang has always existed.
The take down of Immortus and the TVA will trigger the rise of Kang (the next thanos-level big bad), the multiverse of madness, and everything ahead of us.
Loki will be the only one who realizes the threat and he'll have to try to unite a new team of avengers to stop Kang in the movies ahead.
Loki will be motivated in this because something will happen to Sylvie where Loki must stop Kang to rescue or recover her. (Or he'll just find himself avenging Sylvie, truly becoming an avenger in his own way)
Kang's future plans will hinge on the Scarlet Witch.
The only issue I have with this is the introduction of a random new character as the main villain so late in a story. Especially one who hasn't interacted with the characters in any meaningful way. In general, its bad storytelling and a let down. It being an Evil Loki would be perfect for this tv show called Loki and centered around a formerly evil character who struggles with their identity of being good or bad, especially as an introduction to a multiverse.
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It would take some type of brilliant storytelling for it to be a whole new character in the final episode and not have it be bad.

I'm fairly all-in on it being a Loki, but I am interested in how they tell that story. How did he get there, what is his plan, etc, etc.
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one MEEN Ag said:

Aggie_Journalist said:

Final predictions:
The person at the end of time (probably Immortus) created the TVA to prevent the emergence of Kang the Conqueror by pruning timelines that lead to his creation. A multiverse free of Kang has always existed.
The take down of Immortus and the TVA will trigger the rise of Kang (the next thanos-level big bad), the multiverse of madness, and everything ahead of us.
Loki will be the only one who realizes the threat and he'll have to try to unite a new team of avengers to stop Kang in the movies ahead.
Loki will be motivated in this because something will happen to Sylvie where Loki must stop Kang to rescue or recover her. (Or he'll just find himself avenging Sylvie, truly becoming an avenger in his own way)
Kang's future plans will hinge on the Scarlet Witch.
The only issue I have with this is the introduction of a random new character as the main villain so late in a story. Especially one who hasn't interacted with the characters in any meaningful way. In general, its bad storytelling and a let down. It being an Evil Loki would be perfect for this tv show called Loki and centered around a formerly evil character who struggles with their identity of being good or bad, especially as an introduction to a multiverse.
We (the general we) didn't know Thanos when he first appeared either, just some purple-faced guy. If he appears at the end like that, it's just the standard cliffhanger between seasons.
Fightin TX Aggie
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Final prediction

The man in the castle is:


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If it is a Loki in the castle (very likely), and it's a Loki that was also captured by the TVA and escaped, what do we predict his nexus event was? My guess is victory at New York.
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But wouldn't The Man in the Void Castle be the one who created the TVA?
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texasaggie04 said:

If it is a Loki in the castle (very likely), and it's a Loki that was also captured by the TVA and escaped, what do we predict his nexus event was? My guess is victory at New York.
I like that guess, a victory in New York and taking over earth, only to be plucked away by the TVA would create such an angry Loki i could see him going HAM all over the TVA and taking over and being incredibly vicious.
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That prediction isn't talking about a stinger or teaser though, at least that's not how I read it. To me Aggie_Journalist was predicting that Immortus is like the 'big bad' of this season, and what's where I agree with MEEN Ag that it would be kind of hard for the secret big bad guy to suddenly show up in episode six.

I think pretty much anything is in play for the after credits scene(s.)

But if we're talking the conflict between Loki, Sylvie and __________ in this episode, I don't think it can be some random bad guy we haven't met before.

I think the odds are incredibly high it's another Hiddleston Loki.

I also tossed around the idea last night that it's another Sylvie, but not sure that makes any sense either.
Malachi Constant
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goadius6 said:

texasaggie04 said:

If it is a Loki in the castle (very likely), and it's a Loki that was also captured by the TVA and escaped, what do we predict his nexus event was? My guess is victory at New York.
I like that guess, a victory in New York and taking over earth, only to be plucked away by the TVA would create such an angry Loki i could see him going HAM all over the TVA and taking over and being incredibly vicious.
All I know is that if Marvel has re-shot the end of Avengers 1 with a Loki victory, complete with all the cast members, it will be the greatest episode of all time...
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jeffk said:

But wouldn't The Man in the Void Castle be the one who created the TVA?
pretty sure that there is a season 2 confirmed already. what if the Timekeepers were real at one time, but a Loki managed to get to their chambers and kill them/take over the TVA? so the Loki didn't create the TVA, but has been in control under a ruse with the robotic timekeepers? Maybe this loki running it doesn't actually understand how/why it works (it just does), or what gave the timekeepers their power in the first place, so season 2 goes into more depth of the multiverse and the roots of all time?

if there is a loki in charge, then he/she most likely has been forcing outcomes where all other lokis are bad/pruned to protect his/her throne.

or maybe, just maybe, it was Agatha all along........

