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*****2019 Weight Loss/Body Transformation*****

67,663 Views | 690 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by AggieChemE09
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Update your progress so we can help hold each other accountable.

BODY FAT CALCULATOR (you have to scroll down)
Includes seven caliper methods and five tape measure methods.

Whatever your body transformation goals, this is your thread for check-ins, success stories, getting support with struggles, strategy sharing, and whatever else you need to fuel your success.

We are in the middle of Week 0. I'll volunteer to get a spreadsheet going, with Week 1 starting on Monday, January 7.

So let's get going. Tell us:

Personal info
Starting point
How can we help

Or if you just want to do simple weight tracking just give your starting weight and goal weight.
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Personal info:
I'm bagger05. I'm a guy, just turned 36. Not married, no kids, 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 girlfriend. I live in Dallas and I'm the CEO of a small industrial manufacturing company.

Starting point:
Weighed in at 203.4 this morning. Estimated body fat about 19%.

Get below 180 lbs without losing much muscle.

I want to stay proactive about my health and I thrive on a difficult challenge. I'm a better version of myself when I'm trying really hard to improve.

What's worked before is being obsessive about tracking my efforts and progress. I plan on doing IF and adding in more cardio to my exercise regimen.

What help do I need?
The support and accountability of the weight loss thread has helped tremendously in the past. Can't wait to cheer on others and see all of us achieve our goals.
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Personal info
32 F, married, two kids. Live in Pflugerville.

Starting point
Weighed in this morning at 240.3 pounds.

Lose 80ish pounds this year. I lost 40 in 2017, gained 30 back in 2018.

Selfishly my sister-in-law is getting married in early 2020 and I want to look good at her wedding. We also want to try for a third kid in 2020 and I want my health to be improved.

Working out 5 times a week. Cardio mostly. Some weights but I don't know what I'm doing there. Also logging everything in MFP.

How can we help
Keep me honest. Check in if I'm ghosting myself.
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Female - Bryan/CS - single, no kids

I'll turn {takes deep breath} 40 this summer.

Too many posters here know me IRL, so I'll keep my current weight to myself. Height is 5'9".

Motivation was to hit a certain weight by my 40th Birthday, but I'm only 3 pounds away from that goal (down 17 so far). New goal has me losing 8 more pounds, but I'll certainly take more than that.

I'm sticking with 16/8 IF and will be increasing my mileage. I'm targeting the Houston '20 full with half marathons in September '19 and November '19 (maybe one this spring). I used to run 3 days a week with cross-training 2 other days a week, then weight train 3-4 days. I need to get back to that. I signed up for a couple Strava challenges (80k by 1/15 and 91 miles by 1/31). I'll need more motivation after January.

Reading everyone's posts keeps me motivated, so keep those coming.

I'm calling this month "mostly sober January".
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Personal info
40 y/o single male with no children. I currently live in Houston, but I will be moving to Austin (have an offer) or Missouri(interview there next week). Working in academia, but changing careers.

Starting point
I'm 5'10 and I weigh 220 pounds down from 285 last January.

Lose around 25-30 lbs, work on my core muscles, get faster, finish 2 or 3 half marathons, and complete a marathon in 2020 or maybe the BCS marathon in 2019 as my sister was asking me if I wanted to do that with her.

Original motivation was to lose weight so I could do a Tough Mudder on my 40th birthday in 2018 and to not only improve my overall physical health, but be active as I didn't really take time to do things for myself. From there it snowballed, as I did 3 10Ks the last third of the year and 2 halfs.

Eat some combination of keto or paleo and IF. Cardio 4-5 days per week(running, cycling, HIIT, or cross training) and weights 2 days a week.

How can we help
I think with some of the changes going on in my life, I need someone to keep accountable in case I decide to let things slide.
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Why not, can't hurt. If nothing else this will show up in my watchlist and create some accountability.

Personal info
Mid 30's single white collar guy

Starting point
I've been on the road for work and my weight (always been bad) has really gotten out of control. I'm at 6'2" and 380.

