Weighed in the 2teens for the first time. 219.3 but expecting a bounce.
I am a lurker on this thread but love seeing this time of progress! Keep it up!gigemtrev said:
3/4- 216.5
3/11- 208.8
3/18- 204.8
3/25- 201.2
4/1- 197.4
4/8- 198.9
I had bronchitis ALL last week and am now just back to normal. I was unable to work out and my diet was not the best. I finally worked out again this morning and could catch my breath. My goal for 4/15 is to be at 195.4. Here's to getting back on track! I won't let a little bronchitis throw me off!
jopatura said:
Did you add in the weights about the time the weight gain started? It might not be pure muscle, but water weight associated with starting a new routine. I wouldn't worry about it too much if you know your food is good.