The latest "proof" from a 9/11 conspiracy friend

58,433 Views | 1244 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by double aught
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The lunacy he believes is on this thread already. He believes real life is like a Mission Impossible or Bond movie where guys with hard hats and sunglasses secretly stick "nano-thermite" play dough balls with an antenna dish sticking out of them in the building in the months leading up in the guise of "maintenance" and then on the day of the attacks theres a remote control with a big red button that activates all the playdough, turning all building columns to molten magma simultaneously. He thinks that since he cant understand the physics of how a building can collapse from "a minor fire", that therefore this must be true as the simplest explanation that fits all the facts but he is entirely blind to the fact that this is way more ludicrous from both a realistic "could this be done" viewpoint as well as actually a way bigger physics impossibility than the physics "problem" he thinks hes solving in the first place.

Stop engaging him, he's nuts.
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RockTXAggie said:

Let's review the facts surrounding 9/11.

So we're supposed to believe that several planes were hijacked by cave dwelling Afghani amateur pilots that were able to perfectly execute a crash landing into the pentagon, one of the most heavily surveilled buildings in the entire world. Yet we somehow don't have clear footage.

They also ran two planes perfectly into the WTC towers. The jet fuel apparently burned so hot that it weakened the structural integrity to the point that they both fell at free fall speed perfectly into their own footprint.

Oh and one of those planes happened to pull off the perfect 7-10 split and catch WTC7 a few blocks away on fire and it too fell perfectly into its own footprint.

How is it wrong to question the supposed chain of events?

Yes, you're supposed to believe that because its all FACT.

The people that did the hijacking were almost all Saudis, not Afghani, and none of them were cave dwellers. The ones that flew the planes all had SOME pilot training. They weren't accomplished pilots, but they knew stick and rudder, at least. They didn't "execute a crash landing" into the Pentagon; they crashed AA 77 into it at high speed, and the Pentagon's security had no bearing on that. There were dozens of witnesses to the plane crashing, including many that were in traffic and almost hit by the plane. There were AA plane parts on the ground at the Pentagon. There's no doubt what happened at the Pentagon. Your assertion that the Pentagon is "one of the most heavily surveilled buildings in the entire world" is without authority. The other evidence speaks for itself. The lack of clear footage is due to the speed of the plane. The FASTER speed of a missile would not have been captured any clearer.

Neither of the two WTC planes were "ran perfectly" into either building. The United flight darn near missed WTC 2. The AA flight hit higher than what I assume they wanted. Maybe they didn't know how things would shake out, but as it happened, the direct impact took out all means of escape for anyone above the impact zone in WTC 1. Had they known that and been able to do anything about it, they would have aimed for at least 10-15 floors lower. Its doubtful that they could have gone lower than that given the plane's speed and altitude. They could have easily killed 2K more people.

The buildings didn't fall into "their own footprint." They fell, beginning at the impact zone of each building, which would have been impossible to predict ahead of time. WTC 2 fell off to the side. I believe it was the one that took out the WTC Marriott. And it wasn't just the jet fuel igniting fires that weakened the steel. The aluminum from the plane made the fires much hotter than first thought. THAT created the near perfect storm that ultimately brought down the buildings. Did the hijackers know this? I seriously doubt it. In their mind, the planes would knock the buildings over like one would fell a tree from the trunk. But many people would have thought that.

WTC 7 was NOT a "few blocks away." It was a street over and was heavily damaged by the collapse of WTC 1. As far as falling onto itself, it gave way on the inside of the building and there was no reason it would fall onto any other building. No one has ever explained the sinister reasoning behind demolishing WTC 7 on 9/11. They've just assumed it happened because they don't understand the full reasoning or don't want to believe the facts. But that isn't evidence of plot or cover-up.

You can question all you want, but you can't (at least and be honest) make things up and present them as truth. Here are your answers. They are documented at hundreds, if not thousands, of sites.

The United flight that crashed in PA shows what would have happened had the passengers known of their ultimate fate on the earlier flights. The hijackers depended on all the events going off without passengers on their planes finding out about the other planes. This alone proves there wasn't any official complicity. Surely it wouldn't have been difficult to disable the passenger communication system on the planes, thus making others aware of their fate impossible. There were calls from every single plane that was hijacked that day. Heck, that would have been the easiest of all things to do. And the thing is this: if the Shanksville flight had not crashed, how were the conspirators to know that they wouldn't have been killed from that plane crashing into them?

(Also could have been asked about AA77). Not everyone could be in the WH bunker.
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The lack of clear footage is due to the speed of the plane.

Is it possible the footage was altered?
Im Gipper
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Truly amazing this thread still going! So much gold in here. Why can't we have the Q thread??

I'm Gipper
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Highly recommend this documentary on Building 7

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NIST employee speaks out - Says investigation was a complete farce

Another great watch

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Both of these (Bldg 7) videos support the idea that what we have been told is not what really happened….

