Demolition charges bringing the buildings down doesn't explain it either.snowdog90 said:
Nobody can explain the toasted cars. Some of them ended up on top of another car. How did that happen? Again, it doesn't make sense. Much like so many other things on 9/11.
As for the dust, there's tons of people who were caught in the dust. I don't remember any of those people suffering from burns. That would suggest the dust was not hot.
I make no claim as to what any of that means, I just find it fascinating, a mystery.
They had gas in them. Damaged from falling plane debris, falling building debris smash them and fuel leaks out. Embers from the fires catch and whoosh, up they go. It's not hard to explain how they might have caught on fire if hit by pieces of building.
Besides, what part of the conspiracy requires that these specific vehicles caught fire? I mean, if it was a grand conspiracy WHY would those vehicles need to catch on fire? If it wasn't the falling building (demo or planes/fires) HOW and WHY did the burn? Magic again?