Ultimately I'd like to get down below 225, realistically for this year to get back down to sub-300 would be a huge improvement.

I've lost weight in past and felt better. I know I've lost a step the last couple years as my weight went up. At this weight everything gets uncomfortable from air travel to even stupid things like getting in your coworkers smaller car or being comfortable in an office chair.

Diet is how I've done it in the past. I eat out A LOT and that's where I get in the most trouble. Will be going back to keto diet and reducing portion sizes. Trying to eat more at home and meal prep also.

How can we help
Not sure, can't hurt to see what others are doing.
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Personal info

44 / husband / father of two / IT manager

Starting point

5'7 / 175 / ~24% BF


5'10 / 155 / ~18% BF ;-)


04/27 - IMTX
11/20 - 20th wedding anniversary


Low carb for a month or two. Cut all of the junk / sugar out of the diet. After training for 4x Ironman my body no longer responds to cardio. Sucks getting old.

How can we help

Call me out if the number is not dropping weekly. With 4 months to go there's no time to waste.
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I'm setting my goals too low, you're going to get 3" taller?
bert harbinson
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wcb said:

Starting point




Will be following. Good luck!
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Personal info:
I'm Kyle. I turn 40 in a month, married and father of 3. We live in Williamsburg, VA and I am in the military. I currently commute an hour to and from work and vanpool some days.

Starting point:
6'1" 228lbs with a BMI around 30%. Bad shoulder and back

Lose 41lbs this year. Increase my bench and squat 3 rep max by 50%. Sub 1:50 half-marathon. Army Ten-Miler in under 1:30

I'm a fat ass. I need to set a better example for my kids and none of my clothes fit.

MWF 3-5 mile run, lunch weights 5x5 Strong lift
TTh Lunch sprints and abs
Sat 6-10 mile runs
Sun 1 mile (I'm going to see how long a streak I can manage)

Track intake while eliminating my donut obsession and reducing alcohol

More salads and shakes and less eating out

I'm doing a step bet too

What help do I need?
Look for me on Strava, Kyle Weaver and call me a fat ass. I don't really know. Last year when I was good I posted when I fell off the wagon I started. PM me if I don't log something might help
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I'm setting my goals too low, you're going to get 3" taller?
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Starting point: just had our first baby yesterday

Goal: don't get a dad bod

Serious response: i started a successful transformation on New Year's Day 2016. Ended up going from 215 to 170 and I've been holding steady around there for 2 years. So I know that it can be done. Good luck everyone!
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coop-aero-06 said:

Starting point: just had our first baby yesterday

Goal: don't get a dad bod

Serious response: i started a successful transformation on New Year's Day 2016. Ended up going from 215 to 170 and I've been holding steady around there for 2 years. So I know that it can be done. Good luck everyone!

Similar situation for me. We're expecting our first any day now. I shed about 20lbs of fluff last year and have a plan to just maintain this year. Goals for me will be to keep a good diet and get a few workouts in each week. We just moved so I need to get my garage in order and get the boxes stacked around my squat rack put away. With a short commute and a home gym there should be no reason why I can't maintain some type of regiment.
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Weight loss tracker spreadsheet is now up. Enter in your starting weight and goal weight. I'll post a screenshot update every week so we can celebrate our success. Feel free to update as often as you like. I also encourage you to post updates on the thread so we can keep one another accountable.

I think I have everyone on there that's checked in so far. If I jacked up your goals please correct that for me.

Side note some people have asked me for the Excel workbook I have used in the past that is a handy tool for anyone who likes obsessively tracking things or has a general love of Excel and graphs and stuff. I'm tweaking it and will share with anyone who wants it. Should be finished today or tomorrow.
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Another helpful link. This one is to a body fat calculator that includes seven different caliper methods and five tape measure methods. Very handy feature is you can enter in your measurements and it will spit out all of the results at once including your average (which I think tosses any outliers -- I'm looking at you, Heritage BMI to Body Fat Method).

You have to scroll down to get to the calculator. Site has some ads that are a little annoying but seems safe enough.