To say it different….if a person watches these two videos and does not have questions regarding the official story of the cause of collapse for Bldg 7 then you are a person that's probably engulfed in cognitive dissonance
The Kraken
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A computer applications guy, not involved in the studies, spouting the same stuff we've heard before.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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Wow! This thread is almost as long as the 9/11 Commission report.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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How were passenger cell phones working in flight?

I've never got an adequate answer to that question.
J. Walter Weatherman
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Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

SociallyConditionedAg said:

AggiEE said:

snowdog90 said:


I'm curious. I'm in my 50's and don't believe the official story, obviously. I believed the official story for years, I really didn't realize there was controversy until maybe 2005 or so when I first started hearing about "truthers". I immediately dismissed them as idiots, so I understand the pushback you and I get on this forum.

In 2013 or so, I saw a video on 911 that blew me away. Tower 7 was the kicker, I just couldn't believe that I knew nothing about that. Then watching it collapse and seeing all the controversy coinciding with it - it was stunning. Tower 7 and all the hundreds of other hard-to-explain details are what caused me to change my opinion on the whole thing.

I'm curious how old you are and what made you change your mind.

I was in a similar boat. I'm in my 30s, have been a conservative all my life.

What always struck me about 9/11 was the destruction of the towers, it never seemed natural to me going back to basic physics. When I initially saw the attacks I never anticipated for them to collapse like that.

The sheer awe of the event and the huge glut of information that happened that day quickly turns your attention to who is responsible, so I just went with the mainstream narrative.

In the mid 00s I saw the truth movement gaining popularity and like you I instantly dismissed it. Then I watched Loose Change and the film raised so many questions that I started to pay closer attention, especially after finding out about WTC7

Shortly thereafter, AE911Truth was formed and a bunch of great material from various scientists and engineers started to appear. My belief that it was an inside job was solidified by the work of David Chandler and Steve Jones, the latter who studied the dust and found evidence of nano-thermate that has no justification for why it should exist in such large quantities.

I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist, and I certainly don't want to believe any of this. It's a lot more comforting to think this was the result of foreign terrorists rather than a false fiat attack orchestrated by elements of our own government, but the evidence is too definitive to ignore these uncomfortable truths.

It certainly has made me a much more cynical person, especially as it pertains to governmental policy and initiatives - it makes me question everything from the standard American diet to COVID and so forth.

Similar story here. I believed the official story to begin with but then saw the way the Bush administration handled the Patriot Act and the war and I started piercing things together over time. If it were only the 2 towers that fell, I probably wouldn't have questioned it, but WTC7 falling was completely unnatural.

A firefighter that helped clean out the rubble told me that the NYFD firefighters told him about the explosions they heard before they fell. With all the obvious lies the government tells us daily, who can't believe the official story? The last 2 years of COVID insanity sold be enough to make everyone distrust the government.

It's fascinating to me how quickly people dismiss all the eyewitness accounts of explosions, and we also have plenty of video evidence of explosions as well.

Doesn't surprise me that there's a lot of firefighters that think it was an inside job due to that and the molten steel

What's more fascinating is that a person who purports to have a college degree believes that the government diverted AA77 to a government-controlled airport, removed all the passengers, had them all make fake phone calls to their loved ones, killed them all and buried them in places no one can find them, and then destroyed the plane. And not a single person involved spoke up about this insane plot.

Think about what you're saying here. Does that really make more sense to you than two buildings collapsing after being hit by massive planes?

At some point, these conspiracy theories are flat-out ****ing stupid and you're there.

That's precisely the dilemma, isn't it? Which do you choose to believe:

Red Pill: Something that I find to be blatantly physically impossible as a result of plane impacts and ensuing fires, despite being an extremely uncomfortable truth inconsistent with the narrative of the country we all grew up believing in:

  • Complete destruction of three buildings
  • Collapsing at free fall speed
  • A significant portion of the debris scattered in a massive radius around the towers with no known lateral force to explain such an extreme field of debris
  • Pools of molten steel at ground zero reminiscent of a foundry or "lava"
  • Surfaces of warped steel beams covered in Sulfur with analyzed Dust that contains significant amount of molten iron consistent with Nano-Thermate
  • Visual evidence of Squibs 60 floors below the impact zone that is not explained by supposed "pressure points" in an open office setting surrounding the exterior columns
  • Numerous eye witnesses of explosions at all of the buildings, some going off before the planes have even impacted, and far away from the impact zone
  • Temperatures at ground zero that lasted for months that are totally unexplained by the fires that occurred from the planes and ensuing fires
  • Outright comical conveniences such as the passport they found in the streets of NYC, yet it's difficult to find any remnants of basic office furnishings anywhere.
  • The insider trading, which is statistically significant and a proven fact that there were people that knew in advance at financial institutions that this would occur

Blue Pill: The impossibility that conspiracies ever happen. That covert operations planned by psychopaths in power that have a wholly utilitarian view of power and the American public, willing to do whatever is necessary to institute a wide-sweeping agenda that would result in multiple wars and domestic agendas, somehow does not exist within the highest levels of society and our government. And that there's absolutely no way this operation could have been compartmentally planned by key well-connected individuals, over a long period of time, and that they must all somehow be willing to "talk" despite the obvious implication that they fully believed in this operation to begin with and to speak up about it would result in their likely demise. This, despite evidence of similar government-sponsored false flag terrorist attacks such as Operation Northwoods, that were drafted by the military and made it all the way to the President of the United States to sign off on.