Fat Bib Fortuna
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Malachi Constant said:

goadius6 said:

texasaggie04 said:

If it is a Loki in the castle (very likely), and it's a Loki that was also captured by the TVA and escaped, what do we predict his nexus event was? My guess is victory at New York.
I like that guess, a victory in New York and taking over earth, only to be plucked away by the TVA would create such an angry Loki i could see him going HAM all over the TVA and taking over and being incredibly vicious.
All I know is that if Marvel has re-shot the end of Avengers 1 with a Loki victory, complete with all the cast members, it will be the greatest episode of all time...
What if it shows Loki eating shwarma with them afterwards?
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hmm, 6 episodes, 6 infinity stones



The Loki premiere has a lot of orange tones and shows Loki has a soul, so the first episode is the Soul Stone. Episode 2 features the color red and shows Loki questioning what's real and who to trust, so it represents the Reality Stone. Episode 3 takes place on Lamentis-1, a purple-looking moon, which stands for the purple Power Stone. The episode also showcases Loki's and Lady Loki's powers. Episode 4 shows yellow tones to represent the Mind Stone, and Loki also changes Mobius' mind about the TVA. Loki episode 5 adds even more evidence to the theory, showcasing the Time Stone's green hues with all of the Loki variants. Loki also sees himself at different times in his life through the variants.
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Did a lot of you all love English Lit in high school or college? You all find symbolism is every scene.
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One guy links an article and suddenly we all are reading too much into things?
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Don't take it personally Bob. And it is not a bad thing, just an observation. It is entertaining.
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So we end with the space stone? The castle beyond the void being a space outside of time?

I wish I was clever.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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FincAg said:

Did a lot of you all love English Lit in high school or college? You all find symbolism is every scene.
Reminds me of how my dad has seen a clipping penalty on every punt return in human history.
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I just don't think it's been happening as much on this thread. Certainly not like with Wandavision or The Mandalorian
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Fat Bib Fortuna said:

FincAg said:

Did a lot of you all love English Lit in high school or college? You all find symbolism is every scene.
Reminds me of how my dad has seen a clipping penalty on every punt return in human history.
Your dad isn't wrong.
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Anyone other than Aggie_Journalist think our secret big bad guy in the castle is someone other than a Loki variant?
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bobinator said:

Anyone other than Aggie_Journalist think our secret big bad guy in the castle is someone other than a Loki variant?
  • Loki
  • Miss Minutes
  • Dormammu
  • Kang
  • Agatha
  • Wanda Maximoff

I think it has to be someone we have already seen. Could be a variant of any of the other characters as far as I know. None of the shows have revealed a new character as the big bad in the final episode. So far we've had Agatha and Sharon Carter as the big bads. I could see a Avengers 1 Thanos situation where a well known bad guy is defeated, and the big bad behind them is teased, but the final battle of this season has to be a known entity.

Edit: in the comics, Wanda is known as a Nexus being. What if a Wanda variant has become so powerful that she controls the TVA? If she is using dark magic, then her powers may transcend our reality, and they might even work inside the TVA, as the dark dimension (dormammu's realm) is outside of space and time
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Fat Bib Fortuna said:

FincAg said:

Did a lot of you all love English Lit in high school or college? You all find symbolism is every scene.
Reminds me of how my dad has seen a clipping penalty on every punt return in human history.
Was your dad a Big 12 Referee at most A&M Football Games in the early 2000's?
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another thing to think about.

In order to have a TVA villain reveal, we have to have motive. the fact that Mobius states that they have pruned more Lokis than almost any other variant leads to the point that it could be a Loki behind it all, or someone that is very, very afraid of Loki and/or his/her powerset. The fact that the void seems to be only inhabited by Loki variants (and some random wildlife) underscores both their ability to survive, and their ability to cause problems.

This seems to point to a Loki, it makes the most sense, though would be somewhat disappointing at this point as Agatha and Sharon Carter were both pegged as the villains early on as well.

Renslayer could be behind it, but it is weird, given the flashback of child Sylvie. In that, Renslayer was a lowly hunter (unless this was some kind of "undercover boss" TVA reality show). I do think she may know more than she is letting on though.

Kang makes sense, but he is a new character and I don't see that happening, unless it is a post credit teaser.
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Another Mobius would be another possibility. I think Mobius created it in the comics? Maybe I'm wrong on that. He might not be a villain per se, just somebody who thinks he's doing the right thing.

But that's a longshot, it's probably another Loki.
Fightin TX Aggie
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Keep in mind, when Loki isn't on Asgard, he is usually underneath a bigger leader. In Avengers, he was subject to Thanos. In Ragnarok, he deferred to the Grandmaster.

If Loki is running the TVA, he may be running it for Kang.
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