Anyone has any other helpful links to share let me know and I'll add them to the top of the thread.
Geriatric Punk
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Starting weight - 215
Goal range - 180 - 185
Motivation - kids
Strategy - consistent exercise and diet. Running NYC 26.2 (charity route when I don't get in the lotto) so that will motivate me. Grand Canyon R2R before that as training. Wife is in as she is trying to regain her pre-pregnancy form.

Life's an endless party, not a punch card.
Juan Solo
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Personal info
32/M/Single/HR Manager

Starting point
217 my highest ever

185 and sub 3:00 half marathon

Feel I've hit my health rock bottom

Run 5Ks 3 times a week at least, join local indoor soccer league. Use company wellness activity tracker to earn rewards

Dale Gribble
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Personal info:
34/M/married and dad of 4/OKC

Starting point:
6'0" 203 this morning

Get weight down to 173. Stay consistent with lifting all year

Overall health, aesthetics, and being a sexy beast for my wife

#1 is keeping diet in control, will be on about an 800 cal deficit daily to start (so about 1500/day)
Lift 3x/week
Run 3x/week

How can we help:
I do enjoy reading everyone's posts, so just keep posting in this thread!
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Personal info:
- Hoss
- Man
- 42 years old

Starting point:
- 6'1" and 318 lbs @ 44.9% BF

- Sub 250 @ whatever BF that works out to.
- Deadlift > 500 lbs
- Be consistent with exercise and clean eating.

- Better health.
- My kids.
- The girlfriend I hope to find this year (I'm divorced).

- Lift weights (mostly big compound moves)
- Move more.
- Paleo or Keto following 80/20 rule and utilizing intermittent fasting.

How can we help
- Be an attractive single woman in the Round Rock area between the age of 35ish and 46ish and send me your number. You we can be workout partners and stuff.
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Hoss said:

How can we help
- Be an attractive single woman in the Round Rock area between the age of 35ish and 46ish and send me your number. You we can be workout partners and stuff.
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I was a little bummed about starting the year a few pounds heavier than I was starting 2018. Then I checked my body fat percentage numbers and it turns out I actually dropped some fat and added about 12 lbs of lean mass.

So as we pursue our weight loss goals, I encourage you to also track your body fat percentage. You can get pretty good estimates from using calipers or a tape measure. The scale is a very big indicator but it isn't the ONLY measurement that matters.
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bagger05 said:

You can get pretty good estimates from using calipers or a tape measure. The scale is a very big indicator but it isn't the ONLY measurement that matters.

The scales that measure body fat have come a long way too. They're at least accurate enough to show you relative progress. I have a Weight Gurus scale that measures BF and the times I have compared it to the high tech In Body scales they use at gyms and nutrition shops and other such places it has been within a half percent on body fat. It's also usually within a percent or two of the calipers I have.

Nothing wrong with taking measurements at all. In fact, that's good to do. Just's scales that measure BF make it quick and easy and are pretty accurate.
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Oh for sure. I was referring to "the scale" meaning "weight." Your weight matters but I say supplement that with checking your BF % or at least your waist or hips.

More measurements is better, IMO. More opportunities to see progress.
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Personal info
30/M/5'3/College Station

Starting point
131lbs and 23.6% BF (Dexa Scan 1/02/19)

Burning fat while slowly adding some lbs of muscle, hopefully drop below 18% BF(next Dexa scan scheduled 5/8/19)

  • Ramping up weight training
  • Spin Class twice a week
  • Orange Theory Fitness twice a week.
  • Cutting back on sugar
  • No alcohol Jan. and Feb.

What I need from you
I need everyone to kill it, My motivation comes from seeing you guys succeed in these transformations/challenges.

Lets do this!
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Found a weightlifting program you like?
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Personal info:
big1russ, 34, 6'3", male, married, 4 kids, Liberty / Dayton area

Starting point:
Weighed in at 218 this morning.

Get down to 190 then maintain.