I'll take the red pill, because it's clear as day with my own set of eyes and the logical conclusion that follows, and that what occurred after 9/11 played directly into the hands of the agenda of those in power. It is not difficult to connect the dots.

It's actually very difficult (impossible, actually) to connect the dots of the conspiracy I laid out.

And you still, after 30 pages of this nonsense, have not answered the question I've asked multiple times: buildings that are demolished have lots of the internal structures removed prior to demolition and they have been vacant for a long time prior to demolition to allow for that. We know WTC7 was occupied up until 9/11.

How do you explain this and how could it have been demolished without following this standard protocol that would have been impossible given that people still worked there?

This is the only question I want answered. I don't want to hear about some dude who heard an explosion. I don't want to hear about exploding paint. I don't want to hear about another dude who saw some hot coffee on a table. I don't want to hear about remote controlled planes. I don't want to hear about any of the other **** you deflect with.

I want a direct answer to this question.

Still waiting for an answer to this question.

AggiEE will write a thesis on a guy that heard something after the planes had crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (shocking someone would hear something that sounded like an explosion on 9/11), but won't answer this basic question. Weird.

Another day, another AggiEE refusal to answer this question even though he's clearly reading this thread because he keeps posting nonsense.

Bump, since AggiEE is back to posting obscure videos and not answering this simple question.
Old Army Ghost
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

How were passenger cell phones working in flight?

I've never got an adequate answer to that question.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Let's back up.

Were calls made from passenger cell phones, or not?
The Kraken
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According to the 9/11 commission report there were 22 confirmed Air Phone calls and 2 confirmed cell phone calls from Flight 93.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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Old Army Ghost said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

How were passenger cell phones working in flight?

I've never got an adequate answer to that question.

Huh. And we were assured earlier in this thread that calls from AA77 were not possible.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

SociallyConditionedAg said:

AggiEE said:

snowdog90 said:


I'm curious. I'm in my 50's and don't believe the official story, obviously. I believed the official story for years, I really didn't realize there was controversy until maybe 2005 or so when I first started hearing about "truthers". I immediately dismissed them as idiots, so I understand the pushback you and I get on this forum.

In 2013 or so, I saw a video on 911 that blew me away. Tower 7 was the kicker, I just couldn't believe that I knew nothing about that. Then watching it collapse and seeing all the controversy coinciding with it - it was stunning. Tower 7 and all the hundreds of other hard-to-explain details are what caused me to change my opinion on the whole thing.

I'm curious how old you are and what made you change your mind.

I was in a similar boat. I'm in my 30s, have been a conservative all my life.

What always struck me about 9/11 was the destruction of the towers, it never seemed natural to me going back to basic physics. When I initially saw the attacks I never anticipated for them to collapse like that.

The sheer awe of the event and the huge glut of information that happened that day quickly turns your attention to who is responsible, so I just went with the mainstream narrative.

In the mid 00s I saw the truth movement gaining popularity and like you I instantly dismissed it. Then I watched Loose Change and the film raised so many questions that I started to pay closer attention, especially after finding out about WTC7

Shortly thereafter, AE911Truth was formed and a bunch of great material from various scientists and engineers started to appear. My belief that it was an inside job was solidified by the work of David Chandler and Steve Jones, the latter who studied the dust and found evidence of nano-thermate that has no justification for why it should exist in such large quantities.

I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist, and I certainly don't want to believe any of this. It's a lot more comforting to think this was the result of foreign terrorists rather than a false fiat attack orchestrated by elements of our own government, but the evidence is too definitive to ignore these uncomfortable truths.

It certainly has made me a much more cynical person, especially as it pertains to governmental policy and initiatives - it makes me question everything from the standard American diet to COVID and so forth.

Similar story here. I believed the official story to begin with but then saw the way the Bush administration handled the Patriot Act and the war and I started piercing things together over time. If it were only the 2 towers that fell, I probably wouldn't have questioned it, but WTC7 falling was completely unnatural.

A firefighter that helped clean out the rubble told me that the NYFD firefighters told him about the explosions they heard before they fell. With all the obvious lies the government tells us daily, who can't believe the official story? The last 2 years of COVID insanity sold be enough to make everyone distrust the government.

It's fascinating to me how quickly people dismiss all the eyewitness accounts of explosions, and we also have plenty of video evidence of explosions as well.

