I remember once you passed the hilton and the inn at Chimney Hill, there was nothing on the left hand side of the street. Its amazing how much is there now. Same with the old red Lobster building- there was nothing else in that parking lot.
I cannot believe how they have upgraded the Wellborn Road/2818 intersection BIGTIME!! I was following the route to our former house on Durango Court and I couldnt beleive my eyes when I got to 2818/Wellborn Road. In satellite view, there is an awesome interchange with 2818 going over Wellborn Road. In street view, I still see a measly little intersection that I remember was just a 4 way flashing red light when we lived there. I assume this interchange has happened within the last 2 years since its not in street view just satellite?
It's been a while since I've lived in CS, but isn't 2818 parallel to Wellborn Rd, & no intersection/interchange between the two?
They have intersected for as long as I have lived here. When moved here in 1990, it was a 4-way stop. I'm not sure if the flashing red was there already or if it came later. Anyone remember when the traffic lights were put in?