I lost a TON of weight in 2018, went from 400 down to 215ish (206 before Christmas holiday, 218 after New Years). That said, If I can get below 200, I will be in the normal BMI range for the first time in my adult life.

I have had a lot of success with Keto, then with IMF, then with Keto + IMF. Thinking about trying zero carb for a month, see how that feels. I like to mix it up and keep it fresh. I also got into obsessively tracking my food. I made an excel sheet I use with the excel mobile app, and I log everything. I am also going to cut out booze for a while.

What help do I need?
I am honestly nervous about transitioning from actively loosing weight to maintaining. Loosing you have a clear goal you are working towards to help motivate and focus you. I worried that maintaining will feel like a chore and I will slip into old habits. If anybody has lost and then maintained and has advice, I'm all ears.
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Right now I'm not doing anything special just basic 3 day split, but I've been pretty lax with my rep/set counts. I might explore some options.
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bagger05 said:

Oh for sure. I was referring to "the scale" meaning "weight." Your weight matters but I say supplement that with checking your BF % or at least your waist or hips.

More measurements is better, IMO. More opportunities to see progress.

I was agreeing with you. The BF number is just as important (if not more) than weight. I was just saying that the scales that also measure body fat have gotten pretty accurate and make it really easy to know your BF without doing measurements or calipers.
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Personal info:
32 yo M

Starting point:
- 6' 207 lb. Yunmai scale says 18.9% BF

To put a number on it I will say 195. But really to maintain below 200 all year no matter what even through the holidays, and to get sub 15-16% BF.

Secondary goal is to get knee better and resume basketball/racquetball. Improving week to week for now.

- Better health.
- Kids soon

- Lift weights
- Get back low carb, but with good fats to not have high cholesterol again

How can we help
Just keep posting your success and updating the spreadsheet, gives me motivation.
Formerly tv1113
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I highly recommend Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews. I've really enjoyed the program and the results have been outstanding. Even if you don't end up going with the program, the philosophy is great. My results in the gym took off when I started tracking my performance and committed to upping my weight or reps every single time.

For example, here's some example progress on a lift:

1/1: 225x4, 225x4, 225x4
1/8: 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
1/15: 225x6, 225x6, 225x6
1/22: 230x4, 230x4, 230x4
1/29: 230x5, 230x5, 230x5

1/1: 225x4, 225x4, 225x4
1/8: 225x5, 225x4, 225x4
1/15: 225x5, 225x5, 225x4
1/22: 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
1/29: 225x6, 225x5, 225x5

I think there are a thousand ways to make great progress and tons of philosophies that work. For whatever reason this one has really worked well for me. I've got some slimming down to do but there's no question I'm stronger than I've ever been.
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Jumping in.

Personal info
31/ M/ Married/ No kids/ Houston

Starting point
233.4 pounds/ 29.5% body fat according to my scale. (Was around 220-225 and 27% in November... before the holidays)

180 pounds/ 17% body fat by the end of the year.

I am a HS Varsity football official, and to get to the next level I definitely need to get in better shape.

Consistency in my workouts (at least 4 per week) and better food consumption. 1500 net carbs per day target to start.
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Personal info
33/M/6'2"/Austin/Single/No Kids

Starting point

Get down to 185 or below AND hold it there for the entire year. I get low every spring, then am ballooned back up by the New Year.

Swim. Bike. Run. I have IMTX in April, followed by several other races scattered through the year.

6/18 Intermitent Fasting with one 24 hour fast a week
Jump start my fitness with a few weeks of Keto, then transition over to CICO

No alcohol or cokes for the first 110 days of the year. That is literally where all my sugars come from.

Stay healthy- I'm very accident prone, and balloon up after an injury.
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Ok so intermittent fasting...if I am improving my diet (keto diet works best for me to avoid fried foods, bread, etc - I still eat lower glycemic fruits/vegetables) am I not getting full benefit if I don't do intermittent fasting and the whole one meal a day thing?

Feels contrary to what they used to say about eating in morning to get metabolism going and multiple small meals a day to spread out nutrition and avoid overeating.
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