Doesn't surprise me that there's a lot of firefighters that think it was an inside job due to that and the molten steel

What's more fascinating is that a person who purports to have a college degree believes that the government diverted AA77 to a government-controlled airport, removed all the passengers, had them all make fake phone calls to their loved ones, killed them all and buried them in places no one can find them, and then destroyed the plane. And not a single person involved spoke up about this insane plot.

Think about what you're saying here. Does that really make more sense to you than two buildings collapsing after being hit by massive planes?

At some point, these conspiracy theories are flat-out ****ing stupid and you're there.

That's precisely the dilemma, isn't it? Which do you choose to believe:

Red Pill: Something that I find to be blatantly physically impossible as a result of plane impacts and ensuing fires, despite being an extremely uncomfortable truth inconsistent with the narrative of the country we all grew up believing in:

  • Complete destruction of three buildings
  • Collapsing at free fall speed
  • A significant portion of the debris scattered in a massive radius around the towers with no known lateral force to explain such an extreme field of debris
  • Pools of molten steel at ground zero reminiscent of a foundry or "lava"
  • Surfaces of warped steel beams covered in Sulfur with analyzed Dust that contains significant amount of molten iron consistent with Nano-Thermate
  • Visual evidence of Squibs 60 floors below the impact zone that is not explained by supposed "pressure points" in an open office setting surrounding the exterior columns
  • Numerous eye witnesses of explosions at all of the buildings, some going off before the planes have even impacted, and far away from the impact zone
  • Temperatures at ground zero that lasted for months that are totally unexplained by the fires that occurred from the planes and ensuing fires
  • Outright comical conveniences such as the passport they found in the streets of NYC, yet it's difficult to find any remnants of basic office furnishings anywhere.
  • The insider trading, which is statistically significant and a proven fact that there were people that knew in advance at financial institutions that this would occur

Blue Pill: The impossibility that conspiracies ever happen. That covert operations planned by psychopaths in power that have a wholly utilitarian view of power and the American public, willing to do whatever is necessary to institute a wide-sweeping agenda that would result in multiple wars and domestic agendas, somehow does not exist within the highest levels of society and our government. And that there's absolutely no way this operation could have been compartmentally planned by key well-connected individuals, over a long period of time, and that they must all somehow be willing to "talk" despite the obvious implication that they fully believed in this operation to begin with and to speak up about it would result in their likely demise. This, despite evidence of similar government-sponsored false flag terrorist attacks such as Operation Northwoods, that were drafted by the military and made it all the way to the President of the United States to sign off on.

I'll take the red pill, because it's clear as day with my own set of eyes and the logical conclusion that follows, and that what occurred after 9/11 played directly into the hands of the agenda of those in power. It is not difficult to connect the dots.

It's actually very difficult (impossible, actually) to connect the dots of the conspiracy I laid out.

And you still, after 30 pages of this nonsense, have not answered the question I've asked multiple times: buildings that are demolished have lots of the internal structures removed prior to demolition and they have been vacant for a long time prior to demolition to allow for that. We know WTC7 was occupied up until 9/11.

How do you explain this and how could it have been demolished without following this standard protocol that would have been impossible given that people still worked there?

This is the only question I want answered. I don't want to hear about some dude who heard an explosion. I don't want to hear about exploding paint. I don't want to hear about another dude who saw some hot coffee on a table. I don't want to hear about remote controlled planes. I don't want to hear about any of the other **** you deflect with.

I want a direct answer to this question.

Still waiting for an answer to this question.

AggiEE will write a thesis on a guy that heard something after the planes had crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (shocking someone would hear something that sounded like an explosion on 9/11), but won't answer this basic question. Weird.

Another day, another AggiEE refusal to answer this question even though he's clearly reading this thread because he keeps posting nonsense.

Bump, since AggiEE is back to posting obscure videos and not answering this simple question.

Already answered many times in this thread

The guy had an expletive laden meltdown of personal attacks after I responded

If he doesn't like my answer he can move on
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New World Ag said:

A computer applications guy, not involved in the studies, spouting the same stuff we've heard before.

He was a researcher, to be specific, and he clearly establishes why the research NIST put out is farcical. It's a narrowly confined scope coupled with outrageous assumptions and one where their model doesn't even approximate the collapse
J. Walter Weatherman
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AggiEE said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

SociallyConditionedAg said:

AggiEE said:

snowdog90 said:


I'm curious. I'm in my 50's and don't believe the official story, obviously. I believed the official story for years, I really didn't realize there was controversy until maybe 2005 or so when I first started hearing about "truthers". I immediately dismissed them as idiots, so I understand the pushback you and I get on this forum.

In 2013 or so, I saw a video on 911 that blew me away. Tower 7 was the kicker, I just couldn't believe that I knew nothing about that. Then watching it collapse and seeing all the controversy coinciding with it - it was stunning. Tower 7 and all the hundreds of other hard-to-explain details are what caused me to change my opinion on the whole thing.

I'm curious how old you are and what made you change your mind.

I was in a similar boat. I'm in my 30s, have been a conservative all my life.

What always struck me about 9/11 was the destruction of the towers, it never seemed natural to me going back to basic physics. When I initially saw the attacks I never anticipated for them to collapse like that.

The sheer awe of the event and the huge glut of information that happened that day quickly turns your attention to who is responsible, so I just went with the mainstream narrative.

In the mid 00s I saw the truth movement gaining popularity and like you I instantly dismissed it. Then I watched Loose Change and the film raised so many questions that I started to pay closer attention, especially after finding out about WTC7

Shortly thereafter, AE911Truth was formed and a bunch of great material from various scientists and engineers started to appear. My belief that it was an inside job was solidified by the work of David Chandler and Steve Jones, the latter who studied the dust and found evidence of nano-thermate that has no justification for why it should exist in such large quantities.

I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist, and I certainly don't want to believe any of this. It's a lot more comforting to think this was the result of foreign terrorists rather than a false fiat attack orchestrated by elements of our own government, but the evidence is too definitive to ignore these uncomfortable truths.

It certainly has made me a much more cynical person, especially as it pertains to governmental policy and initiatives - it makes me question everything from the standard American diet to COVID and so forth.

Similar story here. I believed the official story to begin with but then saw the way the Bush administration handled the Patriot Act and the war and I started piercing things together over time. If it were only the 2 towers that fell, I probably wouldn't have questioned it, but WTC7 falling was completely unnatural.

A firefighter that helped clean out the rubble told me that the NYFD firefighters told him about the explosions they heard before they fell. With all the obvious lies the government tells us daily, who can't believe the official story? The last 2 years of COVID insanity sold be enough to make everyone distrust the government.

It's fascinating to me how quickly people dismiss all the eyewitness accounts of explosions, and we also have plenty of video evidence of explosions as well.

Doesn't surprise me that there's a lot of firefighters that think it was an inside job due to that and the molten steel

What's more fascinating is that a person who purports to have a college degree believes that the government diverted AA77 to a government-controlled airport, removed all the passengers, had them all make fake phone calls to their loved ones, killed them all and buried them in places no one can find them, and then destroyed the plane. And not a single person involved spoke up about this insane plot.

Think about what you're saying here. Does that really make more sense to you than two buildings collapsing after being hit by massive planes?

At some point, these conspiracy theories are flat-out ****ing stupid and you're there.

That's precisely the dilemma, isn't it? Which do you choose to believe:

Red Pill: Something that I find to be blatantly physically impossible as a result of plane impacts and ensuing fires, despite being an extremely uncomfortable truth inconsistent with the narrative of the country we all grew up believing in:

  • Complete destruction of three buildings
  • Collapsing at free fall speed
  • A significant portion of the debris scattered in a massive radius around the towers with no known lateral force to explain such an extreme field of debris
  • Pools of molten steel at ground zero reminiscent of a foundry or "lava"
  • Surfaces of warped steel beams covered in Sulfur with analyzed Dust that contains significant amount of molten iron consistent with Nano-Thermate
  • Visual evidence of Squibs 60 floors below the impact zone that is not explained by supposed "pressure points" in an open office setting surrounding the exterior columns
  • Numerous eye witnesses of explosions at all of the buildings, some going off before the planes have even impacted, and far away from the impact zone
  • Temperatures at ground zero that lasted for months that are totally unexplained by the fires that occurred from the planes and ensuing fires
  • Outright comical conveniences such as the passport they found in the streets of NYC, yet it's difficult to find any remnants of basic office furnishings anywhere.
  • The insider trading, which is statistically significant and a proven fact that there were people that knew in advance at financial institutions that this would occur

Blue Pill: The impossibility that conspiracies ever happen. That covert operations planned by psychopaths in power that have a wholly utilitarian view of power and the American public, willing to do whatever is necessary to institute a wide-sweeping agenda that would result in multiple wars and domestic agendas, somehow does not exist within the highest levels of society and our government. And that there's absolutely no way this operation could have been compartmentally planned by key well-connected individuals, over a long period of time, and that they must all somehow be willing to "talk" despite the obvious implication that they fully believed in this operation to begin with and to speak up about it would result in their likely demise. This, despite evidence of similar government-sponsored false flag terrorist attacks such as Operation Northwoods, that were drafted by the military and made it all the way to the President of the United States to sign off on.

I'll take the red pill, because it's clear as day with my own set of eyes and the logical conclusion that follows, and that what occurred after 9/11 played directly into the hands of the agenda of those in power. It is not difficult to connect the dots.

It's actually very difficult (impossible, actually) to connect the dots of the conspiracy I laid out.

And you still, after 30 pages of this nonsense, have not answered the question I've asked multiple times: buildings that are demolished have lots of the internal structures removed prior to demolition and they have been vacant for a long time prior to demolition to allow for that. We know WTC7 was occupied up until 9/11.

How do you explain this and how could it have been demolished without following this standard protocol that would have been impossible given that people still worked there?

This is the only question I want answered. I don't want to hear about some dude who heard an explosion. I don't want to hear about exploding paint. I don't want to hear about another dude who saw some hot coffee on a table. I don't want to hear about remote controlled planes. I don't want to hear about any of the other **** you deflect with.

I want a direct answer to this question.

Still waiting for an answer to this question.

AggiEE will write a thesis on a guy that heard something after the planes had crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (shocking someone would hear something that sounded like an explosion on 9/11), but won't answer this basic question. Weird.

Another day, another AggiEE refusal to answer this question even though he's clearly reading this thread because he keeps posting nonsense.

Bump, since AggiEE is back to posting obscure videos and not answering this simple question.

Already answered many times in this thread

The guy had an expletive laden meltdown of personal attacks after I responded

If he doesn't like my answer he can move on

Which one of the dozen 90 minute conspiracy grifter videos you've posted contains the answer?
Sea Speed
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I'm honestly not sure how some of yall continue to post serious replies and argue with these people, seemingly in good faith. I read basically the entire thread minus the last page or so, and I'm just blown away at yall still just going at it. I have less patience with my kids than yall have with a stranger on the internet.
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I tried to skim this thread and catch up. I didn't see anyone talking about the plane in Pennsylvania.

Where do I land on the spectrum of conspiracy theory kookery if I think the towers and pentagon were legit but United 93 was shot down?
“Not gonna lie...its a little disconcerting to have our minister of positivity be PlaneCrashGuy but Im in"
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

AggiEE said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

Ed Harley said:

AggiEE said:

SociallyConditionedAg said:

AggiEE said:

snowdog90 said:


I'm curious. I'm in my 50's and don't believe the official story, obviously. I believed the official story for years, I really didn't realize there was controversy until maybe 2005 or so when I first started hearing about "truthers". I immediately dismissed them as idiots, so I understand the pushback you and I get on this forum.

In 2013 or so, I saw a video on 911 that blew me away. Tower 7 was the kicker, I just couldn't believe that I knew nothing about that. Then watching it collapse and seeing all the controversy coinciding with it - it was stunning. Tower 7 and all the hundreds of other hard-to-explain details are what caused me to change my opinion on the whole thing.

I'm curious how old you are and what made you change your mind.

I was in a similar boat. I'm in my 30s, have been a conservative all my life.

What always struck me about 9/11 was the destruction of the towers, it never seemed natural to me going back to basic physics. When I initially saw the attacks I never anticipated for them to collapse like that.

The sheer awe of the event and the huge glut of information that happened that day quickly turns your attention to who is responsible, so I just went with the mainstream narrative.

In the mid 00s I saw the truth movement gaining popularity and like you I instantly dismissed it. Then I watched Loose Change and the film raised so many questions that I started to pay closer attention, especially after finding out about WTC7

Shortly thereafter, AE911Truth was formed and a bunch of great material from various scientists and engineers started to appear. My belief that it was an inside job was solidified by the work of David Chandler and Steve Jones, the latter who studied the dust and found evidence of nano-thermate that has no justification for why it should exist in such large quantities.

I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist, and I certainly don't want to believe any of this. It's a lot more comforting to think this was the result of foreign terrorists rather than a false fiat attack orchestrated by elements of our own government, but the evidence is too definitive to ignore these uncomfortable truths.

It certainly has made me a much more cynical person, especially as it pertains to governmental policy and initiatives - it makes me question everything from the standard American diet to COVID and so forth.

Similar story here. I believed the official story to begin with but then saw the way the Bush administration handled the Patriot Act and the war and I started piercing things together over time. If it were only the 2 towers that fell, I probably wouldn't have questioned it, but WTC7 falling was completely unnatural.

A firefighter that helped clean out the rubble told me that the NYFD firefighters told him about the explosions they heard before they fell. With all the obvious lies the government tells us daily, who can't believe the official story? The last 2 years of COVID insanity sold be enough to make everyone distrust the government.

It's fascinating to me how quickly people dismiss all the eyewitness accounts of explosions, and we also have plenty of video evidence of explosions as well.

Doesn't surprise me that there's a lot of firefighters that think it was an inside job due to that and the molten steel

What's more fascinating is that a person who purports to have a college degree believes that the government diverted AA77 to a government-controlled airport, removed all the passengers, had them all make fake phone calls to their loved ones, killed them all and buried them in places no one can find them, and then destroyed the plane. And not a single person involved spoke up about this insane plot.

Think about what you're saying here. Does that really make more sense to you than two buildings collapsing after being hit by massive planes?

At some point, these conspiracy theories are flat-out ****ing stupid and you're there.

That's precisely the dilemma, isn't it? Which do you choose to believe:

Red Pill: Something that I find to be blatantly physically impossible as a result of plane impacts and ensuing fires, despite being an extremely uncomfortable truth inconsistent with the narrative of the country we all grew up believing in:

  • Complete destruction of three buildings
  • Collapsing at free fall speed
  • A significant portion of the debris scattered in a massive radius around the towers with no known lateral force to explain such an extreme field of debris
  • Pools of molten steel at ground zero reminiscent of a foundry or "lava"
  • Surfaces of warped steel beams covered in Sulfur with analyzed Dust that contains significant amount of molten iron consistent with Nano-Thermate
  • Visual evidence of Squibs 60 floors below the impact zone that is not explained by supposed "pressure points" in an open office setting surrounding the exterior columns
  • Numerous eye witnesses of explosions at all of the buildings, some going off before the planes have even impacted, and far away from the impact zone
  • Temperatures at ground zero that lasted for months that are totally unexplained by the fires that occurred from the planes and ensuing fires
  • Outright comical conveniences such as the passport they found in the streets of NYC, yet it's difficult to find any remnants of basic office furnishings anywhere.
  • The insider trading, which is statistically significant and a proven fact that there were people that knew in advance at financial institutions that this would occur

Blue Pill: The impossibility that conspiracies ever happen. That covert operations planned by psychopaths in power that have a wholly utilitarian view of power and the American public, willing to do whatever is necessary to institute a wide-sweeping agenda that would result in multiple wars and domestic agendas, somehow does not exist within the highest levels of society and our government. And that there's absolutely no way this operation could have been compartmentally planned by key well-connected individuals, over a long period of time, and that they must all somehow be willing to "talk" despite the obvious implication that they fully believed in this operation to begin with and to speak up about it would result in their likely demise. This, despite evidence of similar government-sponsored false flag terrorist attacks such as Operation Northwoods, that were drafted by the military and made it all the way to the President of the United States to sign off on.

I'll take the red pill, because it's clear as day with my own set of eyes and the logical conclusion that follows, and that what occurred after 9/11 played directly into the hands of the agenda of those in power. It is not difficult to connect the dots.

It's actually very difficult (impossible, actually) to connect the dots of the conspiracy I laid out.

And you still, after 30 pages of this nonsense, have not answered the question I've asked multiple times: buildings that are demolished have lots of the internal structures removed prior to demolition and they have been vacant for a long time prior to demolition to allow for that. We know WTC7 was occupied up until 9/11.

How do you explain this and how could it have been demolished without following this standard protocol that would have been impossible given that people still worked there?

This is the only question I want answered. I don't want to hear about some dude who heard an explosion. I don't want to hear about exploding paint. I don't want to hear about another dude who saw some hot coffee on a table. I don't want to hear about remote controlled planes. I don't want to hear about any of the other **** you deflect with.

I want a direct answer to this question.

Still waiting for an answer to this question.

AggiEE will write a thesis on a guy that heard something after the planes had crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (shocking someone would hear something that sounded like an explosion on 9/11), but won't answer this basic question. Weird.

Another day, another AggiEE refusal to answer this question even though he's clearly reading this thread because he keeps posting nonsense.

Bump, since AggiEE is back to posting obscure videos and not answering this simple question.

Already answered many times in this thread

The guy had an expletive laden meltdown of personal attacks after I responded

If he doesn't like my answer he can move on

Which one of the dozen 90 minute conspiracy grifter videos you've posted contains the answer?

I gave him a summarized version. The WTC complex was undergoing the biggest elevator maintenance modernization project for nearly a year before 9/11. The nano thermate used could have been sprayed on to the support columns in the elevator shafts under the guise of fire protection. Leading up to 9/11 there were rotating areas where offices were shut down for electrical upgrades.

There was a power outage the weekend before 9/11, and employees would have not been in the buildings. A worker that was there that weekend mentioned how when power was restored, there were construction workers with tools and spools of wire walking around the building, and odd dust that was lightly scattered around certain areas near the windows (where the exterior columns would be).

The question as to controlled demolition requiring some extensive removal project of certain sections of the building isn't one backed up by any official statements by demo experts. There are many ways it can be designed, and many different types of devices can be used depending on the budget/cost. Clearly based on the dust residue we can confirm nano thermate painted chips were used, highly expensive military grade which has less sound, and the explosion is more of a white smoke but with far easier capability to sever steel.
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BboroAg said:

Both of these (Bldg 7) videos support the idea that what we have been told is not what really happened….

To say it different….if a person watches these two videos and does not have questions regarding the official story of the cause of collapse for Bldg 7 then you are a person that's probably engulfed in cognitive dissonance

Yep. The ex-NIST employee video is one of the best I've seen because it really gets to the root issue and isn't all that lengthy.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

How were passenger cell phones working in flight?

I've never got an adequate answer to that question.
Old cellular technology was broadcast from cell towers in all directions, which means that there was a lot of wasted bandwidth that just went straight up into the atmosphere. Newer cellular towers direct most of the signal down at an angle to minimize the amount of wasted bandwidth. Depending on the altitude, it would be possible to make phone calls from an early 2000s era cell phone.
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TexasAggie_02 said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

How were passenger cell phones working in flight?

I've never got an adequate answer to that question.
Old cellular technology was broadcast from cell towers in all directions, which means that there was a lot of wasted bandwidth that just went straight up into the atmosphere. Newer cellular towers direct most of the signal down at an angle to minimize the amount of wasted bandwidth. Depending on the altitude, it would be possible to make phone calls from an early 2000s era cell phone.

No, it would not. Not at the speeds or altitudes the planes were traveling
Stat Monitor Repairman
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It's 2022 and we still arguing over whether air to ground cell phone calls were made by 9-11 passengers.

Theres call logs on both ends of the calls. this should be an undisputed fact, either way.

But we still arguing about it 21 years later.
The Kraken
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Yet they did. Certainly not possible at all times or for very long, but they occurred. Why would they lie about that? What purpose would it serve? If it wasn't possible, why state they did?
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

I tried to skim this thread and catch up. I didn't see anyone talking about the plane in Pennsylvania.

Where do I land on the spectrum of conspiracy theory kookery if I think the towers and pentagon were legit but United 93 was shot down?
TBH, that would seem at least passably reasonable if you could show how what was presented was set up.

The govt would have overwhelming and even sympathetic understandable motive to put a different face on a straight shoot down for security. A shoot down which would be entirely justified. And probably the kind of thing the British Empire would both do, and then construct an alternative story for.

But there seems nothing especially implausible about what happened, and the fact that our fighter deployments were too lax over the homeland area in peactimes is too believable. Remember, a plane even penetrated Moscow air space and landed there in Cold War era Soviet Union. If they can be caught napping on home turf in the Cold War, we definitely could be and were in the stone dry near full peace of the end of the 20th C.
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Radio travels at 186,000 miles per second. A plane would have direct line of sight to multiple towers.
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New World Ag said:

Yet they did. Certainly not possible at all times or for very long, but they occurred. Why would they lie about that? What purpose would it serve? If it wasn't possible, why state they did?

1 hr 38 mins in

In 2003 there was an attempt to replicate the calls in flight. They would not work at 8000 feet and above, well below cruising altitude. Furthermore, the speed of the aircraft would cause the calls to constantly drop even if they were able to maintain the original signal at cruising altitudes.
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AggiEE said:

New World Ag said:

Yet they did. Certainly not possible at all times or for very long, but they occurred. Why would they lie about that? What purpose would it serve? If it wasn't possible, why state they did?

1 hr 38 mins in

In 2003 there was an attempt to replicate the calls in flight. They would not work at 8000 feet and above, well below cruising altitude. Furthermore, the speed of the aircraft would cause the calls to constantly drop even if they were able to maintain the original signal at cruising altitudes.

So the old in-plane phones are not a reasonable explanation for how the calls were made?
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Duckhook said:

AggiEE said:

New World Ag said:

Yet they did. Certainly not possible at all times or for very long, but they occurred. Why would they lie about that? What purpose would it serve? If it wasn't possible, why state they did?

1 hr 38 mins in

In 2003 there was an attempt to replicate the calls in flight. They would not work at 8000 feet and above, well below cruising altitude. Furthermore, the speed of the aircraft would cause the calls to constantly drop even if they were able to maintain the original signal at cruising altitudes.

So the old in-plane phones are not a reasonable explanation for how the calls were made?

Not when we have caller ID from the receivers of the calls from family members on the ground that confirmed it was made by their number, and the timestamps align with the alleged altitude being 30,000 feet. The video goes into detail about this.
The Kraken
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One experiment in Canada? Okay.

UA93 was below 10000 feet for approximately the last 10 minutes of the flight.

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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AggiEE said:

Duckhook said:

AggiEE said:

New World Ag said:

Yet they did. Certainly not possible at all times or for very long, but they occurred. Why would they lie about that? What purpose would it serve? If it wasn't possible, why state they did?

1 hr 38 mins in

In 2003 there was an attempt to replicate the calls in flight. They would not work at 8000 feet and above, well below cruising altitude. Furthermore, the speed of the aircraft would cause the calls to constantly drop even if they were able to maintain the original signal at cruising altitudes.

So the old in-plane phones are not a reasonable explanation for how the calls were made?

Not when we have caller ID from the receivers of the calls from family members on the ground that confirmed it was made by their number, and the timestamps align with the alleged altitude being 30,000 feet. The video goes into detail about this.

So you think all of those calls from the various flights were faked?
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New World Ag said:

One experiment in Canada? Okay.

UA93 was below 10000 feet for approximately the last 10 minutes of the flight.

The last 10 minutes of flight being a pretty big caveat since we have the alleged altitude, timestamps from the calls at altitudes well over 10,000 feet, well before the last 10 minutes of flight.

Watch the video.
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